Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos


At the cottage there will always be free space near the house. Some love to plant it with flowers, others find it more interesting use, such as the construction of the hut Baba Yaga with their own hands. Just imagine how such a subject of the courtyard will delight children and adults. And you can make such an exterior from fairly simple materials.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

Almost all elements of the structure will be collected from natural material. For a child, this place will be a favorite place for games. This article will show several options for the manufacture of unusual buildings for children who can easily make parents.

Simple izba

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

Since there are several possible ways of manufacture, consider them in turn. You can make a wooden version, in this case you will need a logboard or board. It is better to give preference to the boards, it is easier to work with them, but the cutout of course will be more like a real hut, but also harder in processing.

Construction has certain stages:

  1. The base of the hut is legs. Initially, they have to fasten them, because it is the basis of the whole structure.
  2. Next is prepared the basis for the floor.
  3. After the walls are erected, they are assigned the roof.
  4. The penultimate stage is a staircase that is simultaneously supporting.
  5. And the most favorite stage is decorating and finishing a house.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

As described in the stage of the sequence, we will begin construction from the legs. For them, we need two logs, in length they should be approximately the meter. To secure the legs from premature wear, I feed them with a pretty tool-protection against rotting. Now dig two recesses in the ground, half the length of the logs - half the meter. And steadily consolidating there with small stones of the logs, pour all the cement.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

Alternatively, you can use no logs, but pipes that are decorated with snaps after installation.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

When concrete is completely dry, it's time to set the base for the floor. In this master class, it is proposed to make a hut with a length of 1.8 m. Therefore, it is that bars are taken and fixed, stretching through two logs. The width of one bar is 20 * 20 cm.

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Walls are also created from logs or boards, inside you can make a paper coating. Use no nails for consolidation, but screws.

Since the structure is not at all big, think if you need a ceiling in it, because you can just make the roof. So there will be more space.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

When installing the Lestenka, it is important to check its stability, when necessary to secure concrete.

And now, when the entire structure is ready, you can begin the decoration and design of the hut. Here you can rely on your taste or a description of fabulous houses. In any case, it will be very original and unusual.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

Second option

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

A simpler way to build a hut made of wood is Wigwam's facilities. Such a house Baba Yaga can be pleased with children even on a regular playground. Production of the following materials:

  1. Six hundred meter long;
  2. Tarpaulin for walls or thick fabric with good density;
  3. To secure the wire and durable thread.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

All the sixtes on the one hand are fastened with wire, and on the other hand, each twig is sticking into the ground. So we get a semicircular frame in the form of a cone. Its walls are covered with harvested tarpaulter or cloth. The floor is insulated from all sorts of flooring or remains naked. Now the most important point to re-establish our structure so that there is no doubt that this is the hut Baba Yaga. From beads, threads and chopsticks, an entrance decoration is created - wind music. Also, dreams will be well suited, the entrance puts the broom and the pans of the cooks.


Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

And if you needed the hut, made at home, then this is also not a problem. It will be necessary to find any street tying, the main thing is that it is stable.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

Then, from a small bar, peep unnecessary and leave a small square. In this bar, it is flung out inside the hole for fastening the foot-squig.

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Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

The roof is going from wooden slices. All building can be slightly burning, which will give it a specific appearance.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

Since our miniature isa, all elements can easily be fastened with PVA glue. Beautiful magnificent reed or fluffy cloth decorates the roof of the hut, as in the photo:

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

The windows and doors fold from wood that is easy to paint in any color. Do not forget about a small ladder. To revive the hut Baba Yaga, it is advised to settle some characters near her.

Hidden Baba Yagi do it yourself from natural material with photos

It can be knitted toys or any purchased. From the skulls you can additionally build a broom, then it will be at first glance, who lives in such a hut.

To create a baba of women, Yaga need very few materials, and they are all easily processed and connected, so do not miss the moment to spend time with your children.

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