Decoupage of the children's table do it yourself: preparation, decoration


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  • Preparation for work
  • Decoration of a children's table

Decoupage is one of the popular techniques for decorating all sorts of objects.

Decoupage of the children's table do it yourself: preparation, decoration

For work, acrylic paints, glue, brush and translational decoupage pictures are required.

Pretty simple performance and amazing end result made decoupage fans a lot of people.

Indeed, with the help of ordinary pictures, you can create any drawing on the surface by changing unrecognizable or giving the second life things. This technique is perfect for decorating the children's table with fun and colorful pictures.

Preparation for work

First of all, you need to decide on the drawing that will be decorated with children's furniture. It is best to use special decoupage cards or three-layer napkins . But if the suitable picture failed to find, you can even take clippings from magazines, thinning their edges with sandpaper. In addition to pictures for decoupage, will be necessary:
  • scissors;
  • small sandpaper;
  • glue;
  • primer;
  • acrylic paint;
  • varnish;
  • Several brushes.

For the stroke of small parts of the drawings, it is better to use a narrow hard brush.

A table can be used by any: new, bought in the store, or old. The previously used wooden table must be seized by sandpaper, aligning all scratches and irregularities. If the surface of the table is smooth (laminated), it is impossible to process it emery paper. In this case, it will be enough to wash it well using a dishwashing agent that will help to degrease the surface and ensure good application of acrylic paint. After the surface of the table becomes completely dry, it is covered from all sides by primer and leave until complete drying. Additionally, you can walk once again sandpaper to smooth all flaws and roughness. On this preparation for decoupage will be completed, you can go directly to decorating.

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Decoration of a children's table

Decorating the table with their own hands is performed in such a sequence:

  1. The prepared surface is covered with acrylic paint. Children's furniture should be bright and cheerful. Therefore, paint need to choose a saturated color suitable for the overall style of the room. You can use several colors, combining bright and neutral, or paints of one color, but different tones. Painting the surface follows several times, giving each layer to dry.
  2. Decorative motifs from decoupage cards or napkins are cut out, lay them on the worktop to choose the best location option.
  3. If the pictures are cut from the napkins, you must carefully separate the top layer that will be glued to the surface of the table. An image carved from a decoupage card is required for a couple of seconds in water.
  4. Billets are glued to the worktop. If there is no great experience in this business, you can use a little cunning. To the usual file pour a little water and put a picture on it (face down). When it is impregnated with water, excess fluid need to merge and lightly flush the picture with a rag. Then everything is simple: turn over the file, put on the place selected for the picture (pre-missing it with glue) and smooth the file with a rag. Then you need to carefully raise the file, and the picture will remain on the tabletop. Using this method, you can not be afraid of damaging the image. After all the pictures are in their places, they are additionally skiding them from above, leading a brush from the center to the edge. The countertop prepared in this way is left for some time until complete drying.
  5. The final stage of the decoupage is the coating of the table with varnish. When the first layer is applied, it is allowed to dry and in the case of roughness remove them with sandpaper. After that, two more layers of varnish are applied.

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In order for the child's room to look elegant and festive, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive furniture. A little bit of patience and time spent miraculously turn the ordinary children's table into a favorite thing with decoupage.

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