How to decorate the ceiling with your own hands: stucco, painting, photo wallpaper


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  • Simple decor methods
  • Painting - Present Art
  • Decorating plaster
  • Classic element - stucco

It goes into the past tradition to make the ceiling in his house just light and smooth. His decorative decoration becomes more and more popular.

How to decorate the ceiling with your own hands: stucco, painting, photo wallpaper

Incorrect ceiling design can spoil the overall room interior.

This allows you to create an unique atmosphere in the apartment, radically change the interior: to make it cozy and home or strict and official. For creativity, there are many interesting ideas and materials that allow you to implement any designer ideas.

Simple decor methods

The decoration of the ceiling is able to carry out anyone, not even any special knowledge in this area. The main thing is to know the main types of decor, choose the necessary materials and take into account the rules for handling them.

The easiest way to decorate the ceiling is to use the wallpaper. The material can be selected ready or pick up the wallpaper for painting. It is quite inexpensive, you can make a ceiling with a special tile. However, such simple techniques are already practically not used. For replacing, they came more modern suspended and stretching structures.

Plasterboard - material that most often can be found in the design of modern premises. An interesting way to decorate the ceiling - a multi-level construction from drywall. Additional effect can be achieved by setting backlight at different levels or paint separate parts into different colors. Paint helps to make the ceiling decoration in unique. It can be multi-colored stripes or individual strokes, flowers, different patterns or ornaments deposited through stencils. Such a ceiling decoration can be performed independently.

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Painting - Present Art

How to decorate the ceiling with your own hands: stucco, painting, photo wallpaper

An excellent solution for the ceiling can be the wallpaper with the image of the clouds. Also, clouds can be painted using a sponge.

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Turn the ceiling in a real fairy tale will help such a way of decoration as painting. The main condition for such a decor is a completely smooth surface. As a basis for a future picture, acrylic primer is used.

In order to decorate the painting ceiling, you need to choose a suitable picture. The sketch is then transferred to paper. To transfer the ceiling, you will need a pencil or coal. When preparatory activities are completed, you can start working with paints. You should not use many bright colors in one picture at the same time so that the pattern does not resemble multicolored stains. It is better to stop your choice on more relaxed shades.

The use of fluorescent tones will make it possible to obtain a unique luminescence of separate parts of the painting. For mixing paint it is better to use the palette or a smooth board of oval or rectangular shape. Surplus paint or extra smears you need to immediately wipe with a wet cloth.

Water based lacquer will be a worthy completion of mural. In addition, it will protect the drawing, the image will become more expressive and bright.

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Decorating plaster

How to decorate the ceiling with your own hands: stucco, painting, photo wallpaper

Painting the ceiling is the most inexpensive and easy way to finish.

You can decorate the ceiling in the apartment with the help of decorative plaster: structural or textured. This is one of the most common ways of decor.

Structural plaster must be applied to the surface with special tools: simple and comb spatulas or rollers. After applying the mixture, a relief is formed, which can be painted in any color.

Textured plaster distinguishes a number of features. It includes a set of different fractions, which makes it possible to get a variety of reliefs already during the application of the material. Additional tools are not required for this. Ready result can be painted. The material is better to choose water based and use dispersion paints. This is the most correct solution for the work indoors.

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Classic element - stucco

Those who prefer classic style in the design of the room, you should pay attention to the stucco as a way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands. Details of the future decor can be made of plaster or polyurethane. This material has good decorative characteristics, it is practical, and it is easy to work with it. To make parts from polyurethane differ from the gypsum, they should be covered with water-level paint in several layers.

Polyurethane can be used to make outlets - decor elements that allow you to decorate the ceiling near the chandelier, giving the song completed and the original look. Polyurethane is a practical material that does not lose its form during operation. Before decorating the ceiling with such elements, you need to choose the appropriate form: flat, dome-shaped, round, decorated with pattern.

The use of molding will help to supplement the overall picture. These elements may have a variety of forms that favorably distinguishes them from conventional ceiling plinths. The use of moldings has no boundaries. They can not only decorate the ceiling, but also visually divide the room into the zones. Polyurethane moldings and sockets can easily attach to the ceiling with their own hands. To do this, you will need glue.

As an alternative to the traditional methods of decorating ceilings, such types of decor as photo wallpapers and appliqué can be considered. Thanks to modern photo wallpaper technologies, you can choose all sizes and with different images, up to the photo made by yourself.

Before decorating the ceiling, you should choose one of the methods of decor, which will help maximize the desire for the owner to make your home unique. The use of different styles in the same room is not recommended.

How to decorate the ceiling with your own hands: stucco, painting, photo wallpaper
How to decorate the ceiling with your own hands: stucco, painting, photo wallpaper
How to decorate the ceiling with your own hands: stucco, painting, photo wallpaper

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