Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video


If you just recently got acquainted with such a tool and full of enthusiasm, you should not stop your creative impulse. Pay attention to the simple articles, such as children's socks. For beginners, this is a good experience, and children will not freeze any of yours or your acquaintances.

First of all, get everything you need, that is, the needles and yarn. To tie socks with knitting needles for a child, you need to know at least the approximate size of his leg. For this, the size of the shoe is divided into 3 and is multiplied by 2. For example, at the size of the foot 36, the sock size will be 24.

Knit warm socks to a child

The work begins with the "back" of the cuff. Type 22 loops and, for 15 rows, knit a single elastic band.

Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video

Then the same knits facial stroke.

Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video

Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video

After completing the back, proceed to the top of the heel. To do this, in the front rows of the 2nd and 3rd hinges are connected and proclaimed, as one facial ("combined" facial loop). We reduce the number of loops in this way until 12 pieces remain. Then the extension is performed by the configuration of the front loop from the edge. Pointing rows do not tolerate any changes. Kits up to the number of 22 loops on the knitting needles. It turned out the heel.

Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video

The stop is performed by the drawing "facial" smooth, the length of this stage of work depends on the size of the child's leg.

Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video

Sock sock, no matter how strangely sounded, form the same as the heel: First, the loops are "lost" to 12 pieces, then "returned" to 22 again.

The top of the sock knit, not forgetting to combine the first and last loop with the edge loops of the sole.

The cuff is completed with the drawing "Facial Glit", the edges are also connected.

Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video

The second tooth knits absolutely the same as the first.

Socks Baby needles for beginners: How to tie soft socks for newborns by photo and video

So, the socks on two knitting needles are ready! Agree, there is nothing complicated in this work: the scheme is simple and understandable, there is a detailed description, as well as the photo master class. You can knit as a monophonic article, so multicolored, as presented in the photo. Such socks with knitting needles for newborns are just as good as for the older children. Of course, for quite kids, the yarn to work is needed much less, which means that of one tangle 100 g may turn out 2, and then 3 pairs of tiny socks.

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Video on the topic

Socks for children with knitting needles:

"Socks-spirals" without heel on two spokes:

"Wear-sheep" for newborns:

How to dial additional loops from the edge:

Reducing the loops when knitting on the knitting needles:

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