Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo


Punk from buttons is another excellent solution for crafts for both of the year and for a holiday or event. The advantages of this type of work are to be in its originality, uniqueness, development of creative abilities, as well as in the bright presentation of the color spectrum due to the large number of different colors of buttons and accessories. Such works of decorative art we can see pretty often, but we rarely think about why not make a paws from the buttons with their own hands and exclusively under your taste, and not run in search of something individual and distinctive when we can do it ourselves. In addition, it will doubly win the appearance.

Panno is an element of a room decor, which is designed to decorate the walls, ceilings, and sometimes buildings. What does it differ from the usual picture or image, because both the picture and panels serve in the form of decorations? First of all, the method of its manufacture. One of them is a panel of buttons and accessories. Technique has no restrictions and is available for children of almost all ages. They develop fantasy, logic and ability to work with details that are distributed in the right places, withsting the color gamut.

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

In this article, we will show several different master classes on the manufacture of panels from fittings, and we will help you to deal with your wishes and teach how to make it right and step by step.

Decorative "Tree"

Accessories and materials:

  • finished frame with canvas;
  • pencil;
  • brush;
  • paints;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • Multicolored buttons.

We will analyze the course of work.

Prepare white pure canvas. Draw on it a pencil tree. Here are exemplary images of trees that are necessary for the future picture.

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Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Optionally, you can immediately start drawing with paints.

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Let's dry the paint. After some time, we proceed to decoration. We take buttons of different colors and in a different order stick them on a tree twigs. If they have an eye, you can just sew them to the canvas.

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo


Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

"Merry elephants"

We need:

  • white canvas;
  • paints or simple pencil;
  • Multicolored butchers;
  • glue.

On the canvas, perform the easiest drawing of elephants or paints or pencils.

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

We attach buttons (first large, then smaller).

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

We make eyes to elephants using white and black buttons. To complete the picture, you can add herbal, balls or, for example, the heart.

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Crafts for adults

To get an elegant composition, it is not necessary to invent some sophisticated drawings and pictures, just just a little imagination. For example, even from buttons laid out in a random order, a work of art may turn out.

Variations of tree countless. To make one of them, it is enough to circulate on the finished pattern of the image contour, then fill in buttons inside. Barrel - brown shades, sand or beige. And the crown, depending on the time of year, or green, or red, or orange, or white. You can also make triptych with Sakura branch on three canvas. Neutral background without frame. On all three canvas to hold one line that will be a branch. Paint her brown paint. Again, lay out buttons in the color scheme and stick them. An unusual car of accessories can be made on the basis of some kind of finished picture. For example, landscape, evening haze, dawn.

It may not be trees, options for many: birds, animals, silhouettes of people, and even insects. "Ballerina" - Create a canvas of a dark color. Ballerina itself lay out in the elegant pose pearl buttons. Rosa - on a white background, lay out a rose with bright red buttons with a dark green stem. "Peacock tail" is an excellent combination of white background and many shades of green.

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Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Perform a picture called "Hummingbirds".

We need:

  • canvas with frame;
  • Buttons;
  • glue;
  • beads;
  • tweezers;
  • pencil.

Draw a hummingbird on a white canvas.

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

I put buttons, beads, fittings and glit.

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Very simple, but bright work turned out in the end!

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

More options for photos for panel:

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

Panel from buttons do it yourself for children: master class with photo

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