Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos


Patchwork is the process of creating a variety of products from the segments of matter. Quilt (quilted canvas) is a more complex variety of patchwork. Here the flaps of the fabric are not just combined with each other, but shut up using additional elements. Quilting products are more difficult and more elegant than patchwork. The most unscrewy and simple things with it may look stylish and attractive. Quilting and patchwork, schemes for which are designed for each craft in advance, different. Having before the eyes the scheme, the master is not confused in their plans and can do everything neatly and without mistakes.

Methods of nonsense stitches on the tissue basis

For ease of details use several options:

  • In accordance with the fabric pattern. There are no restrictions in this case, since fabric patterns can be diverse;
  • Machine line passes along the contour of the geometric shape;
  • Stitch passes on any curve: spiral, zagazaga or arbitrary;
  • Each structural element of the patchwork-product is shifted as a separate unit.

Photos are given examples of methods for overlaying a machine line on a patchwork base:

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

Stitch - a distinctive feature of quilting that needs to be able to do correctly.

How to perform stitch?

- To apply a machine line of an arbitrary shape, the pattern of the pattern is better to pre-translate to the finished patchwork base. This uses chalk or pencil. Lines are applied as thin and unnoticed on the front side. It is undesirable to wunt the pattern with a thread, because it may be difficult to make it difficult to extract the non-needed thread. You can use the prepared pattern.

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

- placing a cloth under the paw of a sewing machine, it must be pre-fastened with pins.

- The product should not hang on the knees.

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- Begin to apply the machine line you need from the center of the product to the edges to avoid wrinkling the fabric and skew pattern.

- First, large lines and blocks are posted. Places where stitches are very much, processed upon completion of work.

- The remaining threads are gently hidden under stitches.

Another distinctive feature of quilting is that the final product is obtained by volume . This effect is achieved by laying between the facial and the involving side of another fabric - Sweet . You usually take batting or sintepon.

Below is a video master class by Quilting:

If you draw your opinion in the history of the appearance of Quilting, you can remember that the first subject that was done in this style was quilt - a quilted blanket. Mothers gave him to his adult sons as a sign of finding freedom in making independent decisions. Needlewomen sewed quilt do it yourself, competing in mastery and fantasy.

How to make quilt do it yourself?

The quilt can be made as a color, consisting of different pillars and monotonous. If the one-color side is embroidered with a bizarre stitch, the product does not lose in beauty and originality. Masters Patchwork and Quilting can be able to make real masterpieces from scraps and completely ordinary priests. It is especially valuable that all the product from beginning to end the master did with their own hands, putting the soul and heart.

The top side of the quilt, made from the patchwork, is performed according to all the rules of the patchwork. After preparing both sides of the quilted blanket, it is necessary to pave an additional layer of synthet board between them and make all three elements into a single integer. After that, you can apply a machine line as described at the beginning of the article. After the stitch is applied, the edges of the product are stitching and processed with decor. As a result, you can get something like that:

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Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

Quilt and Patchwork: Schemes, patchwork for beginners from masters, master class with video and photos

How difficult to sew patchwork products?

Every day the number of those who wish to master the patchwork are increasing. Patchwork and quilting for beginners are not limited to patches and stands. It is not difficult to try your strength and expand opportunities. The main thing is to comply with a number of tips and do not forget about accuracy.

Be sure to remember that:

- Before starting work, all the patchworks must be posts and dried. Unprepared fabric can politic, paint other pieces and spoil the entire craft.

- You should not neglect the schemes and templates. Let them take a little longer on their creation and drawing, but a convenient tool tool and the visual representation of the future product significantly increase the chance to create something worthwhile.

- Be careful and neat in work. Hands should not interfere, all tools should be near.

- All seams must be molded, preferably in one direction. Long segments of the material when stroking are placed perpendicular to the board, so that in the process they do not shock and not lose the form.

- Books and magazines can become a significant help, because they can always find a lot of ideas and masters advice.

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