Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo


The interior says about the originality and taste of a person, so everyone wants to make it individual. Very often, choosing a new element for decorating the interior, we are faced with a certain problem. It seems an excellent thing, but something is missing, it seems that you need to add something else. This problem is easily solved. Make a panel of plaster on the wall with your own hands. Believe your fantasy and hands can work wonders.

Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo

The advantages of plaster

Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo

Making a panel of plaster is quite difficult to do. But the advantages overshadow all the difficulties.

Gypsum is hypoallergenic, durable, environmentally friendly and natural. If you wish to perform a bulk composition, then you should definitely choose your choice on plaster. As a material gypsum has its advantages:

  • refractory;
  • Beautiful heat conductor;
  • good noise insulator;
  • It has a strong and reliable structure.

Tips and recommendations

Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo

Before proceeding to the manufacture of panels, you should choose a place that will continue to take your product. Many due to the gypsum composition hide the wall defects. The next step is important to understand what style you will create. The main thing is that the selected style perfectly harmonized with the common room interior.

Now you can start creating a sketch and selection of materials and tools. Select the product using a frame or baguette.

The easiest option of manufacture of panel is the creation of a product using a form. A small panel can be made pretty quickly, with the attachment of the minimum of effort. For this you need plaster and form. Divide the gypsum to the condition of thick sour cream and fill in the form. After the mixture freezes, get the product. Optionally, you can apply paint, but on top of secure PVA glue. All, your gypsum composition is ready. The photo shows that even a small panel looks very original and beautiful.

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Unusual flower

Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo

A flower panel in the form of a flower will look great in your home or apartment. To create a flower arrangement, we offer you a master class in which the design of the creation process is detailed:

  1. First of all, you need to make the surface of the wall perfectly smooth, then scolding it.
  2. With the help of a pencil, apply a future drawing on the wall, while not pressing a strong pencil.
  3. Apply the gypsum mixture, gently highlighting the flower relief.
  4. Wait for a complete drying of the wall, then with the help of large sandpaper, skill all irregularities.
  5. Next, you should apply the last layer of putty, distributing around the entire perimeter of the flower. Better layer lay fine.
  6. Take the shallow sandpaper and skill the flower after it dries.
  7. Now, the paint of your chosen color apply to the composition in two layers. Beautifully looks snow-white acrylic paint.
  8. The convex edges will look good if they are highlighted with gold paint. Use a thin brush so as not to spoil the drawing.
  9. When the panel is completely driving, you can fix it with a glossy varnish on a stone.

Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo

Vintage decorations

Those who wish to make an elegant panel should pay attention to the vintage style.

Give the composition of the Spirit of the antique is not so simple, but quite real. It is only worth the patience and some materials.

Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo

Master class on the manufacture of a vintage panel on the wall:

  1. We take a tassel and gently apply a bitumen wax to the surface of the composition. The result is the effect, similar to a stone.
  2. Film formed after applying wax should be removed with a napkin.
  3. Panly surface sprinkled with talc. Filter with wax.
  4. Deepends in the relief tuning paint. It is better to choose dark tones. Silver paint is perfect.
  5. To create a marble effect, use the sponge.

Create an original cup

Decorate the kitchen will help panel in the form of a cup. Hang the finished product on the wall, and it will delight your eyes for a long time until you cook or dine with households.

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For the manufacture of mugs on the wall, you will need:

  • gypsum;
  • Two capacities of a cup and a larger vessel;
  • sand;
  • Soap solution.

Panel from plaster on the wall with their own hands: master class with photo

Stages of manufacturing a cup of plaster:

  1. Cover the cup with soap solution to avoid the adhesion of the mixture;
  2. Put a cup horizontally in a more vascular. With the help of sand, fill out free space between them up to half.
  3. Top pour the solution from the gypsum.
  4. After complete drying, you gently get the shape and remove the cup.
  5. The resulting cast of half cups are well dry and smeared with soap solution.
  6. Rightly fill the product with plaster again.
  7. Rush a cup.
  8. Using a frame from a baguette, lock the cup and hang the finished product on the wall with liquid nails.

Video on the topic

The proposed video selection will help learn more about the creation of a panel of plaster.

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