Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos


The weather forecasters of the whole world are observed about global warming. However, residents of the middle strip of Russia this fact seems to be myth, because frosts under -30 are not uncommon for them. And what do you want in this weather? Nothing! To go under a warm blanket, hug your beloved person and enjoy homely comfort and comfort. By the way, scientists have proven that the use of a quilting blanket provokes the emergence of the feeling of happiness to someone who is under it, since because of its weight imitates the feeling of hugs and security from all sides. Now, the craftsmen thought about why they would not make additional comfort in their apartments and not to create a quilted blanket with their own hands.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

This article is just preparing the answer to this question and presents to your attention a master class for needlewomen on the manufacture of quilted (or patchwork) blankets.

The desired element of the interior

A noticeable person may have a question, why is something to sew something, if the mass of ready-made blankets, which have excellent properties and a low price: Blankets from bamboo, camel wool, down and so on. And their main feature is that they are ready. However, this is not only a feature, but also minus. They are unified and faceless, with their help you cannot improve the interior design and add comfort to the house.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

Diametrically the opposite is the case with stegan blankets. They are blankets in the style of patchwork or blankets from the patchwork. They just breathe identity, uniqueness and life, created precisely for your interior.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

We definitely recommend - it is worth trying to sew such a blanket for yourself.

Algorithm for creating blankets

For simplicity and acceleration of the work process and descriptions in this article describes the process of creating a baby blanket with a size of 100 * 140cm.

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To create a blanket you will need:

  • 96 grades of complimentary fabric (for children it is better to sew not bright dressed, since, otherwise, they may prevent the flow process to sleep) with a size of 12 * 14 cm, taking into account points on the seams;
  • 1 square for center size with a side of 22 cm;
  • 20 square soup flaps 25 cm for inside;
  • Sintepon;
  • threads and needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • Decor elements.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

After preparing the material base, you can go to the creation of the blanket.

  1. It is necessary to decompose all the patchworks on a smooth and smooth base and sew them among themselves into the stripes.
  2. It is necessary to try all the seams.
  3. Ready bands are stepping among themselves. The resulting seams are rejuvenated.
  4. The back side is stitched from squares with a side of 25 cm in the same way.
  5. Singry procession is sewn to the facial and irons of the blanket.
  6. Pouring and facial elements of the future blanket are applied to each other, stitching and rejuvenated.

At this, the main stage of making a quilted blanket for a newborn baby ends.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

To add originality, the quilted blanket can be supplemented with embroidery or ribbons, and you can add applications, as shown in the photo.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

Volume option

Separate place among quilted blankets occupies a volumetric patchwork dodied. You can hardly find anything more cute and warm for the interior design of your home.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

Despite the seeming complexity, such a blanket can be done for beginner masters. The technique of its implementation is largely similar to the above-described technique of creating a standard stamped dressed. The main difference is in the process of packing.

In a simple stegan blanket, you feed the finished product at the final stages of the creation process. The volume of the blanket is styled at the intermediate stage.

Starting in detail, it looks like this:

  • The flaps of the same size of the square shape for the facial and the wrong side are prepared;
  • Pour and facial flap stacked in three sides;
  • Through the fourth side, the flap is filled with printed material (syntheps, fluff, batting, and so on);
  • The fourth side of the flap is sewn;
  • Passed squares fold on a flat smooth surface into a single canvas.

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Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

  • Squares with stuffing are stitched with each other.

Volumetric quilted blanket is ready.

In addition to the blanket in this technique, other products can be performed. Most often, volumetric flaps are used to create children's gaming mats and sides for the beds.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

It is worth noting that the quilted was not necessarily sewing in the technique of patchwork from different flasks of fabric. The quilt will also be considered a blanket, stitched from a single piece of fabric, on which a stitch is made using various patterned seams.

However, with the apparent simplicity, this embodiment of a quilted blanket requires a high level of professionalism of craftsmen and spent technology, since, firstly, a specific tool and a more professional sewing machine will need, and, secondly, on the smooth canvase will be very clearly visible. All flaws and flaws of the manufacturing process.

Quilted blanket with their own hands from piles for beginners with photos

Video on the topic

In order to prepare for the process of creating a quilted blanket, you can watch these videos.

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