Geranium from beads with their own hands


Geranium from beads with their own hands

Geranium is a very flat flower and a pretty, if the bush is large enough. In this master class, we recreate all the charm of Gerani's flower from beads.


  • Beads of several shades of red and green colors;
  • beads of dark purple color;
  • black beads;
  • Wire 0.2 mm and 0.5 mm;
  • Aluminum wire;
  • nippers;
  • acrylic paints of white, yellow, brown and green colors;
  • a pen;
  • brush;
  • paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • can;
  • newspaper;
  • stationery gum;
  • paper.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Step 1. Geranium flower weaving

For weaving one flower, it will take a wire with a length of 30 cm. The flower stands out of five small petals. To form one wire petal, you need to rive red shades beads in the following sequence: 2 transparent purple beads, 1 matte red, 2 red transparent, 1 matte red and 2 more transparent purple beads. The end of the wire is thread through the first bead of the row, tighten the wire in the loop. Similarly, gossip four more petals.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Wire ends Display the flower inside, take two yellow beads on them and grind wire ends back. So, you will get the stamens of your flower.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

The ends of the wire twice twisted, and output the flower on different sides. At the end of the wire, ride three green beads, tighten the loop. At each one of the wires, make two such loops. Ends are twisted, and paint their paint green.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

In total, there will be 150 - 170 pieces of such billets.

Step 2. Weaving Geranian Buds

Buds will be needed by several types. For the first option on a piece of wire 15 cm long. Live beads in such a sequence: 2 light green beads, 1 green, 2 red, 1 green and 2 beads of light green. Tighten them into a loop.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

The second bud will consist of green shades beads. Wire will need the same length, and beads to bore it in the following sequence: 2 light green, 2 green and 2 more light green beads.

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Geranium from beads with their own hands

The third type of buds is the biggest buds. For their manufacture, take a wire with a length of 20 cm. From the beads of light green, you will need to make 5 petals with splasions of 1 green bead in each, and one petal make out of 6 red beads. Part of the buds do such as, and in the part number of green and light green beads change to the opposite.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Total buds of each type will be needed 15 pieces.

Step 3. Weaving geranium leaves

The weaves of the leaves are the most difficult part of the work. As a basis for a sketch, take the contour of the present leaf of geranium. Work Start with the formation of a stalk. For him, it will take the thinnest wire with a length of 15 cm.

Type six beads of light green color on the wire and, bending them in half, tighten the ends of the wire. While do not touch them, they will be needed later.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

In each bead, a thread on a thin wire is a streak. Stay on them 3 light green beads, and at the ends of the hinges.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Take a long wire and secure it with one end at the bottom of the residences. Start 25 - 30 light green beads on the wire, this row of beads sweep the sheet in a circle.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Further leaflet in the same technique, strip the beads of different shades of green and purple. In each row, increase them in each row, and by the end of the wire bend so that it repeats the form of the present sheet.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Similarly, glossy leaf leaves. Color gamut beads for them take less diverse. It will be enough for several shades of green.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Large leaves will need 20 pieces, small - 10 pieces.

Step 4. Collection of flower

Flowers and buds assemble in inflorescences. For the base of the stem, take a thick aluminum wire. On it fasten the inflorescences and leaves.

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Geranium from beads with their own hands

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Stalky strengthen the papier-mache technique. After drying the mass, they turn them into the whole white paint, and then paint green.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Step 5. Production Pot

Take the Iron Bank, put on it several stationery rubber bands. In this area, give the bank the shape of the barrel, again using the papier-mache technique. After everything dries, take the bank with newspaper tubes and paint their paint yellow, and then brown.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Step 6. Final Assembly

Pots fill in plasticine. Insert Geranian flowers into it, and suck all the black-colored beads, imitating the earth.

Geranium from beads with their own hands

Your geran is ready!

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