Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]


Nature takes more and more areas in the design area. Many people have long used exclusively eco-friendly materials when finishing or other ways of designing the premises.

Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

Now the fashion is increasingly related to the nature of things. For example, one of the most trend colors of this year is the green, associated with many people with flowers, plants, etc.

One of the new trends is the design of a forest style. A children's room will fit perfectly for this, because it is she who will serve as a field for the most interesting experiments. About how to make it right, we will talk below.

Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

Registration of walls

Almost any material is suitable for the walls of the wall. The easiest way to decorate the walls in the forest style is to use ready-made wallpaper. Many wallpapers contain interesting patterns associated with the forest, for example, trees, flowers, plants, animals, etc.

Another interesting option is a photo wallpaper. This solution provides for the presence of some pattern there, but a full-fledged image. With the help of such wallpapers, it will be possible to create the most plausible forest atmosphere.

The last but no less interesting way is to decorate the wall on your own. To do this, it will have to finish it. It is recommended to do this with paint, since any patterns look perfectly on top of it.

The color is not necessary to choose exactly green, there are a lot of other shades that are often found in the forest. The most interesting of them:

  • Orange
  • Turquoise
  • Olive
  • Heavenly blue and others.

Creating patterns

The decoration of the room with the help of patterns is permissible not only on its walls, but also furniture. The easiest way to apply patterns is to use templates. They are full of full on the Internet, and the most different.

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Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

For registration it is in the forest topics that patterns of cones, mushrooms, leaves, trees, flowers, animals, etc. will be well fit.

It is worth noting! The presence of artistic skills significantly expands the field for experiments. There are special brushes with paints for drawing on the walls. The most interesting is the large objects that occupy the entire area of ​​the wall. The same rule applies to furniture.

Use of real trees

Most children have very close relations with nature and admire it, so applying real trees in the decor is a good idea. It is not about living plants, but about cut trunks that have retained the primary shape.

Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

Similar elements of the decor are not only as an ornament, but will be able to please their functionality. It is permissible to use them as hangers for clothes. Some hang on them small indoor swings, but for this you need to make sure the fastening reliability.

Decor of wood

Trees are widely used in the decor, many design elements will be released independently at home, and the rest are easy to find on store shelves or order on the Internet.

Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

One of the most common decorations made of wood is its transverse cut. They are used in various ways. Some are just hanging on the wall, others use as supports, seats for chairs, small coffee tables, etc.

Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

Many furniture manufacturers deliberately develop it from the "untreated" tree, but ordinary furniture will be given a more natural look. For example, at home is not as difficult to make a headboard headboard from the wild tree, having a few columns on the sides.

Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

It is not necessary to create everything yourself, because it is permissible and the decoration of the room with the bought things. Relevant will be various wooden figures, figurines or ordinary indoor plants.

Closer to nature: Forest interior in children's [tips with photo]

How to make a picture on the wall: master class (1 video)

Children's room in forest style (8 photos)

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