How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options


Kitchen - this room can be safely called the center of each house. It turns out that modern person spends quite a long time in this room. For this reason, it is necessary to approach the kitchen room with a large responsibility. This place should be convenient for the owner and enjoyable for guests.

Useful tips before choosing a material

Before separating the walls in the kitchen, it is important to remember that the design of the kitchen room should have not only a beautiful, enviable look, but also it must combine the strength and practicality of all surfaces.

Choosing material for finishing walls it is necessary to remember that the wall in the kitchen over the cooking surface is exposed to hot vapors, moisture and elevated temperature. That is why it is necessary to choose the finishing material capable of withstanding these factors.

How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

How to separate the walls in the kitchen? To date, the finishing material market is simply overflowing with a huge number of his species. Materials for decoration walls of the kitchen:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Paints for walls and ceiling;
  • Wallpaper, both ordinary and washable;
  • Decorative plaster.

Ceramic tile

From time immemorial, the ceramic tile is considered to be a resistance for the finishing of kitchen walls. And this is a very good idea. After all, the tile is durable and very reliable material, which is nippled moisture and high temperature.

The tile is good for the fact that it can be cleaned, in the case of contamination, a damp cloth and detergent. And nothing will happen to her. Today there are no problems with the assortment of tiles. It is presented in a wide range of colors and sizes. There is also a tile and for the floor -Cafel. The decoration of the cafeter is also occurring as much as the bathroom.

How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Strength and reliability (does not change the form at high loads);
  • Ease of care (easy to remove traces of fat and dust);
  • The ability to decorate patterns and colors;
  • Hygienicity (structure is not suitable for habitat of microbes);
  • Is not an electricity conductor;
  • Does not ignore;
  • Environmentally friendly material;
  • Sometimes defective tiles (chips, sinks) can come across:
  • High thermal conductivity (if you lower the tile on the floor, you will need to additionally carry out the heating of the floors. Near the hob of the tile is very heated, and it creates discomfort).

Wall paint and ceiling

Paint is one of the optimal solutions for finishing your kitchen. The finishing of kitchen wall paint is an excellent choice, so this material successfully solves the financial question - from all materials for paint finishing - one of the cheapest.

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Think ourselves: much cheaper to buy paint bank and paint it a large area. You do not buy tiles for the same money and one third of the surface.

For finishing, most often, the following types are used:

  • Water-emulsion;
  • Antimicrobial.

Water-emulsion is already long used in construction work. Some experts advise exactly this type of material for painting surfaces in the kitchen room. Antimicrobial paint also from the genus of water-emulsion. Only the difference is that silver oxide is added to this.

How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

This species was created specifically for medical institutions, where perfect purity is observed. But it will not hurt to use it at home. Paint will increase the level of such desired and necessary purity. The kitchen should always be clean.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Easily applied to the surface;
  • You can apply any tools: roller, brush, sprayer;
  • Very quickly dries (approximately 1.5 - 2 hours). This reduces repair terms;
  • Universal material, can be used for many surfaces;
  • Before applying, it is not necessary to align the walls;
  • It does not crack and do not be brought;
  • The protective film formed after applying paint does not miss moisture;
  • The most important thing is environmentally friendly material. With our ecology, it is very by the way;
  • It is impossible to use at temperatures below +5 degrees (it is not evenly moving, long dries);
  • Not suitable for constant cleaning and frequent washing (its abilities deteriorate, the service life is reduced).


Types of Wallpaper:

  • Paper (it is better to use away from the seats of cooking, as all pairs and fat absorbed into paper, and wallpapers will be spoiled);
  • Fliselinov (as well as paper fear of dirt);
  • Vinyl (well wash and serve more than ten years, while not fade and do not deteriorate);
  • Photo wallpaper (very interesting design, easy to eat, but it can be difficult to glue. Photographer is very popular);
  • Liquid (have great popularity among the materials for decoration of the kitchen).

The finishing of kitchen walls with wallpaper is quite attractive. Wallpaper for the kitchen is not less likely to find the rest of the finishing materials in the design. Well suited for this role washable wallpaper.

How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

Such species are not afraid of moisture and greasy spots. They can be glued directly above the cooking surface, in the apron area, and they will not ruin. They are easily applied to the wall, which simplifies work, and in further operation they are easy to extort from traces of fat and dried water drops.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Paper. Advantages: Wide range and low cost. Easily applied on the wall. The disadvantage is that they are not durable and cannot be cleaned. Little service life.
  2. Fliseline. Advantages: High strength, let moisture through the structure, fireproof, clean with a damp cloth. The disadvantage is a high price.
  3. Vinyl. Advantages: a huge range, a long service life, can be cleaned. Disadvantages: high cost, low air permeability coefficient (more often you have to open windows).
  4. Liquid. Advantages: Simple in application, they do not need to cut and lubricate with glue, you can apply them on the wall yourself, well fall, no joints. Disadvantages: the main disadvantage is the price, it is very high compared to prices for other wallpapers, not a large range compared to paper or fliesline wallpaper, they can not be washed.

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Structural wall coverings

Such coatings are textured and structural plaster. This is a rather popular type of finish, albeit expensive. With the help of the structure, you can achieve high-quality wall covering and excellent design kitchen.

How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

This is an excellent substitute for ceramic tiles and wallpaper. This material is the best today. It is almost universal and suitable for any type of surfaces.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Applied to any kind: Wall brick, plaster wall, concrete wall, various plates, stone;
  • The lack of seams, hides most of the flaws of the walls;
  • Excellent heat and water and waterproofing;
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Long term. Material can serve more than a dozen years with proper primary preparation of walls and compliance with the rules for applying plaster on the surface;
  • High price. But this deficiency compensates for the appearance and quality;
  • The old layer is very badly moving away from the wall.

A rock

Every day, an artificial and natural stone is used more and more often for wall decoration. Again, I will say that the wall decoration will require a lot of your money. Popular among stone breed is marble and granite. And, given the fact that the range of stone expanded, these two material remain at the height. This is facilitated by their positive qualities.

How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • High strength;
  • Large service life;
  • No moisture and elevated temperatures are afraid;
  • Not afraid of loads;
  • Stone - natural material, which means it is safe;
  • It has a lot of weight, which worsens installation;
  • Have porosity, which leads to difficulty when cleaning;
  • In the case of cracking or chip, the material is not subject to repair. This is already spoiled product.

Additional wall finishing options in the kitchen

The lining is wooden or plastic. The kitchen is covered with lining - a rare phenomenon. This material is not quite suitable for the kitchen, it is rather better to sew a balcony or a country house. But you can consider as an option. The kitchen can be in various design, it can be both a tree or plastic and glass. To, Example, OSB can be used as a floor material.

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How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

Finishing Apron

This worker, the place that the most requires protection and constant cleaning. The kitchen contains apron - this is directly the place where the cooking is cooking - the work area. It is this site, and almost the whole wall, the most subjected to pairs, moisture, fat, water and various detergents. Naturally, paper wallpapers, and do not think, glue on this wall.

So, what is best to separate the apron?

There are many materials for finishing, we got acquainted with them above. But, for this site it is necessary to choose such a material that, nor the pairs and fats. Such a material that can be easily cleaned and washed. Such material is a ceramic tile.

How to separate the walls in the kitchen - optimal options

Tile is the most common material for finishing apron. We have already mentioned above why it is. Ceramic mosaic acquired enormous popularity - these are small tiles from which some pattern is gaining. Even panels and beautiful paintings are created from the mosaic. Believe me, the wall with a mosaic is great.

The apron appears to the wooden panel, noble trees: maple, linden, ash. Since the tree subject to moisture, it is initially necessary to process (this is done on production). And then it has high strength, and moisture resistance.

Beautiful looks kitchen performed by glass trim. Glass has good heat resistance and durability. Easy to clean with fat and different stains. Also, the glass has high durability.

The decoration of walls in the kitchen with metal is rare, but in turn is not enough ordinary look. Easy mounted, has high strength and fire resistance. Its very easy to wash.

The decoration of walls in the kitchen is a very important and difficult question. This article discusses all the most popular and rare finishing materials. We wish everyone to decide on the choice of material and the method of finishing. I hope you will not have, henceforth, the question of how to separate the walls in the kitchen. Let you accompany the luck in this difficult business. Be confident - your kitchen will be the best.

Video "Installation of a kitchen apron of glass"

Useful video on the design of the kitchen. Installation of a glass apron, the secrets of this type of work is revealed in this video.

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