What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?


The ancient Chinese practice Feng Shui helps to attract good luck and wealth through the right choice and placement of items. An important role in financial well-being plays and choosing the color of the interior of the rooms in which we live. Money loves certain colors, so the right choice is able to increase material well-being, activating the space energy to attract and hold wealth.

Color palette to attract wealth

Since ancient times golden, yellow, brown and white is considered to be the color of money. To diversify the interior, make contrast elements, add shades of orange, beige or silver colors. It is easy to see that all the listed colors in one degree or another show the shades of coins from different metals. Color range of color range is varied: furniture, wallpapers, curtains, carpets and flooring, paintings and more.

What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

Choosing a color gamut for a bedroom or living room, guided by the desire to attract wealth, one should consider their own preferences. If there is a rejection of color, a uncomfortable feeling or color produces an oppressive impression, then it is necessary to refuse another, more suitable.

Practice Feng Shui allows us to use individual items, zoning, accent on certain parts of the rooms.

What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

Important: Each room in an apartment or house affects the attraction of wealth in different ways.


The bright and large entrance hall opens the way to the house of large and strong energy. To visually expand the modest premises, bright colors should be selected, for example, beige, light brown. If the hallway is large, the color is chosen in the tone of the front door, for example, brown or burgundy. At the same time, much attention is paid to accessories that should be in the "cash" tones.

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What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

Kitchen and dining room

The premises where they are preparing food are going to family for a common dinner, they themselves symbolize wealth, abundance. These rooms must be slightly enhanced by the correct color range so that they serve as a constant attraction and retention of wealth. The correct promise of the universe will help create a choice of interior color. It is believed that the bright red is not suitable, as it provokes the spending accumulated, encourages rapid waste. Therefore, the choice should be stopped on beige, brown, neuropoma orange, cream, blue.

What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

The kitchen, located in the northern part of the house, will strengthen the effect of attracting wealth with blue shades and silver. To attract good luck in rooms overlooking windows to the West, we should consider using in the interior of a gray or metal shade, such as household appliances, curtains. Sunrise is combined with natural wood colors, gentle greenery. For a kitchen, located on the south side, it is worth choosing soft orange shades, raspberry, pink or gentle burgundy.

What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

Important: The color palette in the kitchen to attract wealth will not be used, if you do not get rid of the bat, dishes, old and kitchen towels and tapes.


The zone for sleep and recreation, love and continuation of the genus is drawn up in the tones of the Earth. Appropriate shades of brown, beige colors. A warm yellow is chosen as a light source. Gentle pink emphasizes romanticism and affects fertility, which is associated with the prosperity and wealth of the family.

What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

Living room

The choice of the interior in the tones of the water element will affect the career and the success of all family members. Shades of blue, blue, silver affect the disclosure of the potential and contribute to strengthening faith in their own strength, help to be more persistent in achieving the goals.

What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

Curtains, tulle, wallpaper, upholstered furniture, carpet, picture with the image of the sea - together, or separately, affect the consciousness of family members and form a desire to achieve financial success.


The promise of the Red in the working area amazingly affects performance and strengthens in the desire to achieve material well-being. In combination with gold serves as a promise to attract money and career growth. Green accessories will add good luck, and purple and black will interfere.

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What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

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  • What shades should there be rooms for attracting a rich on Feng Shui?

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