Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology


Patchwork sewing The quick techniques of the patterns of "flying geese" and the "Christmas tree" are very popular with the masters, and now master classes will show you two ways, which you can do it with your own hands.

Patchwork technique "Christmas tree".

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

The meaning of this technique is simple - take the rectangular flap of matter and a strip of another color. We assign a strip on the flap so that it forms the oblique line, sew it around in the middle, bend in half and smoothed. Remains of matter from the main flap cut off.

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Next, on the strip of gray material, overlap the next flap, sew it from the offline, bend and smoothed. Pay attention to the seams on the involving side.

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Similarly, perform the pattern by forming a Christmas tree.

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Here is such a block you will receive as a result.

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Blocks cross, connecting them with strips of gray material.

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

The method of sewing the patchwork block "fly geese".

Cap squares and rectangles.

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

The essence of sewing the patchwork blocks is as follows: overlay one square, step up diagonally, cut off the surplus, retreating the floor of the centimeter, smooth the material. Do the same on the other hand.

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Finished patchwork blocks you can compound in different ways. For example, so:

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

Patchwork Sewing: Quick Sewing Technicians, Beginner Technology

We hope our MK technique of patchwork sewing for beginners will bring novelty to your knowledge. Successes to you in work!

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