How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?


The old table in the house is more than just an element of the furniture atmosphere. In a sense, this is a story, the memory of the ancestors, the symbol of many years of the stability of the native house.

How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?

The old table can be renovated by giving him a second life, and it is significantly saving money to buy a new table.

The ideal ratio between the careful attention to the history of his own kind and the needs of everyday household comfort provides the restoration of the table with their own hands. Indeed, you should not hurry to throw a vintage table found in the attic - a good repair is able to breathe into the dilapidative item to the second life, saving money to its owner, intended to buy new furniture.

Perhaps such a repair will also give new aesthetic sensations for the form of unusual forms and silhouettes, will delight with a pleasant warm texture of solid wood, purified from contaminants and layers of obsolete finish.

But before switching to the description of the restoration work, let's see, with what you can do the most qualitatively.

Materials and tools required for restoration

For work on restoring and updating the old table, it is recommended to be as well as tools and materials from the following list:

How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?

Hand tools for restoration.

  • Electrode, drill on wood;
  • a set of chisels;
  • planer storces;
  • a hammer;
  • nail holder;
  • screwdrivers (flat and crusades);
  • clamps;
  • Lobzik (manual or electric);
  • Pliers and round bumps;
  • hacksaws (on wood and metal);
  • mounted knife;
  • set of files;
  • measuring devices (ruler, square, roulette);
  • Felt healing;
  • set of brushes;
  • carpentry glue;
  • Acrylic varnish, veil.

Restoration of the wooden table: the order of operations performed

How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?

Restoration begins with the removal of old varnish and paint.

Before proceeding with the implementation of this plan, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire table and its most hidden corners and gaps. This is done in order to properly evaluate the general technical condition of the subject and plan the total work.

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Almost any cardinal restoration of the table begins with his disassembly. As a rule, the older it is the subject, the more its parts require serious instrumental intervention. In some cases (if, for example, the tabletop due to very long-term operation is strongly swamped) certain parts of the restoration are simply meaningless - it will be too expensive and ineffective.

Then it is better to either independently make a product, finally failed, or order a detail from specialists on the side. If damage to time and from improper storage was not so destructive, then the old design should be carefully strengthened. This means, in particular, that the available not very durable compounds must be pulled up, and highly discharged articulations should be disassembled, and then clean and re-twist or glue.

It is noted that in the furniture one of the most affected with the time of the components, paintwork becomes.

How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?

Varnish are moving from the table to the base.

Therefore, it is often when the old wooden table is updated is started, it is necessary to engage in lying on old paint (which can be laid in several layers) from the surfaces of the table.

If there are too thick coatings or large areas of the damaged surface, it is recommended to take advantage of a drill with a nozzle in the form of a metal brush or grinding machine. After complete removal of old paint, the next stage of preparation is carried out.

It lies in degreasing purified surface. It is possible to make it, carefully wiping the wooden parts with a soft rag, impregnated with special solvents suitable for this coating, alcohol or acetone. In parallel with sandpaper or grinding, obvious defects are primed.

However, solar damage (potholes, scratches, chips, etc.) can not always be removed by grinding. High-quality restoration implies a mandatory putty surfaces of the old table. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that after complete drying of the putty, all processed surfaces must be well to stupnit.

If it is possible, it is desirable to carry out the processing of old wooden parts separately, pre-gently disconnecting the tabletop and the bottom. The countertop is once again minimized, after which they are painted suitable for furniture and coated 2-3 layers of colorless varnish. This operation is performed without a rush, with the withstanding of each layer of paint and varnish to their complete drying.

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How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?

If there are faults, these places are sampled and tightly pressed to each other with a clamp.

Another part of the table - a prestole - often requires more attention than the tabletop. After many years of operation, it may have cracks in detail and serious faults. If the owner of such a raritet still decides to restore it, then he should first be disconnected from the bottom legs with the appropriate tools.

Fault sites for further connection of the separated parts must be punctured. Then, using clamps, these parts are tightly pressed to each other. Sometimes for a better tightening of the triggered parts, each other can be used by self-pressing, which is very useful in uncomfortable places where it is difficult or impossible to install a clamp.

After the glue dries (after about 12-15 hours), the self-tapping screws are removed from the wooden table elements. The table top and the substole connect each other or with the help of glue, or handling the removable connection that will be very useful in small apartments.

The restoration of the table ends with the varnishing of wood details. But before that, they should be revealed by the verse. In order to avoid the occurrence of drills, it is better to make a piece of soft foam rubber. After drying the veil, the wooden surfaces of the table are ground with a transparent varnish (primer) and are slightly treated with a thin skin.

How can I restored "specialized" tables?

When updating tables, it is always necessary to take into account their appointment and place where they will be in the future:

How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?

The children's table can be decorated with photos and drawings.

  1. Table for children. Recommended after stripping countertops from old paint and squeaking to gear cutting out of bright glossy magazines or children's pictures on its surface. Then all this is covered with 4 layers of acrylic varnish.
  2. Restoration of the dressing table. The original solution can serve as a remission of the old table for toiletries under the shell stand. In the middle of the table, an opening of this size is cut into the sink in it, but without significant protrusions above the surface of the table. Ceramic tiles can be glued to the remaining place on the table top.
  3. Kitchen table. You can paint the old piece of furniture of some bright paint. A film is glued to the painted countertop, which, for example, imitates beautiful lace. At the same time, the film can be not glued to the tabletop, but to attach from the bottom with special brackets.
  4. Upgrading desktop. You can cover the old tabletop with anything with a spectacular print. Wallpaper, imitating the texture of the wood of any valuable breed, are well suited to give food furniture and solidity. To give the composition of the feeling of the integrity and the finishes of the table legs, it is possible to cover with varnish of wood tones.
  5. Coffee table. With this option, it will be good to harmonize a bright pattern with geometric elements. The background for him is better to choose any non-market paint, which is recommended to be applied to the tabletop to the paintopult. The geometric pattern is applied to the dry painted surface with a brush or special painting scotch. Fragments between stripes can be filled with bright colors with paints.

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Several useful tips for high-quality restoration

How to realize the restoration of the table with your own hands?

The kitchen table can be reappeted in the decoupage technique.

If the tables of the table are disconnected from the understone, it is worth noting in advance, in which it was that a particular leg was located. Each leg follows the place where it was before repair.

Covering a white primer table, you have to be ready for the fact that almost all defects will be visible on its surfaces.

To ensure the maximum strength to provide furniture surfaces, the lacquer coating should have at least 3 layers made by painting roller, 5 layers - the paintopult and 10 layers - cotton swab.

Grind the wooden countertop should be along wood fibers. If you do it across the fibers, there will be noticeable small risks on the tabletop.

Taking care of the restoration of the old furniture with their own hands, it is worth thinking about the fact that this process is not only the opportunity to save your money, but also a great chance to uncover your talent wizard of home design.

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