Decorative Easter eggs from threads


Decorative Easter eggs from threads. Interested beautiful Handmade ideas for Easter ? Then come in). I want to inspire you to create the most beautiful and gentle, in my opinion, decorative Easter eggs that can be made with your own hands from threads. Future Easter eggs can be decorated with a festive home interior, as well as use them as a gift of priceless handmade.

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

To work, we will need:

  • Egg - foam blank,
  • Cotton or silk threads,
  • Food polyethylene film,
  • needles or pins,
  • Transparent glue or liquid glass
  • brush,
  • scissors.

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

We proceed to work, prepare all the above materials. The foam egg is coated with a polyethylene film, it will protect the thread from sticking to the workpiece. We enhance the needles or pins, like this:

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

And now we begin to wind egg threads. Our decorative egg will consist of two halves, one of which will make it with the window. For the closed halves of the egg, it is enough to put just one row pin, in the photo is the rear row.

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

We cover the thread by glue or liquid glass and give the workpiece to dry.

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

The dried threads are glued and we get an Easter egg with a window. It remains to be planted in chicken or other decorative elements of Easter theme.

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

Decorative Easter eggs from threads

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