Parrot from beads with their own hands


Parrot from beads with their own hands

A fun parrot cacada from beads can be weave yourself. Due to the technique of volumetric weaving, the figure is realistic.


To make a parrot from beads with their own hands, you will need:

  • Wire 0.2 mm;
  • beads of black, orange and white colors;
  • Leske for firmware.

Step 1 . Cut the wire with a length of 150 cm. Take three black beads on it, and the wires of the wire will skip through the lateral bispers. As a result, you should have two rows of beads. In the first - 1 thing, in the second - 2.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 2. . The remaining rows should be placed in the technique of volumetric weaving. The upper tier at the same time will form the back of the parrot, and the lower - its abdomen. For the upper tier of the third row, drive 3 black beads for the bottom - 2.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 3. . For weaving the top tier of the next row on a wire, you need to ride 4 white beads and 6 orange. After moving away the extreme orange, skip the wire through all the beads of the same color, capturing and 2 white.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 4. . On wire with a part of the Khokholka, take another 2 white beads. The second end skip in the opposite direction through 4 white beads. Tighten the wire.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 5. . For the bottom tier, take 4 white beads.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 6. . In 5 row, it will also be necessary to form a corkscrew and the eyes of the parrot. To do with a wire, drive white, black, 3 white and 5 orange beads.

Step 7. . The wire in the opposite direction traveled through orange beads, having residued extremely, capture and 2 white beads of the row.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 8. . On the end of the wire, drive white, black and white beads. Second wire to sell through the beads of the resulting series. Guns to skip at the same time.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 9. . To the lower tier of the same row, send 5 white beads.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 10. . For another part of the Khokholka, form, hovering on a wire 4 white beads and 5 orange. Skip the wire in the opposite direction on the same principle, but in this case, capture only 1 white bead. On the remaining end of the wire, take another 3 white beads and form the top tier of the row. In its lower part of it, send 5 white beads.

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Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 11. . For the upper tier, 7 rows dial 2 white and 5 orange beads. Cut the wire through orange beads and ride 2 more white. The lower tier of this row will consist of 6 white beads.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 12. . In 8 row to the upper tier, send 5 white beads, to the bottom - 7.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 13. . In 9 row, the number of beads in tiers will increase by one.

Step 14. . In the upper tier 10 rows, send 6 white beads, and two pieces of wire 30 cm long skip through two extreme row beads on each side. At this stage, the wires begin to side and do not touch. For the bottom tier, take 9 white beads.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 15. . For the upper tier 11 rows, take 7 white beads for the bottom - 10 pieces. Slip wire through 4 beads located in the middle.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 16. . Loose on wire for 8 and 9 white beads for the lower and upper tiers, respectively.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 17. . For the upper tier 13 rows, take 7 white beads, for the bottom - 8. Slip wire through 4 medium beads of the lower row.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 18. . For 14 rows, drive 6 white beads upper tier, and 7 - to the bottom.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 19. . In 15 row, the number of loops in tiers to reduce one.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 20. . In the 16th row, rest on the tiers of 4 beads, but in the top send white beverages, and in the bottom - orange.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 21. . In 17 and 18 row, take 3 white beads for the upper tier of 3, and for the bottom - 3 orange.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 22. . For 19 and 20 rows, send 4 white beads. Pleet them in the technique of counter weaving.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 23. . Wire ends twist and cut.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 24. . Now you can proceed to weaving wings. They are drawn up in the technique of counter weaving. The scheme is as follows:

  • 1st row - 2 beads;
  • 2nd row - 4 beads;
  • 3rd row - 5 beads;
  • 4th row - 6 beads;
  • 5th row - 5 beads;
  • 6th row - 4 beads;
  • 7th row - 3 beads;
  • 8th row - 2 beads;
  • 9th row - 1 bead.

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Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 25. . Fasten the wire and cut. Similarly, make the second wing.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 26. . For weaving legs, take 2 white beads into the upper and lower tiers. In the second row for tiers, strip 1 bead. In the upper one - white, in the bottom - black.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 27. . In the technique of counter weaving, take the black bead.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 28. . For weaving claws, ride on any of the ends of the wire 3 of the black beads of the black color three times and each time we skip the wire in the opposite direction through two extreme beads of the row.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 29. . Tighten the wire through the black bead of the lower tier of the second row and penetrate two more rows of black beads, sending to each to the 1st thing.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 30. . Cute wire and cut. The second fence is gossip in the same way.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Step 31. . Purge the parrot figure to the fishing line so that it keeps the form better.

Parrot from beads with their own hands

Parrot is ready!

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