Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo


Goldfish is a symbol of good luck in many countries. And everyone knows that we are the blacksmiths of our happiness. Therefore, today we will learn to make a goldfish with your own hands and will not wait for it from someone as a gift. This article contains the most interesting and simple ways to make a goldfish, you just have to choose the most suitable for yourself.

From unnecessary material

From the cast material, you can make an excellent goldfish that will decorate your home or become a central figure on any postcard or picture. Now we will tell you how to do it.

What we need to take:

  • Cardboard small thickness;
  • Acacia leaves or maple seeds;
  • Normal PVA glue;
  • Golden paint can;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch with a double-sided adhesive surface;
  • ordinary pencil;
  • blister packing from the drug;
  • Black button;
  • hairdresser lacquer;
  • Brilliant ribbon.

The first thing we need to do is to portray the outlines of our fish on cardboard. The more seeds, the greater the fish should be. Excess cardboard is cutting up so that we have only a working form of fish. Starting from the tail, cover the shape of glue and over we put leaves and seeds, not leaving between them between the gaps. These materials will act as Fish scales.

Next, we need to make your head of our craft. From the same cardboard form a head. At that point where the eye will be located, we make a hole and attach there a plastic mold from a blister. Do not forget to put a bunch in a blister - it will serve as a pupil.

The first stage is completed. Next, cover the product with gold paint and let it dry. Now finished work with our fish head. Blister with a button in glue on the bilateral tape to the head of the fish. See how it is done in the photo. An ordinary pencil ciliate cilia. You can also prevent the mouth of the mouth or several scales. The final stage: so that the paint is not laughed, cover the fish with a hair varnish. On the tail we are tolding a shiny ribbon.

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The master class is over, our fish is ready. It remains only to find her use.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Unusual solutions

Fish from Macaron is done very simple and very fast.

A shape is cut out of thick paper or cardboard. Draws eyes and outlines of the head.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Dry pasta are covered with transparent strong glue and superimposed on the form.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Flexing small pieces of paper in the form of a foam, we get tail and fins of our fish. We glue the details on the places where they should be.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

The remaining part of the canvas decorate paper in the form of algae. You can also use as decoration of the pasta of another color, they will be pebbles. Or attach real beads, or pebbles on the bottom of the picture.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Fish from macaroni finished. Such a picture can definitely approach the caretaker to kindergarten or as an ornament of a children's room.

The video, how to easily and simply complete the goldfish crochet, even if you do not know how to knit. The lesson presents a detailed scheme and a description of the knitting process.

Fish from beads with their own hands:

In the technique of quilling

Any patterns of quilling are obtained very unusual and fascinating, our goldfish is no exception.

To work, we will need:

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

  • Segments of paper of various colors (for the Gold Fish Shades of Orange and Yellow. For algae, shades of green) are suitable for algae);
  • pebbles, rhinestones or beads to saddle eyes;
  • ordinary toothpick;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • Plastic lid.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

If you plan to omit the fish to the aquarium, you need:

  • small glass aquarium or round vase;
  • pebbles.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Additionally prepare:

  • Round hole line;
  • pins;
  • Stand for work.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

The colored orange paper is cut by the same strips and with the toothpicks we turn strips into a paid roller. We lay the roller into the round hole of the line and let go so that he could dissolve. The hole must be medium in size among the others. Give the roller and glue its end.

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Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

We make six pieces of such rollers and flatten each of them in the middle.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

We glue six rollers among themselves as shown in the picture, we take a piece of paper stripes, wrap it with glued rollers and the end of the strip also glue.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Tighten the extra roller, glue it in the workpiece and wrapped it and the edges of the glue harvesting.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Twisting the second exactly the same item that will serve as the body of our fish, and glue it from the first. Make a little acting in the center on both sides.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

We sink a strip of paper our item.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Go to the second stage. We need to make eyes and fins for crafts. To do this, we take two segments of colored paper, one lighter, another darker and glue their ends.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Tightened from the resulting strip of the roller and lower it into the hole more. Dark paper should be outside.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Spindle our rollers and bend from around the edges.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Fresh part with glue to the body of the fish.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

On both sides, we plant the glue of eyes.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Next, we glue two bright stripes and one more pale color, twist them into the video, as they did before. Lower the roller in the shape of the size of thirty-two mm and we do it three times.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Similarly, glue three bright and two light stripes between themselves and after twisting, we lower them in the form of thirty-six mm.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

We take a pair of pins and with their help move the central point in the side. I fasten the pins, drip some glue and wait until it snacks.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

As soon as the glue is dry, bend the roller in this way.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Of the details more and smaller make a tail and glue it.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Third crepim from above.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Fourth bottom.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

We glue the tail to the fish.

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Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

That's how it turned out.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Next, algae are made according to the same principle.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Our fish is ready.

Video on the topic

Fish origami.

Goldfish from plasticine.

Goldfish from candy.

Goldfish from threads.

Goldfish do it yourself: a scheme and a description with a photo

Look even more interesting on the video:

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