How to make a closet on the loggia and the balcony of the lining


Due to the fact that there is little free space in apartments, an incentive in the arrangement of non-residential additional area, in particular, the balcony appears. It gives residents of the city the possibility of storing things of various characters and rest. To have an order in the room, you should install the cabinet to the balcony of the lining . With it, it will be possible to accommodate many unused items.

In addition to the useful feature, the cabinet will decorate the interior of the balcony or loggia. In mandatory before installing a wardrobe from the lining on the balcony, you should know that only in the glazed room the design will serve for a long time. In the case of open room, the furniture will fail in the shortest possible time.

Materials for manufacture

How to make a closet on the loggia and the balcony of the lining

Modern cabinets on the balcony can be done not only of wood

In order to make your own hands on the balcony, the cabinet of the wallboard is best to use such a material as:

  • Linden;
  • oak;
  • ash.

These breeds of wood in their composition practically do not have natural glue, so it is well suitable for the cabinet on the balcony. It also means that the cabinet frame will not be abundantly separated by the resin. Each of these materials is significantly different in price. Therefore, it is often about choosing a type of wood affects the financial position of the customer.

In addition, the submitted material is divided into classes on which the method of application depends, for example: the category "C" is not suitable for installation of furniture in such premises.

It is important to carry out the accurate calculation of the material after the type of cabinet design on the balcony is selected. Otherwise, the risk of spending unnecessary financial resources is increasing.

How to make a closet on the loggia and the balcony of the lining

If it is planned to install an angular cabinet on the balcony, the volume of the material will be small, since the furniture frame is attached to the side walls of the room. Most of the doors will need, they must be made of moisture-proof material. When installing a non-burning type of product on loggia, calculations should be carried out, since the symmetry of the structure depends on their correctness.

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Durable cabinet design

How to make a closet on the loggia and the balcony of the lining

The wardrobe is better to mount in one of the side of the loggia

In order for the installed cabinet on the balcony with their own hands harmoniously fit into the interior, it is better to mount it into one of the side of the loggia. This action will not only improve the general view of the room, but also simplifies the installation process of the furniture design. But before mounting the frame, the framework should be prepared by the preparatory work.

The first thing is made glazing a balcony room if it is an open type. This is necessary for the durable service life of furniture. Yes, and install the frame of the cabinet in the outdoor room is not advisable, because it will have a negative impact of the environment of the climate. Excessive moisture penetration accompanied by ultraviolet rays will lead to a rapid destruction of the structure.

Secondly, it is necessary to conduct preparatory work that not

How to make a closet on the loggia and the balcony of the lining

Medically concern the ceiling and gender. To improve the microclimate in the room, it is best to pre-insulate it.

After the end of the preparatory actions, you can make your drawing, which will be carried out in the future. The best material for the completion of the facing is Eurovantia.

Preparatory work when device cabinet

The first thing should be drawn on a paper sheet of sketches of the future cabinet, preferably in several angles. This is necessary in order to further determine which form will perfectly fit into the balcony room. In order to have at least some idea of ​​how to make a wardrobe from the lining, you can use the Internet.

In the drawing, you must specify the height, width and number of shelves in the future cabinet.

After completing the design work, you need to make a question of the selection and fittings. Design for reliability is best attached using special squares. Some of course use the old method, that is, wooden spikes are used, but it is difficult and unreliable. With the attachment method, you should decide in advance.

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See this video How to make a semi-liter cabinet to a balcony:

In the case of the manufacture of a non-burning option of the cabinet from all sizes dropped, it is necessary to take a pair of centimeters. This should be done so that the framework freely entered between the walls of the loggia. Also, the doors should be opened freely if the gaps are not, then it will not be possible to fully make this action, which will make it difficult to operate the furniture.

It is important to fully follow the sketches of all components of the cabinet. It was also quite important to apply all sizes on paper, the number of shelves and all small components that are required for the manufacture of furniture.

Assembling cabinet design

In order to make the design you need a hacksaw, a meter construction and a bar. Most often, every balcony room has a niche in which the cabinet can be built. Due to this, the entire workflow will be accelerated. For the proper design device, you must follow the work sequence:

  1. We collect the rear and front frames, that is, the bonding of bars with a value of 1.5 and 1.8 meters is performed. The design of each other is bonded with iron squares.
  2. As the bottom of the cabinet, you can use Phaneur. Attach the bottom with screws whose value does not exceed 75 mm.
  3. The rear wall is triggered by clap, but in some cases, ordinary plywood is used for ease and material savings.
  4. The side walls of the housing are triggered with the use of nails.

Video illustrating the assembly process See below:

The final stroke in the manufacture of the design on the balcony is the additional coating of varnish. It will provide furniture protection over long years of service.

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