Applique "Hedgehog" from maple leaves for grade 1 with photos and video


How beautiful autumn, every time this time of year is presented in a completely new color. Despite the fact that all nature reduces its activity and is preparing to sleep, everywhere we can observe bright and juicy paints and endless beauty. This amazing time you can create real masterpieces using a variety of natural material, implementing your most fabulous fantasies. Especially interesting to engage in applied creativity with children. In this material you will learn how to make the cute applique of "Hedgehog" from the maple leaves.

Application is a special technique of decorative and applied art, which came to us from distant times when nomadic peoples decorated their life in this way. If we talk simple words, the application is cutting out of any elements of paper, fabrics and other materials and sticking them to the background prepared in advance.


What do your child appliqué? Of course, in the first place, this is the development of imagination and the ability to implement their ideas. This type of creativity does not require large financial costs, because all the necessary materials can be found during a walk in the forest. After all, it is so nice to make such flaws, especially when the sun is gently warming us with its autumn warmth. Autumn sometimes maple leaves are painted in very bright and fresh tones, and they undoubtedly attract the attention of passersby to their bizarre form.


Application using maple leaves is for children one of the most beloved. Thanks to its bizarre form and bright colors, beautiful and unusual crafts are obtained from maple leaves. It is very fun to appliqué in the form of a hedgehog. We have prepared for you a selection of interesting paintings made using the appliqué technique from autumn leaves. All actions are described in very detailed and accompanied by photos.

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Where to begin

Despite the method of appliqués you choose, there is a certain procedure that should be followed. To begin with, natural material must be collected. You need to choose whole, not damaged leaves of a wide variety of colors. Then leaves should be dried. There are two main leaf rusting technologies:

  1. Put each sheet separately between the pages of the old book;
  2. Thoroughly try each sheet laid between two sheets of paper with a warm iron.


Select the way you like more. Next, we will prepare your workplace: a stinging table with a glue, take sheets of paper or cardboard, PVA glue and scissors and markers.

It is important to remember that the teaching of the child contain a workplace in order is an important element of the upbringing of a small person.




In the event that the application you create together with a small child, the leaves are better to use fresh, and then dry the finished composition of the whole. In other cases, after preparation (billets and drying), natural material can be coming to the most interesting - to creating the image of your future appliqué. After selecting the main idea of ​​the picture, you should prepare the necessary leaflets and arrange them on a sheet in accordance with your creative idea. To begin with, it is necessary to stick to our background the basis of the future figure - for the hedgehog there will be its body. Other leaves will be attached to it. Do not apply glue to the whole sheet entirely Otherwise, after drying, the craft will become uneven. After all the dried leaves are glued, the application is put under the press, for example, in an old fat book for two or three days.


Getting to the lesson

How to make hedgehogs from dry maple leaves kids 1 class? Below we describe the method of manufacturing such an applique. In addition, we need one birch leaf for the foundation. From a small leaf of birch, we make a torso for our hedgehog, and in the form of a barrier we will perform a maple leaf. After sizing with markers, we draw the hedgehog cute little face and stocks in the form of apples.

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In the photo below you can see which hedgehog will work:


You can make an application using a sketch with a pencil, which will replace the hedgehog torso. Then the forest resident will look like this:

If you met a maple with multicolored leaves in the forest or in the park, you can make such a bright hedgehog. On a sheet of color cardboard (we took a blue cardboard) Draw the contours of the future hedgehog. On the torso, we stick a multicolored sheets of maple, and we supply the muzzle and legs along the contour with a dark marker.



You can make an application in which both the torso and the muzzle will be made of maple leaves. But for contrast, select the leaves of different shades. The head of the hedgehog can be made of cardboard, and eyes, nose and mouth draw a felt-tip pen.


Video on the topic

The most important thing for the development of a child is a joint creativity. And the colorful sheets and amazing paintings made of them will help to visually demonstrate, the exposure of children's fantasy is so wide.

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