How to choose a loop for doors with a fest


The type of accessories depends not only on the mass and size of the sash, but from its design features. Thus, door hinges for doors with a festival must meet additional requirements due to some differences of such a model.

How to choose a loop for doors with a fest


Doors with the entrance: features

In the usual case, the closuit closet enters the door frame. At the same time, a technological gap remains between vertical and horizontal parts of the frame and between the sash. If we are talking about interior sash in a well-heard apartment, this gap does not create any inconvenience.

But if it comes to the input design or door between the heated and turbulent premises, the picture changes. With a draft or high temperature difference, the gap creates a solid cold bridge. You can avoid this by 2 ways: to climb the sash around the perimeter with a good seal or anticipating this situation, order a door with a fest.

How to choose a loop for doors with a fest

This option is different from the usual model by the execution of the end: on the edges of the product there is a bar, wider than the opening created by the door frame. When closing, the sash enters the box on the thickness of the canvas, and the bar is tightly pressed against the frame. To ensure the most dense adjustment, the end surfaces are bevelled here. It is clear that the usual loops or locks here are mounted difficult and you need to take into account the offset of the axis and the slope.

Castles and loops for interior doors with a fest

An option with from the outlook affects the accommodation and fitness device.

  • Facial Plank Frame is not located along the axis, but with a displacement, sometimes even with a slope.
  • The response part also looks different: it can be a plate with an end coinciding with the end of the frame, or a corner. Under the last you need to make a sample.
  • The axis is also shifted beyond the fiction limits. Accordingly, the installation of any accessories is impossible. Most of all come up corner mortise and brand models. Hidden loop for doors with a festival or an overhead butterfly is not suitable.

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How to choose a loop for doors with a fest

  • If the adjustment of the closer is supposed, it will have to configure it in a special way: the closer course at the end of the closing should be as smooth as possible, not fast, otherwise the flood will constantly hit the box and quickly wear out.

How to choose a loop for doors with a fest

Varieties loops for sash with a festival

Due to the features of the design, only 2 types of canopies are possible - the usual options, like butterflies or hidden canopies do not fit. Moreover, one model crashes, and the second can be installed without cut-in.

How to choose a loop for doors with a fest

  • Corner loops for doors with a tray differ from the usual mortise form of the plate - it is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Thus, accessories takes into account the offset along the axis and the incomplete entry of the sash in the door frame. In the photo - corner loops.

How to choose a loop for doors with a fest

Without cuts, it is not necessary to do here: under the plates of the canopy in the end of the canvas and in the slope of the frame form grooves. You can use any suitable tool. In normal cases, there are quite enough rocks and a hammer with which the grooves cut out, experimental by choosing the desired depth. If the sash is quite expensive and I would like to do the job gently, use a manual milling mill. In this case, the canopy parameters are a benchmark for the groove on the canvas and the box.

How to choose a loop for doors with a fest

  • Screw - their installation is even more simple. Hidden brand models consist of a pin and a swivel axis. The pins are screwed into the end of the sash and in the riser of the frame, and only the swivel axis remains in sight. This can not be called fully hidden accessories, but they possess resistance to hacking.

How to choose a loop for doors with a fest

For interior doors, easy simple models are selected - with 2 pins, for heavy - wooden, for example, or metal, it is worth choosing hidden whipped loops with 4 pins. Manufacturers most often install twisted canopies, since they are stronger and less noticeable.

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On video, whipping and door corner hinges for doors with a tray are installed using a milling mill.

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