Simple homemade heater with your own hands


Simple homemade heater with your own hands

What are these heaters?

It has long been known that residents of the post-Soviet space are distinguished by a well-developed smelling and the ability to make a useful thing from any submitted means. Especially this activity becomes relevant in the event of an acute need for it. A homemade heater is a necessity for many. Reasons for this steel:

  1. Insufficient central heating.
  2. High price for ready-made stores.
  3. Large electricity consumption when using device data.

Simple homemade heater with your own hands

Drawing of electrical heater.

The latter is especially noticeable in the northern regions, where the constant use of additional heating agents is required, but as a result, such use is noticeably hits the owner of the heater.

Before trying to build such a device, you should find out which infrared heaters are. They can be long-wave and shortwave.

If in shortwave heating occurs precisely due to the heating of the spiral itself, then the material that is located around it emits in long-wavelength.

Determine the belonging of the device to any of these groups can be unarmed eye: long-wave heaters do not produce a visible spectrum of the glow, due to which they are safer when used in domestic conditions, since they cannot cause accidental fires nearby objects.

How to make an economical and safe device for heating the room in the cold season and what will be needed for this? There are several ways to build such devices. Several of them should be considered. These ways are easy to implement in practice due to the availability of materials and the lack of requirements for any specific skills of the premises owner.

Foil sheet and radiator

Simple homemade heater with your own hands

Electrical heater installation circuit.

This method is the cheapest and most simple of all other ways to create heaters. Also, the whole procedure takes very little time, but the result begins to be felt very soon. In order to understand exactly how the battery of central heating and foil will work together, it is necessary to figure out what exactly prevents the normal heating of the room with the help of a radiator alone?

The fact that the battery can give a little heat due to its weak feeding by heating companies can not be taken into account. At this factor, the owner of the premises cannot affect neither the foil, nor when using some other items. The problem is that the heating battery is usually located on the wall that borders on the street, and not with other premises. That is, this wall is the coldest in the room.

The heat, emanating from the rear surface of the radiator, is directed just on this cold wall, so half of the emitted heat simply goes on heating this wall. Since the air temperature is still low, the battery power is not enough to warm it up and then begin to give it heat into the room itself, the wall will still be constantly cooling. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained, in which exactly 50% of heat is wasted.

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In order to solve this problem, a large foil sheet is required. Its size must correspond to the size of the heating battery (even better if it will perform beyond the radiator for several centimeters on each side). This sheet is fixed on the wall behind the battery, and it is on the wall, and not to the radiator itself. If the sheet is simply attached to the battery, it will interfere with the return of heat and will not affect the room temperature in the room.

If the foil, the thermal rays are fixed on the wall, will not go into the wall, and it will come in a reflective surface and will be redirected to the room. That is, the heating of the room will immediately increase 2 times and very soon it will become tangible. Thus, the most primitive heater is done with their own hands.

Plastic and graphite glue

Simple homemade heater with your own hands

Scheme distribution of the heater rays.

This homemade heater is very convenient for use in everyday life and is uncomplicated. It has small sizes and good heat transfer, while it is easy to fix anywhere without prejudice to the design of the room. He also does not take up much space. To make it, you will need:

  1. 2 plastic sheet (it should be multi-layered) with an exemplary size of 1x1 m.
  2. Epoxy adhesive.
  3. Graphite powder.
  4. Wire with fork.
  5. Frame for fastening plastic sheets.
  6. Copper terminals.

To begin with a glue solution. For its preparation, epoxy glue and graphite powder are taken. Both should be equal proportions. The components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This composition will be not just glue, but a graphite conductor with greater resistance.

Multilayer plastic sheets usually have a smooth surface on one side and rough - on the other. The epoxy-graphite mixture must be applied to them from the rough side. However, it is required not to just cover the entire area of ​​the leaf of glue, but to apply it in the form of zigzag smears. Such smears are made on both plastic sheets, after which the heater can be collected. Both sheets are connected together, placing rough surfaces with adhesive strokes inside. Before connecting the sheets, the same composition is treated with the edges around the perimeter in order to stron the plastic components.

But one should not count that graphite glue will hold both sheets together. To give the device strength, it is better to use a specially manufactured frame that fixes the plastic in the required position.

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Simple homemade heater with your own hands

Ceiling heater scheme.

Copper terminals are attached to the opposite ends of the product so that they are located on graphite conductor. Electric wire with a fork is connected to these terminals. However, the device can only be included in the network only after the epoxy-graphite mixture will completely dry.

Such a device made by your own hands may well heat up to 65 ° C. The temperature of its heating depends on how the fraction of graphite in the adhesive solution with respect to epoxy glue. In addition, the length and thickness of zigzag smears applied to plastic sheets affect the heating.

Tin box and graphite-sand mix

The homemade heater assembled on this technique is very compact and can be used both in a small living room and in a different room, for example in the garage. It is comfortable and at the same time is quite effective, since it performs the task required from it well.

To create this device, you will need it:

  1. Tin box from shoe cream.
  2. Graphite powder.
  3. Pure river sand.
  4. Tin leaf.
  5. Fork.
  6. 2 wires.

Simple homemade heater with your own hands

The scheme of the thermostat.

Graphite powder can be obtained by crushing pie charts or to get it from unnecessary batteries (batteries). First of all, it is necessary to prepare a tin box. In no case should there be a cream for shoes, so the container is thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then dried.

Grinding graphite and river sand are measured in equal parts (1: 1) and stirred to a homogeneous mixture. Then the resulting mixture is falling asleep into the prepared box, but not to the top, but only half. After that, you need to take a sheet of tin and cut a circle from it, which would fit the diameter of the box from the shoe cream. Only this circle should not just cover the box, but to fit freely inside it. One of the wires are attached to the edge of the circle and then laid the circle of tin together with the attached wire inside the boxes on a mixture of graphite and river sand.

On top of the circle and wires fall asleep another layer consisting of crushed graphite and sand in equal conditions. However, the amount of this mixture should not just fill the box, but also slightly exceed its volume. That is, it is necessary that the mixture is embanked with a slide. This is done so that when the capacitance is closed with a cap in it, an overpressure has been created.

Next, the second wire with a fork is attached to the surface of the box, with which you can connect the device to the electrical network. In the case of heating the dwelling, it will be a regular network, if the homemade heater is required in the garage or in some other utility room, it can be connected to the battery.

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Heating of this device can be even adjustable. The stronger the pressure inside the container, the stronger it will heat up. It follows from this that to increase the heating it is necessary to better spin the lid of the box, and to reduce - unscrew a little. During the long-term operation of the adaptation, graphite sins, so heating becomes weaker. This problem is easily eliminated by shaking the container to break the graphite powder. The huge advantage of such a heater is that the device is simply nothing to break and fail.

Spiral and Infrared Port

This heater is considered homemade, but its constituents are purchased in the store, therefore the process of creating such a device has been occupying much less time than the creation of plastic-based devices and graphite adhesive or based on tin boxes and graphite-sand mixture.

It has long been known that the infrared port can transmit information using a thermal wave range, which forms their distribution environment. Thanks to this property, another use of the infrared port was found, namely, the use of it for heating the premises.

To create such a heater it is necessary to have:

  1. Infrared port.
  2. The rectangular block connected to the electrical network.
  3. Spiral incandescent.

The spiral is placed inside the block, and the infrared port is connected to the finished heater. After the procedures conducted, the device can be used for direct purpose. It is very effective and does not require large electricity costs, which means that it is beneficial for its owner.

Recommendations for the selection of heater

Simple homemade heater with your own hands

Constratus pattern of radiating panel.

Of the 4 considered homemade heaters, the easiest in the manufacture is a device created using a radiator and foil. Since heating batteries are available in any apartment, it is enough to add only foil to enhance heating. It is easy to find in stores, and attachment to the wall does not require any skills and does not take much time.

The most difficult can be called the last homemade heater, which uses the infrared port. Despite the fact that there are only 3 components in it, they must be able to collect one in order to get a working and fireproof device.

The rest of the ways are sufficiently light performed. All items necessary to create these heaters are easy to find at home or buy in the store. No special tool for assembling these heaters is required. Only soldering iron is needed to solder wires. In the first case, they should be soldered to copper terminals on plastic sheets, and in the second - to a tin circle and to a box from a shoe cream. All this is done very quickly and does not require serious expenses.

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