Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video


If you have a rich fantasy and there is a little free time, then this article will be very entertaining. It will present a lot of ideas and descriptions, how to make products from plastic pipes. In each construction store there will be plastic pipes with different diameters, from the smallest to the largest. Such pipes are usually used for water supply, sewer, heating works and others.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

For ordinary people, this is just pipes, but for more original and creative - this is the material for the realization of the whole chassis of ideas. For PVC pipes, special connectors sell, or, as they are also called, adapters that are very easy to connect the details of each other. So, thinking in advance the plan, you can build various structures, and improvising, make unusual things.

At first, such an idea may seem comic, but besides small frivolous crafts, the furniture and furniture can really make it possible. I will be convinced of the foregoing.

Functional crafts

We will review with a description of the manufacture of pleasant smallest things for the home, without spending a lot of time and effort, you can perform all the following items yourself. A big plus is the budget of such products.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Organizer from cropped pipes make easier simple. It is suitable for the trifles of workshop or garage, or even for a desk, convenient and practical to use. To create it, it is worth only to cut the pipes of the desired height, and if you wish to connect them with quick-drying glue or thermopystole.

It is convenient that for such an organizer may not need to buy pipes specifically, but just found the remaining segments from the repair.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

You can create original bookshelf. Such an invention relates to a modern style - High-tech. It is simply thought out and draws on a sheet of the selected number of turns for books, after the pipe is cut and connected by purchased adapters. Even a teenager can make such a shelf for books.

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Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Frame for a mirror or for photos will not even look homemade, and to spend a very small piece of pipe on it. The pipe is simply cut into several centimeter mugs that glued according to invented form. The frame can be round, square, in the form of an asterisk or any other.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Shelf for shoes. Fans of shoes and owners of a limited place for storage accurately like the idea of ​​creating such a shelf. The plus is a reasonable distribution of the hallway space, since the usual shelf is limited in height, and these individual pipes for each pair can rise at least to the ceiling.

Also from pipes you can lay out funny forms, photo example:

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Original structures

In the previous chapter, it was told about crafts that should not be designed, or just to collect. Now we are talking about more capacious subjects.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Let's start with a colors stand. You can make it under any number of vases. It should be thought out where it will be located to correctly calculate how much it can take places. Based on this, the plan is drawn, the pipes are cut and connected by adapters. If such a stand you get tired, it can easily be disassembled. And a big plus is the ability to install it at the cottage on the street, and nothing happens to her.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

And if you have a lot of sewage pipe somewhere, they can be used as temporary pots for dilution of colors.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Technical lamps. Very original idea of ​​converting a structure from pipes into a lively lamp. Minimum details and interesting execution.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Hannake for the hallway also boasts its practicality. It is going out of several long pipes and small segments. The appearance of it resembles a shopping hanger.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

If you have a baby or a few kids, and they will grow up and start moving actively, and the purchase of the playpen costs very expensive, then you build your own. The design is very simply going, just measure the place that are willing to highlight under the children's space. And buy pipes and adapters, connecting which forms a wonderful playpen.

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Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

And for grown children or for adults, a small football gate will come up for adults. Such an assembly will be interesting to do with children.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

From furniture facilities you can make construction of chairs, tables, a children's double two-story bed and racks. And it is only a frequent ideas that can be realized, having friends with plastic pipes. Try to make products for cottages, greenhouses, coasters for firewood, animal feeders. The list of products is limited only by your needs and fantasy.

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Products from plastic pipes for home with photos and video

Video on the topic

In a selection of video showing a small part of ideas, which can be created from plastic pipes.

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