How to choose curtains for door arch


In most small-sized modern apartments, the transition from the hallway to the room or kitchen is divided by the door arch. This is a stylish and original solution that allows you to decorate the interior and visually expand the space. But, from a practical point of view, the zone of transition between different premises should be separated by any element. Often, apartments owners with arched doorways give preference to the curtains. They allow you to distinguish between space and beautifully decorate the interior.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Choose curtains on the arch

Key tasks

Curtains for the door arch must solve the following tasks:

  • Remunerate space.
  • Hide the possible nonesthetical moments of the door frame.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Varieties of curtains

Depending on the task that needs to be solved with curtains, suitable models are selected. For example, if you need to hide from prying eyes What happens in the kitchen or in the room, then the threaded curtains presented in the photo are purchased. Such models perfectly decorate the interior, and at the same time, do not interfere with normal air circulation. Curtains made of threads are produced in a wide range of colors, with various decorative decorations. Rich variety allows you to choose the nite models to any interior design.

How to choose curtains for door arch

The arch in the corridor is customary to decorate bamboo curtains, in the photo. Bamboo tubes and wooden beads, strung on the Kapron thread, are well suited for the decor of the doorway in the hallway.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Arched opening can be decorated with wooden curtains. They consist of wooden decorative elements that can be covered with varnish, have a different shape and additional decoration. By analogy with bamboo products, wood curtains are riveted on a strong synthetic thread.

To decorate the arch in the hallway, you can use the classic option - fabric porter. So that the curtain does not interfere with the passage, the cloth should be selected easy and opaque in order to hide from foreign eyes. Possible doorway defects.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Fashionable design

Among the fashionable innovations of the current season is a mass of options that can be made to the arch in the hallway. In principle, any model of curtains can be used for decor. However, designers recommend considering the following:

  • Translucent curtain models will turn the room into a spacious and free space.
  • For narrow corridors, you should select curtains with a vertical pattern, which is a fashion trend of the new season. The decor presented in the photo will allow visually to increase the height of the ceiling.

Article on the topic: How to make a beautiful ceiling: linker, liquid wallpaper, fabric

How to choose curtains for door arch

  • For a small hallway, it is recommended to purchase simple curtains without an unnecessary decor.
  • If the corridor is dark, then the curtains on the arched opening is better to use light coloring.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Color solution

For the decor, the arch in the corridor is recommended to give preference to the curtains of gas, peach, gentle yellow color. If wooden or bamboo models are used, the natural color of the products will be most suitable for a successful decor.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Choose cornis

Curtains from any material needs the design to which it will be attached. That is, in addition to the curtain, which will decorate the corridor, you need to pick up the cornice. The most suitable type of cornice for arched opening is the profile design. Due to flexibility, the profile can take any form, which is very convenient for the design of the arch. Aluminum profile designs have an excellent aesthetic appearance, a long service life and a low cost. Such eaves can be mounted as a wall and to the ceiling.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Recently, the novelty of German developers is very popular - plastic dual-channel flexible cornice. This product has sufficient plasticity, which allows you to mock the cornice without any problems on the arch of the arched opening.

How to choose curtains for door arch

Thus, the arched doorway in the corridor is an excellent solution that allows you to visually expand a small room. However, in order for this design element to look complete, it is recommended to decorate it with original curtains. It's not difficult to choose the curtains to the arched obstruction. It is necessary to determine what is required to use the curtains and, based on the tasks set, select the model. Given the style of the apartment, the degree of illumination of the hallway and the wishes in the color decision, you can arrange the arch in the corridor with a beautiful curtain.

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