Storage of clothes and shoes on the balcony


Frequent question of residents of apartments of high-rise buildings: Is it possible to store shoes on the balcony. In the house of each modern person she is given a lot of space. It happens, because almost for any occasion of life we ​​have our own type of shoes.

For morning runs - sneakers, for work - shoes, for everyday socks - another pair and the other. In addition, several sets of winter and demi-season. And all this is just one member of the family, and if four people live or even more, where all this is accomplished?

Basic requirements for storing shoes

Storage of clothes and shoes on the balcony

There are a number of conditions applied to the question of the proper storage of shoes. Failure to comply with even one of them can lead to the fact that when the time to remove the seasonal pair from the reserves, it will not meet the requirements, because they will have to buy a new one.

At best, the appearance will simply break. In order to prevent this, you need to consider the following:

  1. Before cleaning for long-term storage, thoroughly wash and dry. Fresh dirt spots are much easier to remove than those who have already been "entered" into the material. Inspeat shoes, cleaned in a closet, can moldy in just a few days.

    Storage of clothes and shoes on the balcony

  2. Boots or sports shoes to save the correct shape must be cut off with paper. This will avoid the formation of bends and fractures.
  3. Leather is treated with cream. The use of chemical or wax compounds will prevent the formation of cracks and will not allow the start of the drying process.
  4. Place a box. Camelated in a bunching guarantee is guaranteed to scratch or get other surface damage.
  5. Remove in a dark place (wardrobe). The ingress of sunlight into separate areas of the skin can entail a gradual burnout of the area under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

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Storage of clothes and shoes on the balcony

Next, you should say a few words about this "Dark Place":

  • The recommended level of its humidity must be about 50 - 55%;
  • Permanent maintenance of the average ambient temperature in the range from +15 to +25 degrees Celsius;
  • The place must have a minimum amount of dust.

Just comparing all these nuances, you should decide: is it possible to store shoes on the balcony in the winter in the frost or during the summer heat.

Compliance with balcony

Storage of clothes and shoes on the balcony

Only a warmed balcony can be a shoe storage location.

If you analyze the previously mentioned requirements, as well as compare with balcony storage conditions, we can safely say that only with full, high-quality glazing and installation of heating, the storage of shoes on the loggia is allowed. In all other cases - no!

But if you consider in detail this question you can come to a completely different conclusion.

  1. First, if the room is on the south side, where the sun is constantly shining. Air temperature over a whole day heats up to 40 - 50 degrees Celsius, which negatively affects the material and adhesive compositions. The result will be drying and sprinkling the sole.
  2. Secondly, when the loggia is located on the shadow side, the opposite situation. The relative twilight originally has to storage, but behind it lies a much greater evil. Here will always be a light coolness, which is inherent in a small humidity. Over time, it accumulates, and by the end of the season, shoes will take a decent amount of moisture. Such characteristics of the room are also not so optimal in order to store your winter stock of shoes.

On this example, the storage of winter shoes is considered only heated loggia, which serves as an extension of the apartment.

Possible options

Storage of clothes and shoes on the balcony

Summer shoes and slippers store much easier

Despite all contraindications, keep the winter and demi-season shoes on the balcony possible. But for this you need constant control. With an interval, one and a half - two weeks will have to remove it and ventilate. But this is only if the air on the loggia is not split to high temperatures.

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If serious problems arise with the storage of winter shoes, then with summer copies, everything is much easier. The fact is that with the onset of cold weather, the loggia begins to hear, respectively, the microclumatic conditions of the room become relatively stable. Therefore, storage of shale, slippers, sneakers and shoes can be without fears for their condition. Winter shoe storage tips See in this video:

This information confirms that you can store shoes on the balcony only when it is heated well. But in this case, it should be periodically ventilated, and in some cases dry. Other options are extremely not allowed, otherwise with the beginning of the next season you will have to buy a new pair, and maybe not one.

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