Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)


Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Remember the children's counselor "Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers, drove a traded train ..."? For the American Designer Studio, Rail Yard Studio, she could become an excellent advertising slogan. The fact is that this company makes furniture, accessories and other interior items from the most real rail rails and sleepers. It is not surprising that their collection of furniture and interior items looks so chic and unusual. How do you, for example, is such a glass coffee table?

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

For the manufacture of all these items, sleeves serve with a small marriage or some other defect. Because of this marriage, these rails and sleepers can no longer be used for laying railway tracks, but economical Americans found them use - the original things that are really able to serve the decoration of your interior are born. Here is another coffee table from the collection of this studio:

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

At the same time, wood for this furniture is used without any chemical processing (which is used when building a railway), that is, it is completely harmless, and the sleepers are completely new. The most interesting thing - the rail number even has been saved:

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Another busy moment. Did you know that by the correct technology, each railway sleeper should cut out from the core of the tree trunk? And if you look, for example, on this table, you will see the wood rings confirming this information divergent from the center of the sleepers.

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Also in the collection of furniture and accessories from the rail and sleeve from Rail Yard Studio, you can see coffee and dressing tables, chic dining and desktops, bicycle supplies, wine holders, decorative accessories, such as a tablet holder, beds, Benches and other interior elements. As you, for example, here are such furniture for the work office:

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Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Thanks to the untreated tree, the sleepers and steel details from the rail data looks like somewhat rude and brutally, but at the same time they are not deprived of originality and peculiar style and charm. This is an excellent choice for the club, a country cottage or a real Berror of a Bachelor. With your own hands, you are such a furniture, of course, do not, but the option is simpler: how to make a coffee table from old logs and steel sheet. And here's another photo of interior elements from this collection:

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Furniture from rail

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Rail table and sleepers

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Bed of sleepers

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Wine stand

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Benches from rail and sleeper

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Bicycle rack

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Speal desktop

Combining incompatible: accessories and furniture from rail and sleepers (13 photos)

Stand for tablet

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