Premises of the sauna: choose the material


If you decide to build such a convenient and useful thing as a steam room, then you will definitely encounter a question - what a sauna finish should be. This issue is very important because heat transfer, and comfort, and the style of the room and many more different parameters are depends on it, which should be considered. Therefore, in this article we will tell what it is worth to separate, how and for what. All in order and start with the choice of materials.

What to make finishing

The sauna finish can be performed using a wide variety of materials. But most of all the tree is suitable for such work. It can gently transmit heat, withstand large temperature differences, not quickly cooled and can create a delightful aroma. It is the fragrance that is able to attract the most demanding guests to the bath or sauna.

Premises of the sauna: choose the material

Consider what kind of types of wood can be performed internal finishing of the sauna:

  1. Aspen. The big plus of such a material is cheaper at sufficiently small disadvantages. The main of which is the tendency of the tree to the mercy and the loss of their initial visual qualities. Osinsky lining can catch unwanted wood diseases. Of course, there are means to help protect the aspen finish from darkening and disease, but it is worth thinking about it in advance. Large advantages has a sauna of aspen. This finish is very soft, it is very easy to clean and wash. There is practically no resin in the wood, so you can not be afraid of sudden seeping of fluid from the planks. If the sauna owner decides on the choice of inexpensive wall processing - then the Osin sauna finish will be the most correct solution.

    Premises of the sauna: choose the material

  2. Cedar. If you are interested in finishing the sauna with your own hands using a cedar - then it is definitely a good choice. Very aesthetic and beautiful, such a finish will fit into the interior. The texture of the selected tree will create the effect of naturalness and sophistication. A very large plus has a cedar sauna - a rest in such a room will be very pleasant to smell. The smell of cedar spreads throughout the room. It is worth choosing a Canadian grade for finishing, because it contains a minimal number of resins that can be distinguished and spoiled rest. When buying, pay attention to this and consult with a specialist - the European type of wood will have bad qualities for finishing the sauna.
  3. Linden. Unlike cedar, such a finish will be a little cheaper. The inner view of the sauna will look good because of the light shade of the tree. This is a gentle type of wood and the linden room will be good to give warm. This is despite the fact that such a material has no high thermal conductivity. He is unrealized to burn on the linden lining, even if the sauna was hot to very high temperatures.

    Premises of the sauna: choose the material

  4. Palm tree. Internal finish of the sauna with such material will look no standard. Very few owners stop at this form. This happens because of the rarity palm and its cost. Fully smooth surface, without bitch and sowing, perfectly polished and looks like a varnish. Such a sauna will quickly heat up because the wood is very porous. But with any touch to it, the material will immediately take the body temperature of the rest. Such a room will fully comply with the requirements of both technical and visual.
  5. Alder. The tree has a rare color shade - easily orange wood tone can be complemented by other colorful elements. And then the sauna can turn into a real work of human hands. The positive qualities of this soft tree is a predisposition to cleaning and any processing, no predisposition to rot, diseases, fungi. A special feature of such a tree is that during the drying process it does not lose its form and the appearance is preserved as the same. The internal finish of the sauna will not be expensive, since this is a European type of wood that does not require delivery from abroad.
  6. Spruce and pine. Immediately note that pine is not a favorable material for finishing. Although rest will be accompanied by a fir smell, but it will be very difficult to protect the resin. It is not recommended to use no pines. But about the firings do not tell this. In order for the inner view to be spectacular and gave the pine smell - you can buy Finnish fir. This type of lining is often used in the baths. Here it is important to pay attention to the presence of sunglasses - they are better not to use, to once again not provoke the separation of the resin. A sauna finish such materials requires dense and thorough treatment with means that protect against moisture. Finnish spruce is able to collapse under the influence of water and steam. Therefore, specialized funds will have to be used periodically.

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Heat insulation

The sauna finish is still important and because it is necessary to comply with the parameters of thermal insulation. It must be withstanding all over the perimeter - both on the floor, and the ceiling, and one hundred percent on the walls.

Premises of the sauna: choose the material

Before mounting and installing the upholstery, it is necessary to think about isolation. The most recommended method of isolation among masters and steam business experts is a reflective film with a foil coating. It not only keeps heat inside the room, but also reflects it inside the sauna. It is very important because the thermal loss of the bath will be minimized with this process.

Premises of the sauna: choose the material

Film with heat reflector can be both thin and thicker. More often such base - from foamed polyurethane or other chemical materials. They provide good insulation. The diameter of the foil layer is also fundamentally important. What it will be denser - the better for thermal insulation qualities. This film is widely used in ordinary houses and apartments behind the batteries. Very economical families are often glued together for heaters so that all heat is not sent to the street or balcony, but in the residential premises.

Finishing process

So that the finish was made qualitatively and good - the first thing you need to prepare the walls. They should be dry, clean. There should be no molds or old items. It is desirable to handle the wall with anti-microbial drugs. The second step after cleaning and preparing the walls is the creation of a frame. Please note that it should be perfectly smooth. Using a level when building a frame is simply necessary. The frame must be built in order: bottom, top, sides. Its stands to fix with self-drawers or dowels straight to the wall. When a metal or wooden frame is ready - it remains for small.

Premises of the sauna: choose the material

I would like to pay attention to that often the masters are advised to insulate the wall with the film, and then make a frame. But in the event that the insulation is thick - it can be laid right in the frame, which is already built. The outer trim is the main and almost final stage. Details of the lining attached to the cooked frame. It is better to mount them on a wooden frame, but this is an amateur thing. Depending on the selected design of the sauna, the pieces of the lining will be attached. But attention should be transferred to its quality - it is better to remove uneven pieces of wood, parts with chips, details with bitch and scuffs.

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Design Wall

The wall design will create the type of wood that will be chosen by the owner of the sauna. Each tree has its own structure, its own softness and type of fibers. Therefore, all these parameters will create a single appearance.

It is also worth thinking how many levels of the steps will be in the sauna. This is fundamentally important if there will be different types of guests in the room - small or large, adults or elderly. At each level, as is known, its temperature. The lower the person will be - it will be easier for it to withstand the heat. And if you plan to attract children - then you need to at least three steps.

Premises of the sauna: choose the material

The sauna finish can be both vertical and horizontal. But more often these species are connected together and create a unique interior. Think, how would you like to place the lining so that the design of the room was unobtrusive, stylish and liked to all guests.

The walls according to the standard can be performed by vertical straps, but horizontal elements of the lining can be trigged on top of them for decor. It all depends on the volume of fantasy masters and from the wishes of the owners. Summing up the foregoing, you will write that the sauna is a source of health of every person. And for its proper construction, you need to use the most natural materials. Only in this case the premises brings high-quality rest. We wish you success in such a difficult work and individuality in design design.

Video "Sailing sauna clap"

The record shows how to see the sauna with clapboard.

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