[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy


Succulents are distinguished by unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature drops, and undercurrent soil. Patient plants are recommended for lazy and forgetful people, as well as those who leave for a long time.

[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

Increased resistance to droughts is associated with a climate feature, where it comes from this plant - steppes and deserts of South America. Succulents adapted to economically spend the supply of water.

Interestingly: Single plants, carefully selected compositions combine more than 800 species of plant species relating to succulents.


Long light day and bright sun favorably affects the growth and development of the greenery and the root system. In apartments, succulents are placed on the windowsill, preferably overlooking the south . In winter and in case of insufficient lighting, additional backlit is required.

[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

Temperature mode

The natural habitat has made succulents resistant to temperature drops. Horny heat day and down to zero at night - the usual business in the deserts. Therefore, summer increase in temperature is not terrible with green pets, but even useful, but it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Optimal temperature selection in the range of 25 - 30 C. A decrease of 10 to 15 points will plunge a plant in a hibernation that can occur at a temperature of + 6C. Further lowering the thermometer column, even short-term, leads to the death of succulents.

[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy


Summer on hot days, succulents watered no more than 1 time in 1 - 2 weeks, with a decrease in solar activity - once a month . During the hibernation of plants, it is possible at all without water a couple - the top three months. At the same time, additional moistening of the room or spraying water on the leaves is not required.

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[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

IMPORTANT: For rare irrigation, we use alternating or boiled water.

The heating season that inevitably increases dryness in the apartment, the succulents are perfectly transferred.


The urgent fertilization recommendations do not exist - the plant is so unpretentious that it grows without macephalects healthy and beautiful. But experienced flowers feed the succulents in spring aqueous solution of potassium and phosphorus. Watering the weak concentration of fertilizers is carried out once.

[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

Important: Nitrogen-containing fertilizers will lead to the death of the root system, so they are strictly prohibited.


Transplantation Succulents is required if the roots protrude above the soil surface or if new decorative compositions create. I recommend to transplant the plant a week after purchased in the store. During the rest and flowering, the roots are not disturbing, postpone work until spring.

[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

Important: Natural materials are preferably preferred as a potted material - clay or stone transmittance.

At the bottom necessarily placed a layer of drainage, top ground. For the preparation of soil mixture, humid, gardening ground and large river sand are used in proportion 1: 1: 2. You must add a small amount of charcoal. To protect the plant from pests, the mixture is calcined in the oven, then add pebbles. An alternative is the finished primer for succulents.

[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

Roots sprinkle land and decorated with drainage, pebbles or clay.


  • Processes - the easiest and fastest way to get a new plant. The processes appear only on adult succulents on the sides. They are neatly pinching, dried a couple of days and planted in the prepared and well-moistened soil. Watering first produce often.
  • Succulents are multiplied with leaves that do not finish children . The leaves that fall on their own, sit down immediately, cut - require dross 2 -3 days.
[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

Important: The root system appears within two weeks, during which the soil must be moisturized, then watering reduces.


Unpretentiousness to watering and temperature regime, unfortunately, does not save from diseases. The reason lies in the wrong leaving.

  • Excessive irrigation causes root rotting, the appearance of brown spots or dying leaves. Save the plant can transplant with removing damaged and dead parts of the root system and leaves. At the same time, the treatment of fungicidal solution is necessary.
  • On the leaves, a fungus appears in the form of a white, green or reddish floor. Aspergillosis or penigillosis will help cure a solution of manganese or food soda, but the damaged areas will not be restored.
  • Insufficient lighting leads to excessive lengthening of leaves, loss of decorativeness. To prevent this, use the backlight.

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[Plants in the house] Succulents: Live plants for lazy

How to care for succulents! Frequent mistakes of beginners! (1 video)

Succulents in the interior (9 photos)

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