How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?



The construction of a frame facility occurs fairly quickly, and its erection technology is simple. Therefore, to build your own small frame house 6x6 with your own hands will be completely unprofessional. The house built on the framework technology is durable and convenient, it is possible for year-round accommodation. At the same time, the exercise costs of the frame house will be less than the cost of the structure of the stone several times.

How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

Scheme of a frame house.

Principles of building buildings on a frame basis

When building a frame house, basic expenses fall on the construction of the foundation. As a base, the column and pile foundation is often used. The frame house 6x6 m has a small weight that does not create a significant load on the ground. This makes it possible to build a building on the basis of any type. For the construction of a frame, you can use both wooden and other materials.

The technology used is that the carrier structure is first mounted, then it takes place by panels.

With such a method, the construction shrinkage house is not required, so you can immediately finish work. High thermal insulation properties of the building contribute to a significant reduction in its heating costs. Build a frame house 6x6 with your own hands is quite possible for a small (about 2 months) term.

Construction of the house

To work will require tools:

How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

Tools for the construction of a frame house.

  • Construction level and roulette;
  • Perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • nail holder;
  • screwdrivers;
  • stairs;
  • scrap.


  • Asbestos pipes (height 1.5 m);
  • treated with antipirens and antiseptics timber (100x150x600 mm) 6 m long;
  • Bar 50x150 mm;
  • boards;
  • concrete;
  • Ruberoid;
  • anchor bolts;
  • nails;
  • braided;
  • OSB plates;
  • Chipboard;
  • insulating and waterproofing materials;
  • plasterboard;
  • siding;
  • metal tile;
  • communications.

Building a frame house with their own hands, you need to follow the following order:

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How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

Setting the walls of a frame house.

  1. To create a column foundation of a frame house in the soil, a pitch holes for pipes (diameter 20 cm, depth 1 m) are performed.
  2. The pipes are inserted into the wells, falling asleep the earth and good of her tampering, then concrete poured inside each pipe.
  3. After drying the concrete to the foundation as a base of the frame laid a bar, insulating its rubberoid. The position of the bar is controlled using a level, fix the bars anchor bolts.
  4. Basic floor boards are laid on the bar.
  5. In terms of 50 cm increments, lags are installed, between which the insulation mats are placed.
  6. Perform lower strapping using having grooves (step 50 cm, length 10 cm) BRUSEV. The edges of the bars are also connected using grooves.
  7. Installing brazening for fastening vertical racks, drill holes in the grooves under them. Then on the pins put on bars (150x50 mm), starting from the installation of angular racks.
  8. Vertical bars are consistently associated with temporary dosers, the racks themselves are carefully fixed.
  9. After installing all vertical racks, the lower strapping is similar to the top, there is an identical groove. The top strapping is fixed with nails, the length of which is 10 cm more than the thickness of the bars strapping.
  10. Temporary covers replace constant, which, taking over the load, make the frame house durable.

Now the main frame of the house is built.

Complete work with the construction of the roof and decoration of the building:

  1. The ceiling beams (from a bar of 150x50 mm) are attached to the frame, having them above the vertical racks and joking on the ends at an angle of 50 degrees. The rafters are knocked down by nails.
  2. Finally, the design is strengthened by a-shaped horizontal board.
  3. Inside the house 6x6 m equipped with partitions with partitions indicating the boundaries of interior spaces.
  4. In increments of 10 cm to the ceiling beams, the boards of the bartal roof shafts are attached, which should perform for rafters by 20 cm.
  5. Waterproofing, chipboard, wood-insulating plates are laid on the crate and mounted roofing material.
  6. The frame outside the OSB is cut, produce its waterproofing and decoration by siding.
  7. Make communications, produce waterproofing and tie.
  8. Warm attic and install windows.

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Now you can equip the device for draining the rainwater and perform the internal arrangement of the skeleton house.

Using metal products to create a frame

How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

Assembling scheme of frame house 6x6.

House 6x6 m can be built using LSTK. Such structures are steel galvanized profiles. The metal frame of the house is harvested on the principle of the constructor without the use of welding. Most building materials are non-combustible, and galvanized profiles are resistant to corrosion. Steel frame strength allows you to make wide window and doorways and apply any facing materials. Weight of 1 square. M of this house does not exceed 150 kg, so the building on the steel frame can be built on weak soils. It is possible to purchase a ready-made framework of the building.

To build a house with your hands 6x6 m using metal products, at the construction stage of the frame and its fill, you will need tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill.


  • self-tapping screw;
  • thermal insulation;
  • OSB panels;
  • Plasterboard.

Work in the following order:

  1. After the construction of the foundation, metal photographs are prepared, cut with preliminary calculations and marked.
  2. According to the plan, the metal frame is collected on the foundation, using a screwdriver and self-tapping for the assembly.
  3. Fill the walls with heat insulating materials.
  4. Complete the construction of the finishing finish of the roof and walls, gasket of communications and final interior decoration.

If it is decided to build a frame house with your own hands, then the size of 6x6 m will be optimal. Using the minimum effort and building materials, you can quickly build a reliable, convenient and durable house. Such a construction, adhering to the developed technology, it is quite possible to spend independently. For successful work it is necessary to follow step by step instructions and carefully perform all stages of construction.

How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

How do you build a frame house 6x6 m?

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