How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door


The choice for the wooden door of the castle is a false type is the right decision. Such locks are quite simple and that for the wooden door is especially important, the integrity of the door canvase does not damage. It is only important to determine the design and sizes of the overhead lock.

How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door

Cutton Country

Select type and device of the overhead lock

In most cases, overhead locks are installed without replacing the door. Since it is in itself enough hacking resistant, then a mortise castle for criminals is easier prey, since it is closer to the outer surface of the door. It is believed that the mortise lock is more reliable, but when it is installed, a significant weakening of the working section of the door canvase occurs. In view of this, the main task becomes the right choice of the design of the castle of the overhead type.

How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door

The design of such a lock provides for the opportunity to use it on both sides of the entrance door. Outside it does the key, and from the inside - a special swivel latch, as in the photo. In some cases, the safety latch and a wedge valve are also purchased in addition to the invoice castle. Installing them is extremely simple and does not take much time.

Constructive varieties of device of overhead locks

Overhead options are selected according to the following criteria:

  • according to the degree of secrecy;
  • in terms of burglary resistance;
  • on the reliability of the trigger.

How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door

The invoice lock includes a housing in which the locking mechanism is mounted, the lever-type drive mechanism, the front locking panel and the slot under the locking riglels. Some locks are supplied with internal latch.

Regarding the locking mechanism, options can be: suvalid or cylindrical. For overhead locks, the option with Suwalds is better: in case of loss, the key will need to be replaced only by the key larva, while the suvalde locks are subject to complete replacement.

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How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door

When purchasing a lock, the installed door should be remembered, in which direction it opens, and accordingly acquire a lock with the right (P) or left (L) opening.

When choosing an overhead lock, you should pay a few minutes and the correct selection of the latch. By your device, it can be spring or rigidly fixable. In the first case, the activation of the coverage lock occurs either due to the rotation of the key (from the outside of the wooden door), or by turning the handle (on the inside of the door). Returning the latch to its original position can be automatic or using a shut-off button.

In order not to find yourself in an uncomfortable position, it is better to purchase a second option. There are, of course, and more expensive execution of overhead locks, in which the return of the latch to its original position is made of the operating voltage to the locking mechanism. But for the wooden entrance door, this is already deprived.

How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door

How to install

First of all, you should decide on the castle setting. If the lock is simply replaced with a newer, then this stage is understandable, lowered. And only when the "old" surface has a non-working condition - damaged fragments of the door leaf, chip, etc. - You have to close this place with a decorative plank and change the installation height. The allowable range is 1-1.5 m from the floor level.

How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door

Installation is made from the inside of the wooden door. The housing is attached to the doorway with the help of screws included in the package of an overhead lock. The corresponding mounting holes are provided in the housing. Since the locking rigels do not move in the cavity of the door web, and enter directly into the locking box, then before final installation it is worth checking the correctness and reliability of the riglel stroke. To do this, place a hole in the door cloth housing under the appropriate socket.

In connection with the unification of the structures of most of the overhead locks, the opening must match. Perhaps it will only have to expand the cavity somewhat and the chisels (if new rigls are thicker and massive former).

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How to install an overhead lock on a wooden door

After checking the reliability of the locking mechanism, the invoice lock is finally fixed using:

  • Decorative cover under the keyword - from the outside of the door,
  • Bolshoe bar - for the door box.

In order to facilitate such installation, the ends of the riglel can be gratened with chalk as on video. The resulting impression will give a clear idea of ​​the required mutual arrangement of two parts of the overhead lock.

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