What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?


After the end of the construction of a private house, many owners understand that some errors were admitted. In this case, one can never foresee. And since this is a very expensive event, it is better to learn from other people's mistakes than on their own. In this article we will talk about some such errors that can be provided in advance.

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

Calculate your strength

The main point to be highlighted in a separate item, and put in the first place - this is the correct assessment of your capabilities. And first of all - financial. As the experience of many builders shows, often something can go wrong, and costs increase, there is not enough funds, and the construction is delayed, and sometimes it can get up at all.

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

Tip! It is always necessary to determine the overall budget with a margin for unforeseen expenses. Such a margin will complete the construction in the planned time frame if something goes wrong.

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

Type of soil

We need to give sufficient attention to the type of soil, and the depth of groundwater. It is better to hire professionals for this. Neglecting this item can reset and cross all the efforts put on the construction of the house if the foundation bends to collapse. A competent approach to the study of the soil at the construction site will help to choose the right type of foundation and avoid its destruction in the future.

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

Do not rush with interior decoration

Of course, very often, people will not wait to quickly fulfill the inner finish of the house, because you want to see the finished result faster. But subsequently it is not rarely found that they forgot to provide a socket here, and the bathroom would like "warm floors", but the floor is already made and the tile is put.

Tip! Before starting the finish, carefully think over and perform all electrical wiring, plumbing communications, low-current networks for the Internet and other needs, which would not have had to regret that you forgot to do something.

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

Temporary buildings

This is a frequent phenomenon at the construction site of the main house. Construction is usually delayed for a long time, and people want some comfort with which they will spend time at a construction site. That is why temporary toilets, gazebos, souls, baths are often appearing. Of course, people hope that this is only for a while, and after building a house, all this will be replaced with more serious objects. But often this does not happen. Time time, money is also spent on temporary buildings, and in the end it remains constantly, but not in the form, in which owner would like to see these buildings next to the finished and beautiful home.

An important idea! It makes sense to immediately build toilets, arbors and similar structures on an ongoing basis and in the form in which you would like to see them next to the finished home.

Number of floors

Most people initially dream of a large two-or three-story house. But think about whether it is necessary. For all, it would seem, the "coolness" of such a house can marry large impracticality of this housing. Believe me, after some time you can get bored "jump" on the stairs between the floors. Therefore, think in advance how many people will live here constantly, but also do not forget about the guest room. Maybe quite a single-storey small house, in which the movement between numerous rooms will not be so radiant.

Article on the topic: How to fill the house to make it stylish?

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

Warming at home

Of course, in our country, in the construction of a private house, each owner is trying to save on something. But remember, you can never save on such a paragraph as insulation at home. Neglecting this rule can play a bad joke in the future. I regrets on insulation can be in tens and hundreds of times then overpay for heating at home. And on the contrary, if to the question of insulation to approach with full responsibility, the heating of the house will subsequently take a minimum of funds.

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

In custody

Observing all the above-described tips, you can save yourself about many issues after the end of the construction of your private house, and provide them in advance . Surely it is not all moments that the owners of houses regret after the end of their construction. Can you share your experience and tell you about something else?

What do the owners of country houses regret after the end of construction?

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