Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)


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  • Preparation for the installation of the stretch ceiling
  • Step-by-step instruction on the installation of a two-level ceiling
  • What to pay attention to the ceiling device?

Currently, suspended ceilings are the most convenient, original and aesthetic form of finishing. The stretch ceiling is best suited for a large room with high walls. As a basis for such a ceiling, a special tissue web or vinyl film is used.

Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)

To mark the low angle of the room, it is recommended to use the construction level.

It can have a glossy, matte and combined structure. You can install a two-level ceiling with your own hands without spending money for third-party services. Competently arranged two-level stretch ceilings make it possible to hide defects and various communications, to realize the most diverse design ideas and smash the room into separate zones.

Preparation for the installation of the stretch ceiling

Before you are going to mount the stretch ceiling with your own hands, it is necessary, as when performing any other construction and installation work, carefully, carefully and in detail all planning. First, the design and design of the stretch or suspension system is being developed, the scheme is prepared, the desired number of materials for work is calculated. The layout of the suspended ceiling with two levels is presented in Fig. one.

Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)

Figure 1. Suspended ceiling markup scheme with two levels.

After completing the diagram of the two-level ceiling, you need to consider and select places for mounting point lamps or chandeliers. See what the design scheme looks like for the chandelier installation, you can in fig. 2. Then all the required measurements are performed, and a drawing of a two-level ceiling is created with an indication of the dimensions. The drawing indicates the installations of the guide and profiles, from which the two-tier ceiling will be. It also marks the places of fastening of suspensions, regardless of which design will be mounted: tension or suspended.

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Next, you need to do the perimeter of the room, referring to the drawing, perform marking. Apply a horizontal line on the wall.

Start marking should be from the lowest angle of the room. Use for this construction level.

Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)

Figure 2. Construction scheme for chandelier installation.

Mark the installation sites of the guide profiles.

Duplex stretch ceilings are installed using the following tools:

  1. Perforator - used to secure guide profiles.
  2. Spatulas and blades for pulling and fixing the canvas.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Step - an indispensable thing when working at height.
  5. The heat gun, equipped with a gas cylinder - will be used for heating and pulling the canvas.
  6. Construction level - used when applying markup. The most convenient work is the laser level.

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Step-by-step instruction on the installation of a two-level ceiling

Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)

Figure 3. Mounting diagram of the first level.

Before you start creating a ceiling with your own hands, carefully read the following schemes. Figure 3 presents the first level installation scheme. In Fig. 4 you can see a diagram of a second ceiling device.

The two-level ceiling involves the installation of lighting, so you need to think in advance above the wiring device. All wiring must be hidden into a special cable-channel. It has the appearance of a corrugated hose fixed on the ceiling.

Despite the fact that such a ceiling has a two-level structure, you will need to find a general level. Determine the width of the baguette and mark the same distance from the native ceiling to the corner. Transfer the resulting label to each angle of the perimeter. To do this, use a water or laser level. Tension between label lane cords and bullet down the control line.

The second level must be made in the form of a circle in the center of the existing ceiling. Spend a diagonal. The center of their intersection and will be the desired circle. Screw to the intersection point of the screw and pull a thin wire on it. The wire length must correspond to the radius of the alleged circle. Screw to the end of the wire pencil and forth the circle. Do so that the circle diameter was about 10-20 mm more than the circle itself. This will allow you to easier to navigate the line in the installation process.

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The ceiling consists of two levels, and the circle makes it possible to figure out how the transition from the top level to the lower one. The transition can be wavy or straightforward, on the order of execution of work this does not affect.

Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)

Figure 4. Scheme of the device of the second ceiling level.

After the control line around the perimeter is ready, you can start a profile to the wall, focusing on the line for the main level. The profile is fixed using plastic dowels and screws. Use dowels with a diameter of 6 mm, and screws are 4-5 mm.

Install the profile all over the perimeter, and then mount the circle in the center. Due to the fact that the ceiling is a two-level, the circle should have a width that would coincide with the depth of the first level of the system. For fastening the design to the main ceiling, use the same screws and dowels as for fixing the trim baguette. Before fixing the circle, make sure that the surface of the main ceiling is smooth. If the surface has deviations, it is necessary to align it with sheet cabarton sheets.

The ceiling you create has a circle in the middle. So that this space does not seem empty, you need to install chandelier. The chandelier requires a console. This bracket is made of PSAM or thick plywood combined with a ribbon suspension. You can use the finished mount. It is better not to install this device on the boards, because In this case, cracks may appear along the fibers.

PVC film is attached to bugs with 2 bolts. It is necessary to warm up the heat cannon to about 70 degrees and secure into the profile. According to the same scheme, the installation of the vinyl film of the second level in the previously installed circle is carried out. Use a special decorative film to hide gaps. Finally, you will only have to install a chandelier to the console. On this two-level stretch ceiling is ready.

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What to pay attention to the ceiling device?

Summing up, you can give a few simple, but very important and useful recommendations. First of all, in order to draw a circle, you need to use a thin wire, but not a drop-down thread. The fact is that the thread is stretched, because of which the circle will surely get uneven.

When installing a baguette, you must pay attention to the sockets, doses and switches. It is on them that the approximate highway of electrical wiring mounted in the wall is determined.

It is not recommended to create a two-level ceiling of material with a glossy surface. At night, such a ceiling will reflect light from lanterns and headlights from the street, which will definitely deliver many inconveniences. Therefore, it is best to use gloss only in the top-level circle.

Properly arranged two-level stretch ceiling allows you to quickly and effectively solve problems associated with the update of the surface. A huge selection of textures and colors of such a ceiling are available on the market, so you can embody any ideas in reality. Good job!

Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)
Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)
Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)
Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)
Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)

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