How to make a draft ceiling in the house


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  • Bar ceiling in apartments with concrete overlap
  • Black ceiling in houses with wooden overlapping
  • Economical way of insulation of rough ceiling
  • Warming of rough ceiling with thermal insulators
  • Double ceiling with drywall

Buildings of any type after the implementation of the main construction works have a rude appearance and draft ceiling overlap (concrete slabs, wooden beams).

How to make a draft ceiling in the house

Wooden ceiling device diagram.

It should be immediately agreed that in different types of buildings, it is possible to make a rough ceiling in different ways.

Each situation is individual and requires, without doubt, recommendations of specialists, but we will try to reveal the basic principles for the construction of a rough ceiling. Consider several variants of draft finishing works.

Bar ceiling in apartments with concrete overlap

To carry out global reanimation of the ceilings of secondary housing or works in new buildings, for a start, clean the surface to concrete slabs, remove all irregularity with a spatula and cleaned. In the old houses, the ceilings hastily did the Soviet builder from materials, which no longer correspond to the time and very destroyed. Old ceilings are previously blurred from whitewashing or remove all the paint.

In some cases, additional work is done - the cleaning of the incurred rapid plaster is completely. At the exit, the smooth surface should be obtained with which it is necessary to work. At the next stage, all the joints between the stoves are closed. This is necessary for good moisture and sound insulation.

How to make a draft ceiling in the house

Options for damage to boards.

The ceiling must then be treated with primer and align the surface to the starting putty to remove all surface flaws. At the very end, you should walk the finish putty and clean the abrasive skurt to eliminate the slightest irregularities. Before finishing the ceiling, you should go to the primer again.

One of the variants of the draft ceiling is drywall, it hides absolutely all irregularities, as well as with it, you can create a pattern or, setting geometrically, create several levels. Such a location will allow you to place point lights around the perimeter or in the center.

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Black ceiling in houses with wooden overlapping

Independently make a rough ceiling in wooden houses is easy . As a rule, work starts with fastening of moisture insulation to beams below. Then the unedged board is stuffed to insulated and lay heat insulation. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if you plan to install spotlights, the insulation will prevent the lamp heat exchange. The region between the lamp and the insulation is not ventilated, which subsequently leads to frequent breakdowns of the lighting devices. It is possible to prevent it using a small hole between a heat or a lamp. The work done will allow normal instruments to function normally and create optimal ventilation.

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Economical way of insulation of rough ceiling

How to make a draft ceiling in the house

Wooden ceiling insulation scheme.

As a heater, a solution of cement and wood sawdust or parchment is used. The process is as follows. First you need to treat wooden beams with antifungal septic, then put the reservoir of the waterproofing material over the entire surface of the floor overlap of the wooden house. Wood structures are treated with antifungal drugs.

The next stage is the laying of sheet waterproofing throughout the overlap area. Then you need to mix cement and sawdust. The warm ceiling in the house should be no less than 20 cm. We divide the area for five and get the space that you need to pour. The required number of cement is simply determined, it is enough to dissolve it in a ratio of 10/1, that is, the water is needed 1.5 buckets per 10 buckets of sawdust.

Thus, it will be a rapidly frozen mixture, which it is necessary to fill out all the emptiness between the ceiling overlap and tamper. You can apply this method only where there is free access to the space from the inside, it is not available in cases of work below.

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Warming of rough ceiling with thermal insulators

Doing the insulation of a wooden ceiling, first of all you need to worry about protecting your eyes and skin, because the glass gamble causes the strongest irritation. To do this, we need to be in advance with a respirator, protective glasses and tight clothing. Heaters include glass gambler, mineral wool, polyurethane foam and many others.

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How to make a draft ceiling in the house

Plastering scheme with a crumbbee.

The process of insulation is as follows: Nails are riveted on the draft ceiling by approximately half, then durable threads are stretched between nails with broken lines, the heat insulator is stacked between them. Having done these procedures, it is necessary to score nails deeper by pressing glass gamble.

Then the film preventing the formation of condensate is mandatory to the draft ceiling. Finally, attracts plasterboard, which will hide the flaw and allow the ceiling to look smoothly. In other cases, rolled or leaf insulation, mineral wool, and plywood, tightly laid between the beams of the bar, and feed plywood sheets to beams and cranial bars.

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Double ceiling with drywall

Recently, plasterboard has been widely used when conducting construction work. This is due to the fact that it is perfectly smooth materials and environmentally friendly. With it, there are slopes, ceilings, the simpleness is erected and any surface curves are aligned. The structure of this material is simple, and the cost is inexpensive. Since the plaster plate is lined with cardboard, its use is unacceptable in rooms with elevated moisture, because the material can "swim".

In well-ventilated rooms, such as bathrooms with excellent exhaust, you can use moisture-resistant plasterboard with additional protection. From this material it is very convenient to create the designs of any complexity, including a double ceiling of any designs and figures.

Installation of the ceiling is first made from the definition of horizontal and measuring the height of the room in all angles, then the lowest angle is selected. We retreat 4-5 cm down towards the floor and with the help of a water level we carry out a horizontal. Then, beat the line at a certain level in advance using a painting cord around the perimeter of the room under the ceiling. Drills holes for dowels and attaching UD profile.

The next step is to carry out parallel lines at a distance of approximately 60 cm. Rock off the suspension right under them. At this stage, you will need an ordinary fishing line, with which it will be possible to accurately attach a profile in the horizontal plane. We stretch the fishing line and fasten the SD profile to the suspension of self-drawing clouds and clamp the suspensions so that they do not interfere. In the locations of the shelves of plasterboard sheets, transverse ceiling profiles are fixed. It is important to calculate everything so that the edges of the mounted sheets converged on one profile.

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After that, we mount the plasterboard. Approximately the first level of the double ceiling looks like this. Self-tapping screws should be located at a distance of no more than 25 cm from each other. The place where the installation of the second level will occur, of course, it is not necessary to wash. Next, right on the drywall, we note the features of the second level ceiling and attach to the frame through the sheets profile. Then the second-tier frame is assembled and the SD profiles are assembled. It should be paid to the fact that if the ceiling will have curly bends, then the profile must be cut with a slight gap.

Installation of the second ceiling level begins with a frame of a frame of plasterboard. On the edge of the sheet, located below, fasten the profile that will repeat the top line. Then all vertical surfaces of the figure dual ceiling are sewn. Between the first and second level of the ceiling, the wires are paved under point lights. In the right places in the drywall, holes under the luminaires themselves are cut. Then all the docking seams are embarrassed by plaster.

Double ceilings can be combined, for example, the first level is the usual whirlpool or tensioning film, and the second is plasterboard. Also, the draft ceiling can be decorated in the form of suspensions, rails and staircases. A huge number of ceiling variations in combination with a variety of finishing materials, makes it possible to implement any designer idea and bring exquisite comfort to the room.

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