Bathroom design in a private house


Bathroom design in a private house

The interior design of the bathroom in a private house gives a large space for fantasy when planning design. Here you can safely experiment with different styles, change the location of the plumbing, as it is convenient to the owner of the house.

Differences of the bathroom in the house and apartment

When planning a bathroom in the house, first of all, it should be repeated from the size of the intended premises allocated to it. This room in a private house can be very impressive, here you can equip a bath zone or SPA zone.

Bathroom design in a private house

Bathroom design in a private house

Unlike the bathroom, located in an urban apartment, the windows simply needed in the house. Usually private houses are located in a zone with a good environment, this can also be used when planning the interior. Moreover, they can be quite large, go out into the garden, on the meadow or on the forest surrounding the house. Materials here are appropriate almost any, the main thing is that they are natural. This room with the window looks unusual and interesting.

The repair of the bathroom can be divided into several stages, which will depend on how comfortable there will be hygienic procedures in it:

  • Development of a design project of a bathroom;
  • determination of the locations of communication and water pipes;
  • waterproofing and insulation of floors and walls;
  • alignment of surfaces before finishing;
  • decoration of the room;
  • Decorating the room with various elements.

When planning the interior of the bathroom in a private house should also be taken into account whether it was purchased by a ready-made house with all communications or a new one is built. Sourming of communications in the house is a very important stage of planning. In this regard, the house under construction has an advantage, because all this can be planned for themselves and make a bathroom spectacular and exclusive. Designing the territory in a private house can also be carried out on the basis of its own wishes, and it is almost impossible in the apartment.

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When planning a room for hygienic procedures in a private house, in addition to the advantages, you can find your minuses. One of the main minuses is the high cost of repair. In the apartment, of course, it will cost much cheaper. In addition, the volume of work in the house and apartment is also incommensurable, since the house needs to perform work on waterproofing, insulation of the placement of the future bathroom, as well as connecting hot water and sewage.

Bathroom interior cost

In general, the planning of the design of the bathroom in the house and apartment is no different. Repair may not be very expensive or to do in a round sum - it depends on the requests of the host of the room. Finishing materials today you can buy both at a high price and not very expensive.

In addition, an important factor affecting the cost of repairs in a private house is the quality and abandon of the construction of the house. In the house, which is only built, all work is greatly simplified, if the house is already quite old, then expensive preparatory work may be required before the process of interior decoration itself will begin.

The floor and walls of this room require high-quality waterproofing, otherwise the interior design will be spoiled by the appearance of mold or fungus. These works are quite expensive, because they must be performed by professionals. Waterproofing, performed independently allow you to significantly save, but if there is no confidence that the work will be performed qualitatively, it is better not to take.

Alignment of floors and walls is also a rather time-consuming work that needs to be done before laying the tile.

If a room is planned with a window, then it should also work with it, since this room is different from all others in the house.

Bathroom design in a private house

Bathroom decoration

After the preparatory work is completed, you can go directly to the bathroom finish. The design of the room, of course, is thought out to summarize the sewage and water supply.

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First of all, you should decide on the functionality and style of the room. It is important to understand, there will be a room with a window or without it, since the location of the lamps, the placement of plumbing, furniture and mirrors will depend on this, including.

It is important to understand that not all sorts of materials are suitable for decorating and decoration of the bathroom. Making the interior can be used for walls with various plastic and glass panels, ceramic tiles, stone, mosaic or special waterproof wallpapers.

Paul can be searched with porcelain stoneware, stone, high-class water resistant laminate.

Rightly placing the design of the bathroom, you can place everything you need, without overloading the space. The appearance of such a room in a private house depends in many respects from the color selected for finishing. It must be remembered that all shades affect the emotional state of a person. Red color awakens and more suitable people who prefer to quickly accept. Pastel shades relax and soothe. They are superbly suitable for the bathroom of the one who loves after the working day to relax, lying in a hot bath. You can combine colors and zonate space, because in a private house there is an area of ​​accommodation and a shower area, and a bath.

Space can also zonate, using different reliefs, shapes and textures. Proper use of materials for finishing will help achieve stunning results.

Furniture and bathroom plumbing

The bathroom typically uses a standard set of items, including the baths itself, the toilet, sometimes the bidet is installed, and the sink, as well as the mounted shelf with the mirror and the end.

In a private house, the design of the bathroom can be made more interesting by installing a separate shower and bath. You can put the bidet and toilet, install the sink. In a private house you can highlight a shower zone or even a zone with sauna.

Bathroom design in a private house

In the bathroom with a window you can make natural installations and create the illusion of the room in the fresh air. There are many design solutions for decorating a bathroom in a private house. Do not also forget about small details that create comfort and comfort. Various figures, vases, towel hooks, sets of accessories for soap, shampoos and personal care of personal hygiene, as well as pebbles, shells, napkins and towels, selected under the design of the room will set the room tone and mood.

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Bathroom design in a private house

Summing up the above, it is worth reminding that it is worth thinking that the interior design is in advance before performing the dismantling of the old equipment and start working on the sewage and water supply, as well as the waterproofing of the room. Before direct finish, it is necessary to fulfill all the preparatory work so that the room does not require frequent repairs. The design must meet the needs of the owner and all who will use it.

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