LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules


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  • Advantages and characteristics of LED panels
  • Rules for installing LED panels
  • Production of LED panel with their own hands
  • Some recommendations

The most popular focus of the use of LED panels is considered to be their use as lighting ceiling appliances in the room of any purpose, both in the office and production. Compared to the usual illumination option, the LED panels are characterized by the cost-effectiveness, long service life and extraordinary brightness.

LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules

The LED ceiling panel is mounted in the Armstrong type hinged ceiling.

The convenience of using them is indisputable as usual for us. Experts consider the LED panel with an excellent alternative that has been replaced by already obsolete light sources. And if you need a non-standard option, the exit for you is a LED panel with your own hands.

The economy of LED lighting devices has been proven no longer once. It is due to this with a small amount of energy consumed and, oddly enough, long period of operation. Such LED lighting is capable of working for 100 thousand hours.

Advantages and characteristics of LED panels

LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules

Drawing of a bubble LED panel.

So, as already mentioned above, this lighting option is suitable for any premises, ranging from office and ending with production. And the LED panels have a number of pluses. These include:

  • long service life;
  • quality lighting (very pleasant and comfortable for eyes);
  • simple service;
  • unconditional economy;
  • Safe use.

As for the comfort of lighting, it is particularly soft, while preserves brightness. For office workers, this option is most appropriate, since in the workplace with the presence of artificial lighting they have to spend a fairly long period of time.

LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules

LED device.

Efficiency. This quality is most attractive to consumers. As noted above, such LED panels can work up to 100,000 hours. And notice that at that time they do not need additional maintenance or in the implementation of the lamps. It takes a very little time to perform installation work on installing LED panels.

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Safe use is guaranteed by the fact of use in their manufacture of high strength materials. And if this feature add the properties of LED power sources, the degree of security for the life and human health will rise at times.

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Rules for installing LED panels

All LED panels are intended for stationary internal use.

LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules

Device of the LED lamp.

As for the method of their installation, there are two main options: suspended method and built-in.

Most often the installation of LED panels on the surface of the suspended ceiling is made. To do this, the standard panel is simply mounted instead of one of the ceiling plates. Installation is made from the inside of the suspended ceiling.

Another method of installing LED panels provides an embedded nature of the work, the location of the panel can be any (ceiling, wall, etc.). To secure the product on the installation surface, special fastening fittings are used. Usually it is included. Please note that the surface on which the installation of the LED panel is made should be high quality, that is, not to have irregularities and damage.

LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules

Construction of a bubble LED panel.

Here are some important rules relating to the installation of LED panels, mandatory for implementation:

  1. All installation, maintenance, and dismantling work of the above elements can be performed only when the electricity is turned off.
  2. It is necessary to completely eliminate the possibility of contacting the LED panel with water.
  3. It is not allowed to expose the LED panel with the mechanical effects of the type of vibration or impact.
  4. If the housing of the LED system has any damage, its use is strictly prohibited.
  5. Be sure to comply with the compliance of the voltage of the electrical network characteristics of the LED design. Its use is possible at a voltage of 220 V.
  6. Experts do not recommend using LED devices in rooms having increased humidity, as the degree of moisture protection of this device has an insufficient degree.
  7. A close location to heating devices is unacceptable.
  8. Installation of the LED panel is not possible if the surface to which it is installed is characterized by such quality as light flammability.
  9. The absence of a diffuser on the LED panel eliminates its operation.
  10. When a flashing light appears, or decrease the brightness is better to stop exploiting this system.
  11. For safe operation of the design, the prerequisite is grounded.
  12. Maintenance work includes an annual inspection, which includes checking the panel aimed at detecting contamination, as well as damage.

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Production of LED panel with their own hands

LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules

Device of the LED ceiling panel.

It is often happening so that trying to choose a LED panel in the store suitable for your designer idea, you can't find the desired option. Despite the fact that the range of these lighting devices is very large, the required system does not occur. It is in this case that it is necessary to think about the manufacture of the LED panel with their own hands. Many may decide that this task is quite complicated and for exampley of specialists. But this is not the case at all, the structural device of the product is enviable simplicity.

As its foundation, glass is usually used with a matte surface. This can be both an option from plexiglas and an option using transparent plastic. To make it more clear, this base will be called the screen. Behind him are special LED chips. The provision of their voltage occurs through the power source of the individual type.

LED panel do-it-yourself: installation rules

Typical size ceiling LED panel.

But these are common characteristics. To proceed to the manufacture of the LED panel, you first need to imagine how it will look.

And for this, take a piece of paper, pencil and try to portray the design you have invented. If you own a computer at a sufficient level, you can execute the LED panel with a special program.

After the project is ready, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the LED screen. You don't have to be absolutely accurate here, you can safely round the resulting value. Calculate the area of ​​the panel is necessary in order to navigate with its possible power. This indicator will directly depend on its brightness.

Decide which lighting you need. If your panel is a source of muted light, then just 1 W per 1 sq. dm. Note that when used as a base (screen) of multi-colored glass, power can be slightly increased.

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To install the LED panel, the calculation must be made as a standard illumination option based on the fact that one LED corresponds to one conventional lamp, the power of which is 10 W.

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Some recommendations

So, you already know how the design will look like, we decided on its capacity, it means that time has come to build. The main condition for the implementation of the assembly is the safety of the use of applicable chips.

The location of chips is most often even in the entire area of ​​the base. But if you want your system to have a difference from standard options, you can experiment. Fastening chips on the screen does not require special skills, it is quite simple to do it.

As for good functioning, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a power source. The place of its placement can be both the body of the product itself and the separately located block. The last option will not deliver you inconvenience, as it is characterized by a compact size.

You can purchase the necessary chips you and power supplies in stores specializing in selling similar products. There you can also get the necessary consultation and recommendations on the use of this kind of lighting.

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