Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products


Back in the ancient century, people tried to make decorations first from the wire, later from gold. BC The era of the tools and machines were invented, which helped twisted metal strips, pull out and make them thinner (drawing), and even methods for the manufacture of a certain form of cross section of this wire or metal rod were created. According to the ancient Greek gaze, gold has a magical force and can drive evil forces, so it is increasingly and more often used, including in jewelry art. Different types of weaving chains made of gold were invented, and not only chains, the skill of craftsmen reached a very high level. Below are the types of weaving gold chains, with illustrating photos, to be clearer and helped in the following when choosing a weaving.

And in the modern world, gold chains do not lose their popularity. They wear them not only women, but also men. They also do not forget about children, and they also give memorable gifts, and therefore they choose chains with a more durable weaving, because there is a chance that the child can, for example, during the game, break and, without noticing this, lose expensive thing.

Variety of ways

one) Anchor weaving. At first glance, it can be said that the chain is similar to an anchor chain, i.e. Perpendicular location of links relative to each other. A simple chain has round rings, and the complicated option is exactly similar to the sea chain, because The ring becomes oval and in the center there is a jumper. It was also invented more original weaving - twisted . The links of the chain are a little twisted, and together as if twist.

An anchor type of weaving is suitable for everyone: both men and women, only weak floor representatives choose a thinner and smaller ring of rings in such a chain.

Such a type of weaving is durable and durable, the chain with anchor weaving is easy to care, because In the links are not clogged dirt.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

The chain with anchor weave is made not only one-row, but also two, three and even four row, such products look more brutal.

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Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

2) another species of anchor weaving is Pancire . It is derived in a different appearance, because The links are flavored and are in the same plane, which is additionally polished, for this reason, such a weaving is practical in the sock, the links do not cling to clothes. Chains with shell weaving are suitable for both women, and for men (in the male execution links are coarser and massive).

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

3) Weaving "Figaro" It is a modification of shelling. The chain links are the same as in the shell in each other in the same plane, the difference is that one of the links is more elongated, i.e. Maybe weaving consist of a group of links in this order: 2, 3 or 4 round items, then one extended, and again, so to speak, the rapeport is repeated, and so the entire drawing of the chain.

This weaving is also considered to be durable and easy in purification from dirt, but sometimes inconvenience may occur due to twisting. It is believed that such a weaving is more suitable for men.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

four) Rhombus (Rhoss) has basic rhombus units, weaving can be in one rhombus, two or more. It is a variety of all the same shelling. Weaving looks minimalist, so suitable for men.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

5) Weaving "Bismarck" (Other names "Kaiser", "Cardinal") invented Many centuries ago, but now enjoys in great demand, because The beauty of weaving appreciated the female half of humanity, and the solidity is male. And also this type of weaving is almost zero, the probability of rupture of the links, weaving is reliable and suitable for active adults and children. At the same time, beauty requires victims, an attractive type of weaving, i.e. The dense arrangement of the links to each other leads to labor intensiveness in the cleaning of the product.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

6) Weaving Snake (Translated from the English "Snake") called the "lace", because the links are ground to the perfect state and come close to each other, the drawing of the chain looks like a scaly skin of the snake. Specialists do not recommend bending such chains, because the links can easily bend and even break. In the section, the chain can not only be round, but also flat, which is very convenient because nothing clings to clothes.

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Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

This type of weaving creates chains are thinner for women and thoroughly with large links for men.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

7) The master's jewelry affairs also came up with gossip from three and even four thin flat spruce snakes (the name of such a weaving "French pigtail" is also found, there are one-time chains or chains different in color, so a very attractive appearance is created. Larger chains with such weaving are preferable for men, and multicolored pigtails are suitable for the female floor.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

8) Weaving "Ear" It requires a large number of material, because the curved links are intertwined with each other very close, there is practically no empty space between the links. The chains with such a type of weaving prefer the representatives of the strong half of humanity, because They do not look with air and openwork, and more have a monolithic woven appearance.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

9) in weaving "Love" (Translated from the English "LOVE" means love) Links are similar to small hearts, because The ends of the links are twisted into curls on the one hand. Of course, such chains are more buying young female parties, since the type of product is lightweight and more lace.

A chain with weaving "Love" is easy to clean, but it is necessary to ensure that the links are not twisted during wearing or storage and did not get off.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

10) In the cord (rope) weaving, the connection of the links occurs several pieces, the drawing is more complex, has a stepwise or walled structure, moving to the harness. While the movement of the link is constantly sparkling. Although a chain with such a weaving is harder to brush from pollution, still the popularity of weaving is large. Depending on the thickness of the product, it is possible to divide on men's (more massive) and women's chains (the thinnest).

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

11) Variety of Cord Weaving is weaving "Rose flower" . The principle of weaving is the same, only there are minor changes. Women's chains with weaving "Rose" are quite a lot in jewelry stores. Such weaving has a high degree of strength.

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Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

12) in weaving "Bird's eye" The links have a complicated form, the center of which resembles the shape of the bird's eye. Suitable for both men and women. Weaving is strong enough.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

13) chain links in which weaving type applied "Snail" ("Clip"), have curls in the central part, which makes them similar to the stationery clips or on the snail house. This sufficiently durable weaving is attached to the man and women.

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Types of weaving gold chains: photos and video of women's and men's products

Around the world, you can see quite a lot of various types of weaving gold chains, but almost all of them will be subspecies or modifications of the main types of weaving, some copies will not refer to some kind of form, because they can be made according to an individual unit order.

In any jewelry salon there are several dozen all kinds of chains: male, female, different lengths and diverse forms. It is important when choosing to pay attention not only to the appearance of the product, but also for its strength, the degree of which depends on the type of weaving.

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