Easter basket of newspaper tubes


Greetings of needlewomen and masters on the website of the needlework paradise. Today, I want to suggest a basket from newspaper tubes to the approaching holiday of Light Easter. This version of weaving baskets is quite simple and easy to perform, beginners and beginners in this form of creativity. Weaving basket does not take you a lot of time. Woven basket can be used for dry food - buns and cookies, for sweets or to create decorative Easter compositions, as in this option. I invite you to view the master class in photos.

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Newspaper web basket requires the following materials:

  • tubes from newspapers or magazines,
  • cardboard,
  • scissors,
  • paper glue
  • clothespins,
  • paint, simulation or color varnish,
  • Scotch or sticky tape
  • Decoupage card, napkin, printout or stanny from a color magazine,
  • Varnish for wood.

How to weave a basket made of paper vine. Getting to work. Take the tube (in this variant, the tubes are painted immediately, before the start of weaving, the veil) and cardboard. From the cardboard, we need to cut two parts of the oval shape for the pancake and a rectangle for the side. With the size of cardboard blanks for the bottom of the baskets, default, depending on what size of the braid you need.

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Insert the tubes between the two cards. We establish a side of the cardboard, fixing the scotchball - it is necessary for us as a form for soiling.

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Tubes raise up and fixing clothespins. We begin to weave, increasing the newspaper tubes in the process of weaving.

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

We ride a basket on the height you need.

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

We glue a printout on the printer, a decapiguise card, a napkin or a picture of a glossy magazine.

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Prayes a basket (if the tubes were not painted by the verse) and coated with two layers of a lacquer for a tree.

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

You can weigh a basket for Easter compositions with any other pattern that I will tell you in the following publications. Watch for updates on the site)

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Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

Easter basket of newspaper tubes

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