Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video


Usually the kids begins to pull at around the age of one year. They like to draw pencils, wovers, try plasticine (and, both in creative purposes and as a meal), try to tear off the papers. Appliques for the smallest is a great tool to take your baby and direct its energy and creative stream to the right direction.

Talents in the child are best to develop from early childhood, so it is worth offering the baby's first drawing classes, modeling and appliqués, you can make pictures together. It is very important to remember that it is not necessary to demand from the child what he is still not able to do yet, because you need to make an interest in creativity, and not disconnect him. Your classes should pass so that the main part of the work has done a child, not a parent.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Classes must be not long in time. While another child does not know how to hold attention on something one, it is difficult for him to focus. First of all, you need to introduce a baby with glue, it is important that he remembers the essence of the work and learned the sequence: I smeared with the paper with glue, turned over, put on another piece of paper and pressed the palm.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Appliques for the smallest for a start can be simple sticking of color elements on white paper. It is likely that it will like the baby, because it is a fascinating process, namely this is important for a child of small age.

Stages of dating

Explanation of the process

At the very beginning it is important to train the kid technique of appliqué. Show how to properly hold the adhesive pencil, how to properly hold the piece of paper when you apply glue and so on. When these simple rules are learned, tasks can be slightly complicated.

Prepare Geometric Multicolored Figures: Triangle, Squares, Mugs, Rectangles and White Sheet of Paper For Applique Base.

You can offer the child to cut the paper yourself, just be very neat, trusting the baby sharp scissors. While the figurines are cut, you can call them, explaining the child, which are geometric shapes.

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If you cut the paper, offer the baby to put the details in color or in shape.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

The simplest way of appliqués for the smallest - allow the baby to independently glue figures in an arbitrary order, but complaining first that glue you, for example, a house or person.

The first crafts

When the kid slightly lifting the applique, you can move to the creation of crafts. Below are several ideas that can be easily made with your child.

It is important to remember, however, that it is not necessary to provide a child with a bear service and do what he may not immediately get into him. Let him decide whether those or other figures will be located, what will be their color and form and so on.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Gluing details in place

It is assumed that the child should stick every item in his place. To begin, you can draw contours of glued figures on paper or cardboard so that the child is easier to navigate in the white space of paper.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Frisky champ and machine

For the first craft, the mother must prepare a horse pattern in advance, which can be free and print free and print. It is best if it is supplemented with details - a square or oval saddle, a mane with multi-colored stripes and so on.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

The child is offered in turn take carved figures and glued them to the base cardboard. At first, the torso, then the legs, then the mane (if the mane is multi-colored, you can pride the color in which the glued strip is painted) in the process of gluing).

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

We proceed to the typewriter.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Again, mom must first prepare all the necessary details for children's appliqués from paper: silhouette of the machine, wheels, windows, headlights and so on.

The baby takes turns takes the figures and sticks them to the sheet of paper in the right order, every detail is fastened in his place. So you will secure the surveyed skills.

It will be great if the child himself will hinder the details or at least the colors of these parts.

Crap Craft

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Appliques from the cereals will also be very interesting to the baby, because here it is offered not only to cut and glue, but also to pour so interesting and pleasant to the touch material! In addition, the cereals perfectly help to develop your baby's fingers. Photo to MK attached.

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On the leaf draw the simplest silhouette of a mushroom. The hat is abundantly lubricating the PVA glue with a brush. This lesson can trust the child, he will cope with him.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Then, while the glue did not have time to dry, it is necessary to abundantly pour a buckwheat and any other croup on the smeared area. Buckwheat cereals most suitable in color for mushroom cap. Gently give the napkin and give a little to dry.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

The feet of the fungus is also abundantly lubricating glue, sprinkled with rice or fast. Press the napkin and leave to dry.

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

And our handicrafts from cereals and paper is ready!

Applique for the smallest: templates and pictures with photos and video

Video on the topic

To draw even more ideas for crafts with your baby, watch a video selection on appliques for the smallest.

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