Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)


Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

The truth is said to watch the water and fire forever. So why not arrange your personal home the hearth in the apartment? The fireplace is not only visually beautiful, but also quite practical in the house. Instead of batteries and heaters, it is possible to enjoy excellent painting of fire. Take it on this and talk further. We read about the fireplace in the interior of the living room in this article, and we will talk about one subspecies - electric fireplaces.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Types of electrocamines

Depending on the purpose, there are fireplaces of different types. Before the start of choice it is worth deciding, you buy a fireplace for a general design and coziness of the room, or still there must be a function of the heating of the room. Therefore, they are conditionally divided into two types: closed and open.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Closed type of fireplaces

It is intended for the heating of the room at home. The main advantages will be:

  • First of all it is safety. The process of firebox itself will occur in a closed chamber, and there is no concern that some spark will fall on the floor or neighbor items.
  • This kind of fireplaces will be more effective in the process of heating the premises, because much more heat is isolated than the rest. This factor will be especially important for those houses, with the construction of which insulating materials did not use.
  • Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

  • Efficiency in the layer plan, because in the fireplaces of a closed type, air flow can be performed manually.
  • Functionality. In addition to controlling air supply, mainly in all variants of fireplaces there is a built-in transparent door (like in the oven), through which you can observe the fire.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Disadvantages, or even more nuances will be:

  • Permanent cleaning of the door, because almost after every heating it will be contaminated.
  • The room will be sufficiently dry air.
  • Compared to open types of fireplaces, it is impossible to fully enjoy the process of contemplation of fire.

Open type

On the one hand, in terms of visual observation of the fire, the discoveries of the fireplace, of course, will be much more interesting than the previous one. What you can not say in the issue of fire safety.

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Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Less economical in terms of wood consumption for firebox, because there will be no possibility of controlling air supply.

Electric fireplaces

Today it is a top sales in this category. An excellent solution for apartment buildings, where the installation of this fireplace is rather difficult or not possible.

This category of fireplaces includes a gold middle in comparison with previous options. You can install it in any apartment, despite its size and smoking connection. In addition, modern technologies and design are perfectly suitable for any idea and interior design in the house. An additional bonus will be a fantastic visualization of burning of fire, and in different embodiments.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

And that is not all! There is no fear in terms of open fire and torn property. Electric fireplaces are not fire hazardous, and also do not require additional permits to install. In addition, they are used not only as a designer component in the interior, as well as heating, because the fireplace is given warmly.

Advantages of electrocamines

  1. The first and often the main thing is the ratio of price and quality. They are relatively budget, especially when to compare with the usual installation and operation of original fireplaces. Work on the electrician, and do not require additional costs in terms of constant wood supply and cleaning the fireplace.
  2. In comparison, it gives a sufficiently realistic picture of the flaming fire, which soothes, suggests and just relaxes after a difficult day. Additionally, the house creates a feeling of comfort and comfort.
  3. Environmentally friendly in operation, do not require constant cleaning from soot and soot.
  4. The electrical fireplace does not require special care, easy to work and functional in everyday life.
  5. Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

    Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

    Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

    Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

  6. During installation, there will be no much effort and time. The main thing is to know where you would like to post it.
  7. You can be calm for fire safety in the house, because there will be no risk that the open fire will get into the room.
  8. Excellent facility transportability, it is usually not very large dimensions, and the main thing is light and freely can be transferred to any other place.
  9. There is a feature of the ability to include economy mode. This means that the first option is the heated room, the second is just contemplating the flame, while saving on electricity.

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Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Speaking of shortcomings - yes, they can be said that there is no! The only moment that will be distinguished from the real fireplace is the absence of a clad tree and smoke when combustion. It does not prevent anyone, perhaps, even on the contrary, will please, because there will be no smell in the house and on things.

Types of electric fireplaces

Well, we smoothly close to the options of electric fireplaces, among which you need to choose the one that will fit into the interior of your home, and will suit the parameters.

There are such options for electric fireplaces:

  • Floor.
  • Built-in.
  • Suspension.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Summary and characteristic of each of them.

Outdoor electric cars

According to its design, we remind us a portable stove or heater, only decorated in the design of the fireplace. Compact enough, and the main mobile object that can freely migrate throughout the apartment, and connect where there is a regular socket.

In the modern version, the fireplace is represented by a set of various functions and programs. You can familiarize yourself with the list of each of them by reading the technical passport and operating conditions.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Built-in electric fireplaces

This option of the fireplace can be freely embedded in the wall, and even in the furniture. The main thing is to schedule exactly where it should be located and pre-niche.

A fireplace is made from such components: the center and portal, which can be made of different materials (wood, drywall, plywood, parquet board, other). By the way, such a fireplace looks so plausible in the interior, which is often confused with the present original option.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Suspended electric machines

This is a kind of mini copy of the fireplace version, which is hanging, and is often used in offices or mini libraries. They are relatively small on their width, and can be installed at any height. Externally remind the screen of a small plasma TV, does not attract special attention, but at the same time can warm the room with quadrature up to 24 sq.m.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Design of electric fireplaces

At the very case in this regard, the situation is very interesting, because the fireplace can be issued for any interior. To do this, you will need to go close to the framing. It is ideal for both classic style and country style, high-tech and others.

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There are several models that are specifically made for a particular style, but they will differ in price, and not the fact that it is worth overpaying when you can try a little, and do it yourself with your own hands, and since you want it.

Electrograms in the interior

The most interesting question, where is the best way to place the fireplace? To be honest, then anywhere. In any room, he will create a feeling of comfort and comfort.

Living room

One with traditional places to install the object. It is usually placed at the wall that will be perpendicular to the window. It is considered the most convenient location, both from a designer point of view and with engineering. How else to decorate the fireplace zone, read here.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Often in the meter - one and a half place a comfortable sofa and a small table, followed by guests. Additionally, under the fireplace on the floor, you can put a rug, which would greatly emphasized the general atmosphere "at the hearth".

Electrocamine in the bedroom

Less popular place, but in this room the fireplace will already play several other roles. Here you can create a spirit of romance and intima. Install it opposite the bed to the fireplace niche, additionally place the family photos or cute baubles - everything is ready.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Electric fireplace on hair dryer

For lovers of such lifestyle, the fireplace is best to install in the southern part of the house, it is desirable, the farther from water and water pipes. This is explained by the fact that fire and water are two different elements, and they should not be nearby. It is also not recommended to put a fireplace opposite the entrance doors, because all the positive energy that is located in the room will be disappeared.

Electrical fireplaces in the interior - a solution for a city apartment (38 photos)

Summing up, it is definitely possible to conclude that the electrical fireplace of the house is just a find. You can choose the appropriate option of the type and type of placement, decorate it for any interior style, as well as install in any of the rooms in your home. You can also create householdamine houses, if not yet ready to put electric, but want to create a similar atmosphere.

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