We select and install the loop for pendulum doors


Doors - an important element in any room. They provide heat in it, comfort, prevent drafts, prevent insect penetration not only in an apartment or house, but also places, public. For example, in offices, shops, schools, medical institutions, and so on. These places have a number of features that are important to consider when choosing a door design. The main of them lies in a lot of passability. Therefore, the doors should be easily open and closed.

We select and install the loop for pendulum doors

Door hinges

Today on the market you can find various options for door structures. The most suitable option for public premises is swinging. They work according to various principles, the most convenient those that according to the principle of the pendulum, that is, they can open both inside and out. The doors rotate around their axis on one amplitude in both directions. At the same time, they are able to spontaneously accept the closed position.

We select and install the loop for pendulum doors

As you know, to attach the door to the facade, additional elements are needed. In this case, special loops are used, which provide this discovery ability. Outdoor closers can also be installed, which fix the position of the doors. This feature is very convenient and well suited in cases where the temperature regime in all adjacent rooms is the same. It can also be used when ventilating, as the doors will be fixed in one position and will not create obstacles to penetrate fresh air.

Loops for glass pendulum doors

Pendulum doors can be made from different materials. Frequently common is glass. The glass pendulum door is stronger, reliable and has an attractive appearance. At the same time, it ensures the penetration of sunlight into the room. This option doors are often used in supermarkets and stores. Through it, you can see that in the room is located.

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We select and install the loop for pendulum doors

Installation of glass doors of the pendulum type is different from the traditional. So, in them, a hidden breeder is used to close the door. It can be combined with loops or being a separate element of the design.

It is worth noting that when installing such doors, a door frame is not provided. They are attached directly to the opening. Moreover, gaps are needed between the sash, both between glass and wall and floors. They are 4-5 mm and 11-13 mm, respectively.

As for the loops, they can be attached differently: in the floor ceiling or to the wall. In the first case, this mechanism is installed on the floor and the upper part of the opening. At the same time, it has the appearance of the axes that fittings wear. Outdoor closer is attached on the bottom axis.

We select and install the loop for pendulum doors

The second option involves fastening the loop to the wall. And inside it there is already an outdoor closer. Such accessories differs in high quality and is manufactured by European manufacturers, which certainly affects its cost. As a result, the price of such products is significantly higher than the others.

Pendulum loops for aluminum doors

Also quite often install aluminum doors. Such structures are strong enough and wear-resistant. They are able to serve for many years. To ensure this, it is important not only to establish them correctly, but also use only high-quality fittings. As practice shows, it is impossible to save on the latter.

When installing aluminum doors, different loops are used. One of the most popular options is pendulum. We have such loops are known not so long ago. Previously, they were used only in the West. Their difference is available in the presence of springs. It provides the return of the sash to the initial position.

Loops for pendulum wooden doors

Wooden canvas is universal. It produces various designs. No exception and doors. Such products are environmentally friendly, safe for human health and the environment. At the same time, they possess attractive aesthetic properties. And they can open in different schemes. Quite often there are pendulum wooden doors.

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When assembling such structures, loops of different types are used: removable, overhead secret, universal. To ensure an arbitrary opening of the door inside the room and only pendulum can only. They differ from others and consist of three cards that are interconnected using massive axes. Also inside the design there are springs. They are responsible for opening the door. It can pass smoothly or tense. For this, the springs tension corrected.

We select and install the loop for pendulum doors

Usually, instructions are attached to such products. She is an indispensable assistant in setting up their work. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with it and save this document in case of breakdowns or other violations in the product.

Loops swing pendulum for doors: how to install?

If you carry out the mounting doors on your own, then the loops will be fixed. This work is not much more difficult. The main thing is to ensure that the verticals are used when the design is rotated. Otherwise, when opening the sash will be cling to the floor or upper fraamuga. Also do not forget about the presence of a gap between him. It should be perfectly smooth.

Basically, the opening under the fastening of the fittings must be made independently. Only on all-glass doors, they are already provided by the manufacturer. This significantly complicates the task of installing such doors.

We select and install the loop for pendulum doors

In addition, it is necessary to firmly and securely secure the loops, it is worth paying special attention to the outdoor sensor. Since a large load is carried out on it, it must be well fixed. This will avoid a number of problems in the work of the whole design, which often become a reason for repairing it.

The loop-closer for the pendulum door can be different. It is chosen depending on how the door canvas is used. Since the latter is distinguished by their weight, dimensions and other characteristics, the loop must be calculated on them. Thus, it will provide the doors are durable and reliable fastening.

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