Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color


Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the basic color range of the interior. But it is from her that the atmosphere in the house, comfort and the style of each room depends on it. Peach color in the interior is a good solution. The first began to use it when making their homes in the Far East. According to the science of Fen-Shuya, peach shades are capable of not only to take care of the home focus and harmonize the situation in housing, but also calm evil spirits. Yes, and modern designers tend to the fact that peach color is a symbol of something homemade, warm and cozy. In addition, many people are associated with elegant luxury.

Color features

Peach color in the interior has its own characteristics, unknown to other shades:
  1. A person who is in the "peach" room calms down, it felt in a reliable, protected place.
  2. Even the most even and smooth surfaces made in this color seem to be velvety. And the velvety in the soul of many.
  3. Any peach interior looks very warm.
  4. About the tenderness of this color and not to speak. For romantics - this is the best choice!
  5. Peach color in the interior Designers are often called naive. Someone considers it a disadvantage, but someone, on the contrary, the advantage.

Styles and interiors

Due to the wide range of shades, this color can be applied in almost any room. Let's look at the most common design options for which peach color is relevant in the interior:

  1. If you decide to give your own ethnic notch, then you can not do without peach. At the same time, ethnic design can be both in the bedroom and in the living room, hallway, in the kitchen. Houses in Moroccan style often combine saturated peach with white and dark brown. Such interiors certainly include elements of wrought metal and gold decor items. Mexican style implies the use of our main shade in a combination with bright colors - blue, purple, green. Actually, the peach will be relevant in any ethnic design, except, except for the interior in the style of the dwelling of the northern peoples.

    Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color

  2. It is believed that pink is the most female shade. In fact, such a color in the interior will literally "shout" about the infantality and frivolity of the inhabitant of the room. Much successful in the women's room will look peach. After all, he is no less cute, gentle and feminine than pink. At the same time, this option is suitable for the design of the room, both a little girl and an adult girl.

    Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color

  3. Peach color in the kitchen interior and dining room is delicious! No wonder the peaches everyone likes: their smell, taste and even color can cause appetite. That is why the shade of this wonderful fruit fit into the kitchen and in the dining room. In addition, in these premises, the main color will look excellent in combination with other warm fruit and berry shades.

    Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color

  4. If you decide to make up your living room or bedroom in the style of minimalism, it is very important to avoid feelings of coldness, lifelessness and devastation. It is the color of the peach will help to successfully solve this problem. He will make even the most modest design of cheerful and cheerful.

    Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color

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Successful combinations

If you decide to give preference to a peach shade, of course, the question will be an exclusion: what color is it successfully combined with it? In fact, this shade is well "friendly" with many others, so finding him a couple for you will not be difficult.

It is best combined with all the shades of peach white. White tones in the room well structured it, saving from the effect of blur. In the same time. White does not replete design, but on the contrary, makes it light and air. An ideal combination is a saturated peach floor, white tower curtains, white ceiling, white floor lamp and paintings in white frames.

Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color

In addition, the peach is perfectly harmonized with light yellow and light green. All these three tones work in any combinations. For example, the walls of the room can be painted in light yellow, and the two other shades use for furniture and decor elements. However, pay attention, peach color "will play" only in a combination with light tones of yellow and green, if you take these shades in bright variations, the overall picture will be retained.

If you decide to paint into a peach wall, then for furniture can choose some shades of warm brown: milk chocolate, oak, chestnut, nut, caramel, sepia. As you can see, almost any option brown from dark to the brightest is combined with peach. Such a combination will give houses a special atmosphere of heat and comfort.

Peach color in the interior, combination of peach color

If you want to combine peach with pink, then why not? These two shades are perfectly "will enjoy", if you adhere to the main rule: the saturation of the pink should not exceed the saturation of the peach. At the same time, the overall picture of the room in which these two colors are collected, should be a clear and contrast, it is important to avoid blurry. Peach and pink must emphasize, supplement, shade each other, and not to create in the room "Sweet" pink-peach messenger. To achieve this, you need to alternate the items of each of the colors. Do not think that the peach-pink interior is suitable only for children. The bedroom adults will look in it no less harmonious.

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Beige is a more sophisticated shade for a combination with a peach. However, if you love this tone very much, you can find the output. For example, beige furniture on the background of walls painted into peach will look fad and boring, as there is no contrast feeling. But on the contrary, peach color furniture on the background of beige walls is a good solution. However, for this it is worth taking the most saturated peach shade and a completely delicate and bright version of beige.

Another complicated combination is peach with red and orange (as well as their variations: coral, brick, red, terracotta, dancing). It cannot be said that this is the most unsuccessful decision, but such an interior will look heavy and cumbersome, however, it is necessary to achieve this particular effect to give a pompous species.

Delicate peach color in a combination with a no less gentle shade of blue will look at least sad. With a saturated blue peach, it will look better, but it is still necessary to use it carefully, only in cases where you pursue a certain idea, for example, create a Mexican-style room, which was mentioned above. If you still really want to use a blue in a peach interior, divide these flowers with the help of white. Example: A blue picture on a peach wall looks boring, but if you wear a picture into a white frame, a general view of the room will play with new paints.

Peach color and lighting

The most important complexity of the peach is that it is very dependent on the lighting of the room. Warm, roughly speaking, yellow light will make your gently peach sofa with a bright or even orange. Cold light, on the contrary, will shrink the saturation of the peach. That is why the shades should always be chosen, given the lighting.

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In any case, if you bought the peach color paint jar, stolen the walls and realized that they turned out pink and it does not justify your expectations at all, do not be discouraged. Try to experiment with different light bulbs. Most likely, in a certain light, the color of your wall will play as you like.

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