Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room


Combining a living room with a kitchen is one of the main trends of recent years. Before applying this reception in its apartment, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the rules of redevelopment and take into account the many nuances. In this article we will talk about the most common mistakes associated with a similar type of repair work.

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

Redevelopment is inconsistent

It should be pre-familiar with the planning of your own home and everything thoroughly thoroughly, in order not to affect the bearing walls. With violation of such features of the design, you substitute not only yourself, but also in danger of all residents at home.

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

There are several criteria for determining the bearing wall:

  • Wall that separates neighboring apartments from each other
  • Outdoor Wall
  • Wall in contact with the staircase

In addition, the bearing walls differ from the other more thick.

No zoning

Zoning is a special reception in the design of interiors, which allows you to separate one room into several different zones. This reception is required with such a layout option.

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

To split the room into several functional zones is simple enough. The most common way is to use partitions. They are performed from various materials, starting wood, and ending with wood or glass.

Violation of sanitary norms

It is important to remember about the hygienic standards applicable to the rooms. The kitchen room is a room in the apartment that becomes dirty much faster than others. This is due to its frequent attendance and regular operation, because the food is constantly being prepared, because of which pairs are distinguished and everything is stuck around.

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

In order to avoid problems with cleaning, it is necessary to select the right finishing materials that allow them to quickly purify them. It is recommended to choose a kitchen apron of glass material.

So that smells from the kitchen did not disturb the tenants in the living room, it is necessary to provide a good exhaust.

Same flooring

Not all finishing materials that came in handy in the living room remain applemented in the kitchen area. You should not use the same floor covering only due to the external component or from the point of view of savings.

Article on the topic: How to completely change the accompaniment of the room with one element?

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

For example, parquet or laminate exist well in the living room, but due to sharp temperature differences in the kitchen room, they will quickly come into disrepair, which will require re-repair work or completely replacement.

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

It is recommended to use ceramic tiles as an outdoor coating in the kitchen, it is not too expensive and has good parameters. Floor coatings of two zones should be divided using a smooth transition, for example, a small step.

Organization "wet" zone in the living room

Such a decision is not only unreasonable, but also incorrect from the point of view of legislation. It is impossible to carry the washing into any other room or even the opposite wall of this room without the presence of the resolution required.

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

It is necessary to get it at the housing inspection. This necessity is due to the fact that independent re-equipment increases the likelihood of flooding. When the wet zone is transferred to the residential part of the house, it turns out to be over the same room of neighbors from the bottom floor, which is strictly prohibited.

Lack of lighting

The presence of one ceiling luminaire does not guarantee sufficient lighting. In most cases it will not be enough. You should take care of the multi-level lighting system, providing not only light bulbs on the ceiling, but also lamps, table lamps and other lighting.

Basic errors when combining the kitchen and living room

Combining the kitchen and living room: what to take into account (1 video)

Union of the kitchen and living room (8 photos)

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