Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video


As you know, autumn is the time to collect a harvest, and if there is a child in the family, this crop can turn into beautiful appliques from vegetables! Every year in any kindergarten is probably a competition for the best deal from vegetables and fruits, where children and their parents show fantasy.

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

In order for the exercise, it turned out in fact the original and interesting, first of all you need to choose materials. It can be completely different vegetables: from carrots to a huge pumpkin. Collecting the harvest on the garden, take a closer look closely or attract the child to this case: suddenly the carrot has a bizarre form and resembles some animal, and the turnip is a human face. Ideas for appliqués in the middle group on the topic of vegetables for guys in the preparatory group and in the senior group a great set!

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

In addition, the joint creativity for the manufacture of appliques from vegetables, along with the child, will have a great influence on the development of his personality and improve your relationship with him. In our master class, we offer you not only make crafts from vegetables, but also to portray vegetables with paper. Babies will be delighted! First, let's talk about crafts from vegetables and fruits.

To work, we need a sharp knife (be careful, especially if the child will work with it!), Plasticine, toothpicks for connecting parts and, actually, the vegetables and fruits themselves, which you are stuck during harvest.

Giraffe from carrots

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

This sweet and simple giraffic will not leave anyone indifferent. Instead of carrots, you can take potatoes.

For the crafts we need two large unequal carrots, toothpicks and three matches.

  1. From the part of the larger carrot, we make a torso, cut the legs from the remaining carrots, from a smaller - head, neck;
  2. To the body of the giraffe with ordinary toothpicks we attach the neck, legs. The tail is brapping from behind, for this we use one of the harvested matches. It is necessary to do this so that only the head remains in sight and quite a bit straw;
  3. I cut your head out of the remaining portion of the carrot, we attach her toothpick to the neck. Horns also make from matches. Giraffe's ears can also be cut out of carrots, and you can do only with horns;
  4. Eye easily make from cereals (for example, buckwheat) or press ordinary black beads. Giraffe spots are easy to make paper or plasticine.

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Our sympathetic-giraffe is ready!

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Potato pig

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

This is perhaps one of the easiest crafts that can be made of vegetables.

To do this, we need one large potatoes for mother-pig and several small for piglets. Their number remains at your discretion. Also need plasticine of pink and black colors.

  1. Uncleaned potatoes need to be thoroughly rinsed in the water, remove all the dirt from them. Thoroughly dry;
  2. Creating pigs start with a tail. To do this, you roll a pink sausage from plasticine, tighten it at one end and attach to potatoes;
  3. For the heel, we make a pink pellet of medium thickness;
  4. Next, we make triangular ears again from pink plasticine;
  5. Piazza-beads Mastery of black plasticine;
  6. The resulting plasticine parts in turn are glued to potatoes;
  7. We do it with every pig.

So, with a minimum of financial and temporary costs, we get a whole family of pigs!

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Edible basket

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

For the manufacture of a basket with vegetables, we need a large pumpkin for the basket itself, as well as various vegetables and fruits for its filling.

Why is the pumpkin suitable for the basket? Because it has a durable peel, and the basket thanks to this will keep the right form and long will not deteriorate. In addition, pumpkin is a very fatty material with which the child will easily cope.

So, let's start working:

  • First you need to carefully inspect the pumpkin for damage;
  • Pumpkin is thoroughly rinsed and wipe the towel dryly;
  • Next, you need to attach the harpped template of the handle of the future basket to know how to cut correctly. The handle should not be done too thin. If you already have experience with pumpkins, you can choose the handle design of more interesting, for example, openwork handles. If you set up a pumpkin for the first time, it is better to choose a simpler template;

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Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

  • Now cut the handle on the template;
  • The next step is gently and carefully reach the flesh and seeds with a spoon. It is necessary to do this so that in no case damage the basis, otherwise this pumpkin will become unsuitable for crafts. Next, you need to dry the pumpkin from the inside - lay out inside the newspaper or any paper so that they absorb all moisture. The paper is best to change it all several times before the pumpkin becomes absolutely dry;
  • In essence, our basket is ready, it remains only to fill it with fruits and vegetables. But if you want to give her features, you can additionally decorate her thread on thick peel or paint painting with paints and sparkles, decoration by beads or beads and so on.

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

"Utya" on a plate

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

This handicraft involves the manufacture of paper or plasticine vegetables. The child can easily cope with the task!

Take multicolored paper and paper plate. Plate can be replaced by a conventional white circle of paper. From the colored paper cut out the harvesting of vegetables: cucumber, tomato, pepper, carrots, and so on. Vegetables can be any. When the necessary paper vegetables are ready, they must be glued to the plate with ordinary glue.

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

For the manufacture of appliqué "Vegetables on a plate" from plasticine, you will also need a paper plate and plasticine of different colors.

First, the plate must be carefully deceived by plasticine. The background can be any color, but it is worth remembering that vegetables should not merge with it.

Now proceed to the manufacture of plasticine vegetables. For carrots, it is necessary to take orange plasticine and make it an oblong cake from it with a pointed tip, the greens make a rolled sausage. Beets are a round pellet with an elongated tilt-root. The leaves can be made of green plasticine, having spent a stack on them. Cucumber - Oval Green Pellet. For clarity, you can use real vegetables in a bank or drawn in the book or on a computer.

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Application of vegetables in the preparatory group: templates with photos and video

Video on the topic

To inspire on the appliqués from vegetables, we offer to view a video selection on this topic.

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