Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video


What if there is very little space in a one-room apartment, and you need to add another bed? In recent years, furniture has become very popular, which can be transformed, which allows you to free more space in the apartment and have your own zone for other everyday affairs. Such furniture is very practical for owners of small apartments. In this master class we will learn how quickly and with pleasure to make a transforming bed with your own hands. Why are such products better to do it yourself? This is due to the fact that the master himself will be able to fit the sizes to the desired and corresponding to its room. It is also convenient that you don't have to spend a lot of money.

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

After all, how it is convenient to wake up after night sleep, remove your bed and now in her place there is a written table, which can be used for their working moments. And in case there is a small child in the house, but the family has a small room, then the option with a children's bed-transformer will be the best.

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

Double option

When the family consists of two people, then the bed should be double. As you know, not all young families can boast the presence of a large space in their room. In this master class, we will make a vertical bed that will be folded into the wall, and can also be transformed into horizontal.

Tip! Before starting to make a bed, first you need to make the necessary measurements, and after performing drawings that can be downloaded on the Internet for those who have never tried to work with schemes.

It is best to make backs from chipboard, as well as experts recommend placing material from top to bottom.

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

The bottom item needs to spin well so that the base is smooth. Now form 50 to 50 size holders from the main board. We look at the photo, as the result should look like. The length should be about two meters. Attach the holder in width and in the middle, as well as at an altitude of one and a half meters from the bottom of the back. Next, with the side parts of the back, we make legs - patterned stakes from MDF. The main part is to attach with the help of glue and bolts to the same back. Next, krepim is another profile, best decorative. But the upper part we can just put on the glue. The front part of the backrest do likewise back, only difference is that it is necessary to connect via drawer side on styazhechkah not do through holes, and only locked with the clutch. It is necessary so that no shards can be seen on the board.

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The most important fastening elements in this bed are two backs and kings. And only after these two parts are collected, you can start collecting the foundation. Perform these works only in the place where the bed will be. Further, we set the middle bar joint with sopors and only then set the place to locate the mattress. To the main bruus, with the help of self-tapping screws, attach the supports, but the bar attach to the holder, which is on the backs. The assembly approached the end, it remains only to make the basis for the mattress. And the bottom we cut out from the chipboard, it is best to put out of two halves. That's ready.

Bed transformer do it yourself: drawings for double with video

You can also make a desktop with such a bed, but before work you need to change the drawing and make additional measurements.

Video on the topic

This article presents videos to help learn to make a transformer bed independently.

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