How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video


Any kind of creativity is extremely useful for the child. This allows you to develop children's fantasy, creative and spatial thinking kid. Appliqué is considered one of the most popular techniques for classes with a child. It is especially interesting to engage in this type of applied art in the fall, when the trees decorated with different colors in all its variety and magnificence. Thanks to them, the masters get the opportunity to collect material for applique. In this material you will learn how to make an applique from the leaves with your own hands.

Probably the most important stage in creating pictures with the help of this technique is the right collection of the required material: workpiece and drying. Usually, the parks and other places of rest are visited for this.

The leaves for crafts are better to use the recently assembled, since too much dried leaves will crumble and the composition will turn out to be short-lived.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

We understand techniques

There are two main leaf rusting technologies:

  1. Put each sheet separately between the pages of the old book;
  2. Thoroughly try each sheet laid between two sheets of paper with a warm iron.

Select the way you like more.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

In the event that the application you create together with a small child, the leaves are better to use fresh, and then dry the finished composition of the whole. In other cases, after preparation (billets and drying), natural material can be coming to the most interesting - to creating the image of your future appliqué. What can be done appliqué from tree leaves? It is necessary to think about the background.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

For the background you can always use both white sheet of paper and white or color cardboard, all at your discretion.

Getting to work

Before you start work, we will prepare our workplace.

Welding table with a film and take the basis for crafts from dry autumn leaves, dried leaves, glue and scissors. Some advise to use tweezers, but it is quite difficult for the child.

The most important thing is to imagine what you will create. For a visual representation of the image of the picture, we recommend initially contemplating the leaves (without using glue) based on. If it turns out beautifully, then proceed to sizing. You should not apply glue to the whole sheet entirely, otherwise, after drying, the work will become uneven. After all the dried leaves are glued, the application is put under the press, for example, in an old fat book for two or three days.

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How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

All children love to draw. And to prepare something to the finished picture and is suppressed. By creating an applique, you can safely use this technique. To begin with, you, together with the child, make an applique, on the topic, for example, the "aquarium", and then the child draws eyes and mouth to fish. Thus, it is possible to make not only fish, but also any other elements, painting them merry faceties, etc. As soon as you parse on creating simple paintings, you can begin to implement more complex compositions.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

Very often, the so-called Mosaic or Modular technique is used to create a beautiful applique. To do this, it is necessary to prepare similar to the form of a piece of different colors. In this way, you often create scaly for fish or the tail of the rooster.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

Remember that the brighter the leaves you will have than more and more interesting the picture will work. And we are to such a result and strive.

You can also make this technology to make a butterfly, but to create symmetry you need to carefully approach the selection of material.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

Variety of ways

There is a very interesting technology for the manufacture of appliqué. To do this, it is necessary to overheat the dried autumn leaves in a small crumb. Instead of crumbs from leaves, you can use tea. Dry leaves of various colors and trees are excellent material for the manufacture of appliqués. The following technology applies:

  1. The leaves are well dried;
  2. On a sheet of paper with a pencil draw sketch;
  3. Smear it with a thin layer of PVA glue;
  4. Then we sprinkle with a crumb of dry autumn leaves.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

If we are talking about creating an outline for appliqués, you can use the following method. On a sheet of paper, do not regret the paint, for example, in the form of a tree trunk and several branches. Then we take the tube of a small diameter and blow the resulting image. As a result, our tree grows, new branches are obtained. Such a negligence technology looks very impressive on a sheet of paper.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

Beautifully made applique can bring not only aesthetic, but also practical benefits - you can make a beautiful napkin for the kitchen table. To do this, we will need thermo or stretch film. We place our most beautiful autumn leaves between the two layers of the film (sticky side inside). And voila, beautiful autumn napkin is ready! In this case, the maple leaves can be decomposed chaotic, and you can lay out an interesting ornament of them.

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How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

You can work with already existing technicians, and you can invent your own with the child. After all, the main thing is to approach work with accuracy and imagination, to school you need to go all the way.

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

How to make an applique from leaves with your own hands to school with video

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