Turtle from beads with their own hands


Turtle from beads with their own hands

A funny of bug from beads is easy to make a short period of time. The figurine itself is small and, despite the fact that shears in the technique of volumetric weaving, is not difficult.


So that you have a turtle from beads with your own hands, prepare:

  • thin wire, 0.2 mm;
  • beads of brown, green, blue, black, yellow and blue;
  • Leske.

Step 1 . Each row of weaving turtles consists of two tiers: top and bottom. Take a wire 100 cm long and drive your yellow bead for the top tier and 3 brown for the lower.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 2. . In the second row for the top tier, you will need 3 brown beads, and for the lower 6 bispers of the same color.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 3. . For the upper tier of the third row, you will need to ride beads in the following sequence: brown, blue, 2 brown, blue and brown. In the lower tier, send 6 brown beads.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 4. . In the fourth row, 6 brown beads will be needed for the upper tier, for the lower tier - 4 pieces.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 5. . The fifth and sixth row weave the same. In the upper and lower tiers will need to send 3 brown beads.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 6. . For weaving the seventh row, take green beads. In the upper tier, send them the number of 6 pieces, in the lower - 5 beads.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 7. . In the eighth row in the upper yarus of beads, it is necessary to alternate three times green and 2 blue beads and close the chain green. For the lower tier, there will be 7 green beads.

A piece of wire 15 cm long skip through the bottom tier. At this stage, do not touch the wire.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 8. . In the ninth row to the upper tier, send beads in color in the same sequence, but, replacing 2 blue beads with three copies.

In the lower tier, send 9 green beads. Another piece of wire is 15 cm long, also skip through all beads.

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Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 9. . For the tenth row you will need green beads. In the upper tier, send 15 pieces to the bottom - 11.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 10. . In the eleventh and twelfth row for the top tier, type three times the green bead and 4 blue beads and close the chain with green bead. In the lower tier, send 11 green beads.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 11. . In the thirteenth row of green beads in the amount of 15 pieces, send to the upper tier and 9 to the bottom. Through the latter, skip the addition of 15 cm long.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 12. . In the fourteenth row for the upper tier, drive the wire three times green and 3 blue beads, closing the chain with green beads, and in the lower limit 7 green beads. Skip through the bottom tier additional wire.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 13. . In the fifteenth row for the upper tier, replace 3 blue beads, two beads, and send 5 green beads to the lower tier.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 14. . For the upper tier, use 6 green beads, and for the bottom - 3 brown.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 15. . In the seventeenth and eighteenth row in the technique of oncoming weaving, ride on wire 2 and 1 brown bead.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 16. . Secure the wire by skipping it through the previous row. Ends to twist it and cut everything too much.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 17. . For weaving paws, two rows should be formed in the technique of volumetric weaving, having risen on the tiers of two brown beads. After that, take on wire beads in the sequence: 1 black, 1 brown and 1 more black. The wire should be skipped through the row again, twisted it and trim.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 18. . Similarly, gossip three more legs.

Turtle from beads with their own hands

Step 19. . So that the turtle keeps shape, wash it with a fishing line. Crafts ready!

Turtle from beads with their own hands

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