Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners


The birth of a child is one of the most important events in the life of almost every family. It is started to prepare in advance: they buy a cot, stroller, changing table and a bunch of all sorts of little things. Prepare to his appearance and all kinds of clothes. Its part of it are acquired in the store, but there are also such things that Mom makes them hands. If, for example, she knows at least knitting skills, it will surely be able to tie a cute blouse. Below will be discussed by several examples of knitted blouses for newborns with the description.

Knitted blouses can be warm, which will be quite cool in the evenings.

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

But they can be lungs, openwork.

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

We choose the model

Before you begin knitting, you need to solve several important issues. The first is, what will be the finished product: warm or openwork. From this will depend on the choice of threads.

Important! Threads for products for the newborn must be soft, since the skin of the baby is very sensitive.

The material from which threads are made should meet some requirements. It must be hypoallergenic and best made from natural fibers. For children's clothing The best threads made from cotton or acrylic are suitable. . Acryl has all these qualities, even many and it seems that it is not quite suitable for children's things.

Next, select the model. Below will be presented with knitted wells for a newborn for beginners, made in the rlanged style.

Raglan - This is a method of knitting with knitting needles, in which the product fit entirely together with the sleeves, starting down from top.

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

It is represented in pink, so more suitable for girls. But if the color change, then the boys in it will be very comfortable.

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So, the model is selected. It remains to prepare the rest of the materials, and you can proceed.

Number of threads: 200 g of yarn of any color and 50 g of white yarn. Materials that still need: Spokes number 3 or 4, scissors, needles, sewing threads and buttons, corresponding to color coloring blouse.

The age of the child, to which the model is presented - up to three months (for the average child).

If the child for which the blouse will be knitted, has not yet been born, then it is necessary to calculate the required amount of knitting loops. To do this, it is necessary to take as an example an approximate dimension of the average newborn. That is, the neck circumference will be approximately equal to 22 cm. And the knitting density will be somewhere 2, 5 loops per 1 cm. Thus, making the necessary calculations, it turns out that the neck of the blouse will be approximately 20 cm, which is 40 loops.

If the baby is already born, you can just make the pattern. Pattern of knitted blouse for a newborn baby will significantly simplify the knitting process. And with the size in this case it will be more difficult to make a mistake.

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

Knit a beautiful sweater

The main thing is to make measurements to the child. You can start!

First you need to score 40 loops on the knitting needles. After that, it is necessary to knit with a rubber band, alternating one facial, and then one hovering loop, approximately 1.5 cm. But it can be more.

After the elastic band is ready, you can start the conjunction of the regulated itself. To do this, we divide the total number of loops in this way: we leave 8 kettops on the reglan (it takes 4 times, each 2 loops), the remaining loops must be divided into the shelf, then on the sleeve, then on the back, after all in the mirror reflection. It should be considered that for the back of the loops should be more on two.

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Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

In general, this calculation should be obtained: the shelves of 5 loops, the sleeves are also 5 loops, planets for two loops on each side of the sleeve and the back of 12 loops. That is, it should work as follows: 5: 2: 5: 2: 12: 2: 5: 2: 5.

Next, before each regulated and after it, it will be necessary to do one by one in every facial row. Through several rows it will be possible to see Rlanlan. Addressing should be finished as soon as knitting reaches an axillary line in a child.

Loops sleeves need to translate to additional threads:

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

After that, it remains only to tie the product to the desired length. The bottom of the product is tied by a rubber band, as at the very beginning of the product.

After that, you can proceed to the sleeves. It can be knitted on circular spokes, but as a sock, on ordinary five.

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

The sleeve needs to be a little not taken up to the required length, since it ends also with a rubber band. The second sleeve knits similarly.

After that, you can proceed to the strapping of the shelves. To do this, you need to dial the amount of loops equal to the number of rows on thinner knitting needles.

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

On the right shelf are holes for butt. The second fit symmetrically, but the holes, naturally, do not need. After that, it remains only to sew butt, wash and sip the finished product.

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

Children's blouse knitting circuit with patterns:

Knitted blouses for newborns with descriptions and patterns for beginners

If it is to lie down at the bottom of the product, it will turn out to be more air. The child will definitely be treated with such a new clothes, he will be warm in it and cozy!

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