Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan


Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan

Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan

DATER - ultrasonic dog sweeper, diagram and description of the device. Hello visitors of our site. Sometimes it is very dangerous to wander around the dark alley of the city at night, because besides you on the street there can be an evil stray dog ​​(sometimes very hungry) and at any moment from a dark corner it can pounce on you and terribly bite. It is possible to rush to it into battle, but it is hardly possible to get out of the battle without damage and injuries, so there is an option better - a datar or ultrasonic dog repeller. The following reasons were engaged in the manufacture of this device: First, I often found advertising industrial Dogcheiser-ov in the main Chinese production, and secondly, on many sites, homemade "horror stories" for dogs collected in various schemes, one Of which you attracted my attention.

The device has up to 13 meters and high-quality influence on dogs that are going to bite you. As already mentioned, from many schemes of ultrasound discreteners of dogs published on the Internet, the most common turned out to be the following.

Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan

On top of the board - Piezo Elevator SQ-340L. It can be recommended to use the Ultrasonic MFC-200 overestrist instead, having a high acoustic pressure up to 85 dB, which means a greater range.

Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan

The piezo emitter can be obtained from the columns, also from the speakers that the people calls pancakes, from the music box, from calculators, and so on. A box for assembling an ultrasonic repelter was the case from the failed VHF of the Chinese production radio station, you can use any other body that is at hand, the radio, and so on, the sizes of which and were guided by the development, manufacture and assembly of the device. On the right - the SB1 button, when you click on which the power is turned on. Croon type nutrition battery, "Corundum", the main thing to have a 9 volt operating voltage.

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Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan

You can use two lithium-ion batteries from a mobile phone for convenience. The appearance of the collected fee from the part side is shown in the photo.

Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan

The specifying generator is assembled on the domestic microsmem, it sets the frequency you need, and the transistor cascade enhances it. Skin diodes are better to apply spots, all polar capacitors need to be delivered with a voltage of 15 volts. This ultrasound repeller was repeatedly used on dogs and every time she manifested itself even better than expected.

Homemade Ultrasonic Dog Scan

When the nutrition is reduced to 3 volts, a texiac whistle is possible, which can be heard, and with 9 volts, the frequency increases and we stop hearing whistles, because the piezo-emitter begins to publish ultrasound. In general, this device is an active self-defense weapon from dogs and not only!

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