Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos


Cats have long been a full-fledged human satellites, along with dogs and other pets. These cute fluffy creatures are able to raise us mood at the moments of sadness, charge a positive and even absorb negative energy. Well, we, in turn, buy them the best feed, provide cozy places for sleep, play with them. All feline different characters, but they all love to play with everything that is moving, especially in a small age. To protect the furniture and home interior items, the kitten needs their own toys. In stores and in the markets, their choice is very diverse, but sometimes you have to pay for them a rather large price, and the kitten in the end can ignore the fun or instantly break it. In this article we will tell you how to save money and spend time with benefit by making a toy for a cat with your own hands.

Fishing rod with bait

With such a toy, you practically do not have to wave your hands, as the "game" on the gum will herself will herself after the kitten caught her.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

For the manufacture we will need:

  • Pries;
  • Little plastic box from under the bohyl (you can use a box from kinder surprise);
  • Thin hat elastic;
  • three wands for sushi;
  • twine or dense twine;
  • miniature bell or bubrenic;
  • a little braid;
  • super-glue "moment" or adhesive gun;
  • acrylic contour of the golden shade;
  • Drill with drills 3 and 7 mm.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Open the box, we drill holes: a little smaller in the cover, in the bottom - a little more.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Then we take small feathers of different sizes and connect them together with solid threads, fix with several nodules. Pries can be purchased in needlework stores or ask for acquaintances, laying on a poultry.

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Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Insert the bunch of feathers into the hole in the bottom and pour it from the inside of the glue, we wait when it dries.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Then we produce one end of the segment of the hawk gum into the cover, fix the nodule. The length of the segment of the gum should be about 30 centimeters. Next to the cover we rush on the gum a small buboineet.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Firmly glue parts of the box among themselves and give glue to completely dry.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

After that, we measure our box and cut out a small rectangle of fur in size. Wrap the fur around the box, fix glue, and at the ends we make small oblique cuts, so that it is convenient to stick the fur on the rounded parts.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Rodyshko boxes are gluable to the braid. To give a toy a more aesthetic look, you can paint the gum and the bell, as well as the outline of the golden shade to decorate the braid.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Sticks for sushi, we have as shown in the photo, and fix the design with glue:

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Next, glue the tip of the twine in the place of the joint of the sticks and glue her one side of the fishing rod. Another end can be painted with acrylic paints or leave as it is.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Completion of work - we glue the free end of a hat with a rod to the fishing rod and wind the connection point with twine, fixing it with glue.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Fun ready!

Simply nowhere

The easiest option is to make a toy for a paper cat.

To do this, we will need only a piece of ordinary paper and durable thread. Step is the first: coming a piece of paper, making it a small ball. Step Two: Watch a paper ball with a strong thread, leave a small tail. Step Three: We demonstrate improvised production of a cat, shaking the rope.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Such a toy, of course, will not live for a long time, but this is a great option when you need to quickly take a kitten by something, while spending the minimum of money and effort.

From paper you can make not only balls, but also cut various figures, or simply connect together several paper stripes of different colors.

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Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Treasure box

This option is also easy enough to manufacture, but very much like most cats. Here is such an interactive toy from the box will give a lot of joy to your fluffy:

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

In order to make such a game, you need to take a box of medium sizes or cover from it. It is desirable that the depth of the box does not exceed the length of the pettroy's paw. Box material can be any - cardboard, wood, plastic, the form also depends solely on your imagination.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

First, we turn the box up the bottom and cut into the upper plane small holes, the same or different in the form, the main thing so that the cat's feline is easy to go there. The edges of the holes are better to stall so that the pet is not covered about irregularities.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Next put under the box various interesting toys - balls, mice, rattles. The basic condition is that they cannot be pulled out through holes. Fix the box by sticking to a sustainable basis.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

That's all, be sure that your fluffy will spend more than one hour, trying to expect prey from the "Lartz with treasures"!

In search of a ball

In stores you can often meet this option toys with a ball, but it costs a lot. Below is the master class, how to make such fun with your own hands from affordable materials.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

For manufacture, it is necessary:

  • Four plastic corners for pipes with a diameter of about 11 centimeters, they must necessarily need rubber seals for a convenient connection;
  • Drill with a drill;
  • sharp knife;
  • lighter;
  • sandpaper;
  • One or more ball tennis balls.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

At the beginning we combine all four corners with each other so that it turns out a closed ring.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Then we drill a few holes in the upper part, we are expanding them with a hot knife, the edges are sealing the sandpaper.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

The dimensions and location of the holes should be so that:

  • The cat could stick freely and launch one paw;
  • To, leaning the paw, he did not see where the ball pushed;
  • So that the fluffy can reach any point inside the rings.

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We throw one ball or several into the holes. To attract interest, you can also put inside several grains of your favorite dry feed.

Toy for cat do it yourself paper with photos and videos

More information about the manufacturing process you can learn from this video:

Video on the topic

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