Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video


A panel of threads and nails, or "String-Art", is gaining popularity with the direction in Hend-Mad. Translated from English, it means "the art of strings." Weaving threads with nails draws attention to its unusual implementation technique, as well as this type of needlework perfectly suitable for whom it is tired of a banal embroidery or knitting.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

We will understand in history

For several centuries ago, the technique of weaving threads implied not to use as art, but as a way to teach children to mathematics. The Englishwoman Marie Everest Bul in 1845 the first began to use the pulling of threads on the nails, nailed on a small board, as a way of showing numbers and figures to children. The board was conveniently moved by class, and she also did not require care. Soon Marie Bul published a book called "Philosophy and Entertainment in Algebra." Such a very difficult, but interesting way and gave impetus in the development of needlework and handmade.

It is believed that the true history of the origin of this art takes its origin in the House of Fashion "Open Door Company", Los Gatos, California. John Eichhenger, who noticed the enormous potential in the performance of paintings by Isonids and ordinary nails, can be considered his discoverer. His first job was the name "Row of Mandala" and immediately attracted the interest of others.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Advantages and uniqueness of work:

  • originality;
  • Suitable for a gift for any holiday;
  • Easy (even a child can easily do it);
  • Work is not brand;
  • easily accessible materials;
  • No need to have artistic skills, as well as skills in creativity;
  • modernity.

So we figured out the main features of this type of needlework. Based on a plurality of positive qualities, it is worth thinking about why not make a picture yourself.

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To feel all the subtleties of weaving threads with nails and a wooden board, we offer to perform the picture in the style of "String-Art Panel" with your own hands.

String Art in the form of a heart

You will need only:

  • wood board;
  • nails;
  • a hammer;
  • cardboard or paper, scissors;
  • a large number of multicolored knitting threads;
  • Creativity and desire to create.

Let's start with a small and quite simple picture on which the heart will be depicted. It has always been a symbol of love and loyalty and, undoubtedly, passed sincere feelings to a person. So we will delight the same wonderful and incredible panels!

First you need to prepare the board to perform work.

Please note that you can ask her a colored background, check, clean or leave as it is.

Then draw on the cardboard sheet or print the image of the heart, cut it along the contour. Attach to the blackboard in any way, but it is advisable to just glue.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Place the points where nails born will be located. It is necessary to make a mark at the same distance, as the appearance will depend on it.

Drive nails carefully along the contour. Discover the picture from the cover. Bind the end of the thread to one of the nails.

Get out threads in various order and direction, your taste.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Several illustrative examples of various panels from the threads in the form of hearts.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

How to make more complex images of animals or, for example, in the form of birds, let's later.

Owl decoration

Having coped with a less difficult task, you can proceed to the fulfillment of more complex work.

Owl is, first of all, not just an ordinary bird, but an animal, symbolizing wisdom and unusualness. Night Princess, as often called in the surrounding nature, it is thanks to his eyes and strange sounds of voice associated with seriousness, mind and tranquility. A panel with its image is great for a gift, hiding at the same time the deep meaning of his essence.

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Previously, you got acquainted with the step-by-step structure of the panel from the nails with knitting threads. It will take all the same for this work as for the previous one. Namely:

  • Board, wooden;
  • nails (this time a big number);
  • a hammer;
  • cardboard or paper, pencil;
  • Brown knitting threads.

We'll figure it out in the scheme of the execution of the "Council". Prepare board to work. You can ask her a colored background, to register, clean or leave again as it is.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Draw an image of owls and cut it. It will be easier to print the drawing, cut and pasted directly on the working board. Here are some exemplary cutting layouts:

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Place the dots, carefully and at a uniform distance to drive nails.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Tensioning knitted threads randomly, trying to allocate the details of the owls in the color scheme.

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video


Here are some exemplary photos with a visual image of various "Sov":

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Punk from threads and nails do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Video on the topic

Looking for inspiration? Do you need to do something more original and tasteful? Special video lessons will help you. With a more detailed description of the work, you can also familiarize yourself in the following selection.

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