Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos


Knitted things for many years remain in the trend due to their originality. The main criterion of high-quality clothing related to your own hands is the yarn selected by the craftswoman. There are various types of yarn for manual knitting. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you should know about the characteristics of a particular yarn.

Yarn is twisted from fibers thread. Fibers can be both natural and artificial. The first group includes fibers of vegetable and animal origin.

Natural origin

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

The most common yarn of plant origin is cotton and flax. Recently, the popularity of bamboo fiber thread is gaining popularity.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Vegetable yarn is often used in the manufacture of light things for warm season.

Cotton or flax clothes are considered to be "breathable", perfectly absorbs moisture, has high hypoallergenia, unpretentious in care, creates comfort when adjacent to the body.

The properties of yarn from vegetable fibers make it possible to use it when knitting the items of the wardrobe not only adults, but also children. The relative subtlety of the thread is ideal for taking the crochet models. To the yarn of animal fibers include wool and silk.

Woolen thread rather capricious care and requires careful relationship. The most common sheep wool. Such a yarn superbly retains heat, so suitable for knitting warm winter things.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

But there are other types of wool depending on the type and rock of the animal.

Angora - Yarn from the fur of Angora rabbits. Things from Angoras are soft, lungs, fluffy. The fibers of the rabbit fluff are too gentle, and products from such yarns are susceptible to rapid abrasion. Therefore, Angora is often used in a mixture with other threads.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Alpaca - Lama's wool yarn. Durable homogeneous thread with soft glitter throughout the entire time.

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Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Things from Alpaca are resistant to the appearance of abrasions and rods. Such wool preserves heat and does not cause allergies.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Cashmere is a thread of the fibers of the root of mountain goats living in the areas of Tibet. Goat down is combed at a certain season and carefully disassembled in Tonin.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

The yarn is highly appreciated, and the products of it come out beautiful, soft and cozy.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

The mohair is obtained from the wool of Angora goats. The most napleen fluff of semi-annual kids (kidmoker). Almost the warmest yarn with a pronounced shine and a long pile.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Moker is suitable for creating bulk products. Beautifully looking by spokes with spokes, shawls shawl.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

It is not used in pure form. The highest mohair content in the mixture yarn is up to 83%.

Merino wool - Merino sheep's moisture cover. Long thin fibers have high hygroscopic and elasticity.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Yarn from such raw materials is soft and elastic, which allows you to create from it adjacent clothing models.

Silk is produced by a tute silkworm. Cocoon fibers are used as a raw material for yarn.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Often, the silk thread is added to the mixture yarn to give the last elasticity and gloss.

Artificial fibers

Artificial threads are obtained by chemical processing of natural components. In this way, viscose is produced, acetate fiber.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

The viscose thread is elastic, and clothes made of it are pleasant to the touch and has a property to quickly dry.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

But the fibers of such yarn do not differ in strength, so things from the viscose require careful care.

Acetate fiber is used as a supplement to a natural yarn to give the last elasticity and strength.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Synthetic yarn is made in a fully chemical way. These thread include: acrylic, nylon, polyester, metal thread.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

All of them are designed to act as additives to natural threads in order to improve their qualitative characteristics or reduce the cost of yarn of natural origin.

Acrylic can also be found as an independent yarn, since it is a substitute for more expensive wool.

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Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

The mixture yarn is based on a combination of natural and artificial threads in different proportions, with the help of which the definite characteristics of the yarn are achieved: increasing elasticity, giving the active brilliance, etc.

The textured yarn is produced only by a chemical way. It is intended to create original things due to the inhomogeneity of the thread. Popular among such types of yarn are crepe, bookle, trick, cinema and ribbon yarn.

The shaped yarn is based on the game of color transition by twisting of different color of the threads or with the help of their inhomogeneous staining (Moulin, Melange, Ombre).

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

Fantasy masters is limitless, therefore not only the items of the wardrobe are knit from the textured yarns, but also cute soft toys.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of yarn, you should focus on the label in which the motility of threads are packed, as in the photo. As a rule, there are all information in terms of presence of natural and artificial threads, as well as their percentage ratio.

Types of yarn for manual knitting knitting or crochet with photos

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